All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractCBLTrustManager |
The trust manager that supports the followings:
AbstractCBLWebSocket |
First of all, you need to know about ProtocolTypes.
AbstractExecutionService |
Base ExecutionService that provides the default implementation of serial and concurrent
AbstractIndex |
AbstractIndex.IndexType |
AbstractIndex.QueryLanguage |
AbstractReplicator |
A replicator for replicating document changes between a local database and a target database.
AbstractReplicatorConfiguration |
Replicator configuration.
AbstractReplicatorConfiguration.ReplicatorType |
AbstractSocketFactory |
Base class for socket factories.
AndroidConnectivityManager |
AndroidConnectivityObserver |
AndroidExecutionService |
ExecutionService for Android.
Array |
Array provides readonly access to array data.
ArrayExpression |
Array expression
ArrayExpressionIn |
The In class represents the IN clause object in a quantified operator (ANY/ANY AND EVERY/EVERY
<variable name> IN <expr> SATISFIES <expr>).
ArrayExpressionSatisfies |
The Satisfies class represents the SATISFIES clause object in a quantified operator
(ANY/ANY AND EVERY/EVERY <variable name> IN <expr> SATISFIES <expr>).
ArrayFunction |
Function provides array functions.
Authenticator |
Authenticator is an opaque authenticator interface and not intended for application to
implement a custom authenticator by subclassing Authenticator interface.
BaseDatabase |
BaseImmutableDatabaseConfiguration |
A bit odd.
BaseImmutableReplicatorConfiguration |
A bit odd.
BaseReplicator |
BaseTLSIdentity |
BasicAuthenticator |
The BasicAuthenticator class is an authenticator that will authenticate using HTTP Basic
auth with the given username and password.
Blob |
A Couchbase Lite Blob.
C4 |
C4Base |
C4BlobKey |
Blob Key
C4BlobReadStream |
An open stream for reading data from a blob.
C4BlobStore |
Blob Store API
C4BlobWriteStream |
An open stream for writing data to a blob.
C4Constants |
C4Constants.DatabaseFlags |
C4Constants.DocumentFlags |
C4Constants.EncryptionAlgorithm |
C4Constants.EncryptionKeySize |
C4Constants.EnumeratorFlags |
C4Constants.ErrorDomain |
C4Constants.HttpError |
C4Constants.IndexType |
C4Constants.LiteCoreError |
C4Constants.LogDomain |
C4Constants.LogLevel |
C4Constants.NetworkError |
C4Constants.RevisionFlags |
C4Constants.WebSocketError |
C4Database |
C4DatabaseChange |
C4DatabaseObserver |
C4DatabaseObserverListener |
C4DocEnumerator |
Unfortunately, the build system depends on having all the classes with native methods
in the main source tree.
C4Document |
C4DocumentEnded |
This class and its members are referenced by name, from native code.
C4DocumentObserver |
C4DocumentObserverListener |
C4Error |
C4FullTextMatch |
C4Key |
C4KeyPair |
C4KeyPair.NativeImpl |
C4Listener |
C4Listener.NativeImpl |
Native Implementation
C4Log |
C4Log.RawLog |
C4NativePeer |
Objects with native peers subclass this type.
C4Prediction |
C4PredictiveModel |
This is a simplified version of the C4PredictiveModel:
C4Query |
C4QueryEnumerator |
A query result enumerator
Created by c4db_query.
C4QueryOptions |
C4RawDocument |
Unfortunately, the build system depends on having all the classes with native methods
in the main source tree.
C4ReplicationFilter |
C4Replicator |
There are two things that need protection in the class:
Messages sent to it from native code: This object proxies those messages out to
various listeners.
C4ReplicatorListener |
C4ReplicatorMode |
C4ReplicatorStatus |
This class and its members are referenced by name, from native code.
C4ReplicatorStatus.ActivityLevel |
C4Socket |
The process for closing one of these is complicated.
CBLCookieStore |
Interface for CookieStore
CBLError |
CBLError.Code |
CBLError.Domain |
CBLExecutor |
CBLInternalException |
Exceptions within the binding code.
CBLKeyManager |
X509KeyManager for client certificate authentication
with the given client TLSIdentity.
CBLTrustManager |
CBLVersion |
CBLWebSocket |
ChangeListener<T> |
ClassUtils |
ClientCertificateAuthenticator |
ClientTask<T> |
Synchronous safe execution of a client task.
Collation |
Collation defines how strings are compared and is used when creating a COLLATE expression.
Collation.ASCII |
ASCII collation compares two strings by using binary comparison.
Collation.Unicode |
Unicode Collation that will compare two strings
by using Unicode collation algorithm.
ConcurrencyControl |
ConcurrencyControl type used when saving or deleting a document.
Conflict |
ConflictHandler |
ConflictResolver |
Custom conflict resolution strategies implement this interface.
ConnectionStatus |
Connection Status
ConsoleLogger |
A class that sends log messages to Android's system log, available via 'logcat'.
CouchbaseLite |
CouchbaseLiteException |
A CouchbaseLiteException gets raised whenever a Couchbase Lite faces errors.
CouchbaseLiteInternal |
Among the other things that this class attempts to abstract away, is access to the file system.
Database |
A Couchbase Lite database.
DatabaseChange |
Provides details about a Database change.
