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Couchbaseクライアントライブラリ: Java 1.0
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Couchbaseクライアントライブラリ: Java 1.0
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第7章 更新操作


7.1. Append メソッド
7.2. Prepend メソッド
7.3. Check-and-Set メソッド
7.4. 削除操作
7.5. デクリメント操作
7.6. インクリメント操作
7.7. 置換操作
7.8. Touch 操作


表7.1 Javaクライアントライブラリの更新メソッド

client.append(casunique, key, value) Append a value to an existing key
client.append(casunique, key, value, transcoder) Append a value to an existing key
client.asyncCAS(key, casunique, value) Asynchronously compare and set a value
client.asyncCAS(key, casunique, expiry, value, transcoder) Asynchronously compare and set a value with custom transcoder and expiry
client.asyncCAS(key, casunique, value, transcoder) Asynchronously compare and set a value with custom transcoder
client.asyncDecr(key, offset) Asynchronously decrement the value of an existing key
client.asyncIncr(key, offset) Asynchronously increment the value of an existing key
client.cas(key, casunique, value) Compare and set
client.cas(key, casunique, expiry, value, transcoder) Compare and set with a custom transcoder and expiry
client.cas(key, casunique, value, transcoder) Compare and set with a custom transcoder
client.decr(key, offset) Decrement the value of an existing numeric key
client.decr(key, offset, default) Decrement the value of a key, setting the initial value if the key didn't already exist
client.decr(key, offset, default, expiry) Decrement the value of a key, setting the initial value if the key didn't already exist, with an expiry
client.delete(key) Delete the specified key
client.incr(key, offset) Increment the value of an existing numeric key
client.incr(key, offset, default) Increment the value of an existing numeric key
client.incr(key, offset, default, expiry) Increment the value of an existing numeric key
client.prepend(casunique, key, value) Prepend a value to an existing key using the default transcoder
client.prepend(casunique, key, value, transcoder) Prepend a value to an existing key using a custom transcoder
client.touch(key, expiry) Update the expiry time of an item