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Couchbaseクライアントライブラリ: Java 1.0
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Couchbaseクライアントライブラリ: Java 1.0
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第6章 取得操作


6.1. 同期 get メソッド
6.2. 非同期 get メソッド
6.3. Get-and-Touch 操作
6.4. CAS get メソッド
6.5. 一括 get メソッド


表6.1 Javaクライアントライブラリの取得メソッド

client.asyncGetAndTouch(key, expiry) Asynchronously get a value and update the expiration time for a given key
client.asyncGetAndTouch(key, expiry, transcoder) Asynchronously get a value and update the expiration time for a given key using a custom transcoder
client.asyncGet(key) Asynchronously get a single key
client.asyncGetBulk(keycollection) Asynchronously get multiple keys
client.asyncGetBulk(keyn) Asynchronously get multiple keys
client.asyncGetBulk(transcoder, keyn) Asynchronously get multiple keys using a custom transcoder
client.asyncGetBulk(keycollection, transcoder) Asynchronously get multiple keys using a custom transcoder
client.asyncGet(key, transcoder) Asynchronously get a single key using a custom transcoder
client.asyncGetLock(key [, getl-expiry ]) Asynchronously get a lock.
client.asyncGetLock(key [, getl-expiry ], transcoder) Asynchronously get a lock with transcoder.
client.asyncGets(key) Asynchronously get single key value with CAS value
client.asyncGets(key, transcoder) Asynchronously get single key value with CAS value using custom transcoder
client.getAndTouch(key, expiry) Get a value and update the expiration time for a given key
client.getAndTouch(key, expiry, transcoder) Get a value and update the expiration time for a given key using a custom transcoder
client.get(key) Get a single key
client.getAndLock(key [, getl-expiry ]) Get and lock Asynchronously
client.getAndLock(key [, getl-expiry ], transcoder) Get and lock
client.getBulk(keycollection) Get multiple keys
client.getBulk(keyn) Get multiple keys
client.getBulk(transcoder, keyn) Get multiple keys using a custom transcoder
client.getBulk(keycollection, transcoder) Get multiple keys using a custom transcoder
client.get(key, transcoder) Get a single key using a custom transcoder
client.gets(key) Get single key value with CAS value
client.gets(key, transcoder) Get single key value with CAS value using custom transcoder
client.unlock(key, casunique) Unlock