DatabaseChangeListener |
The listener interface for receiving Database change events.
DatabaseConfiguration |
Configuration for opening a database.
DatabaseEndpoint |
DataSource |
A query data source, used for specifying the source of data for a query.
DataSource.As |
Database as a data source for query.
DbContext |
Dictionary |
Dictionary provides readonly access to dictionary data.
DictionaryInterface |
Note: DictionaryInterface is an internal interface.
Document |
Readonly version of the Document.
DocumentChange |
Provides details about a Document change.
DocumentChangeListener |
The listener interface for receiving Document change events.
DocumentFlag |
The flags enum describing the replicated document.
DocumentReplication |
Document replicated update of a replicator.
DocumentReplicationListener |
The listener interface for receiving Document replicated events.
Encodable |
EncryptionKey |
Endpoint |
Replication target endpoint interface
ExecutionService |
ExecutionService.Cancellable |
A Cancellable represents a delayed task that is cancellable.
ExecutionService.CloseableExecutor |
Like an ExecutorService, but simpler.
ExecutionService.CloseableExecutor.ExecutorClosedException |
Expression |
The expression used in constructing a query.
FileLogger |
A logger for writing to a file in the application's storage so
that log messages can persist durably after the application has
stopped or encountered a problem.
FileUtils |
FLArray |
FLArrayIterator |
FLConstants |
FLConstants.Error |
FLConstants.ValueType |
FLDict |
FLDictIterator |
FLEncodable |
FLEncoder |
Represent the encoder object whose ref is passed as a parameter or returned returned
by the Core "init" call.
FLSharedKeys |
FLSliceResult |
Represent the block of native heap memory whose ref is passed as a parameter
or returned returned by the Core "init" call.
FLValue |
Fn |
Fn.Consumer<T> |
Fn.ConsumerThrows<T,E extends Exception> |
Fn.Function<T,R> |
Fn.FunctionThrows<T,R,E extends Throwable> |
Fn.Predicate<T> |
Fn.Provider<T> |
Fn.ProviderThrows<T,E extends Exception> |
Fn.Runner |
Fn.TaskThrows<E extends Exception> |
From |
A From represents a FROM clause for specifying the data source of the query.
FullTextExpression |
FullTextFunction |
Full-text function.
FullTextIndex |
Index for Full-Text search
FullTextIndexConfiguration |
FullTextIndexItem |
Full-text Index Item.
Function |
Query functions.
GroupBy |
A GroupBy represents the GROUP BY clause to group the query result.
Having |
Having represents a HAVING clause of the query statement used for filtering the aggregated values
from the the GROUP BY clause.
ImmutableDatabaseConfiguration |
ImmutableReplicatorConfiguration |
ImmutableURLEndpointListenerConfiguration |
A bit odd.
Index |
Index represents an index which could be a value index for regular queries or
full-text index for full-text queries (using the match operator).
IndexBuilder |
IndexBuilder used for building database index objects.
InstrumentedTask |
Internal |
InternalCertAuthenticator |
A Listener Certificate Authenticator Delegate
InternalPwdAuthenticator |
Authenticator for HTTP Listener password authentication
Join |
A Join component representing a single JOIN clause in the query statement.
Join.On |
Component used for specifying join on conditions.
Joins |
A Joins component represents a collection of the joins clauses of the query statement.
JSONEncoder |
JSONUtils |
KeyStoreManager |
KeyStoreManager.CertUsage |
KeyStoreManager.KeyAlgorithm |
KeyStoreManager.KeySize |
KeyStoreManagerDelegate |
KeyStoreUtils |
Key Store Utilities
Limit |
A Limit component represents the LIMIT clause of the query statement.
ListenerAuthenticator |
ListenerCertificateAuthenticator |
A Listener Certificate Authenticator
Certificate base authentication and authorization.
ListenerCertificateAuthenticatorDelegate |
Functional Interface for an Authenticator that uses an authentication strategy based on client supplied certificates.
ListenerPasswordAuthenticator |
Authenticator for HTTP Listener password authentication
ListenerPasswordAuthenticatorDelegate |
Functional Interface for an Authenticator that uses an authentication strategy based on a user name and password.
ListenerToken |
The listener token interface
LiteCoreException |
Log |
Couchbase Lite Internal Log Utility.
Log |
Gets the log controller for Couchbase Lite, which stores the
three available logging methods: console (logcat), file, and
LogDomain |
Log domain
LogFileConfiguration |
A class that describes the file configuration for the FileLogger class.
Logger |
The logging interface for Couchbase Lite.
LogLevel |
Log level.
MaintenanceType |
MArray |
MathUtils |
MCollection |
MContext |
MDict |
Message |
MessageEndpoint |
MessageEndpointConnection |
MessageEndpointDelegate |
MessageEndpointListener |
MessageEndpointListener to serve incoming message endpoint connection.
MessageEndpointListenerChange |
A change event posted by MessageEndpointListener.
MessageEndpointListenerChangeListener |
A change listener protocol.
MessageEndpointListenerConfiguration |
Configuration for MessageEndpointListener
MessageSocket |
This class should be re-implemented using the paradigms described in C4Socket and AbstractCBLWebSocket.
MessagingCloseCompletion |
MessagingCompletion |
MessagingError |
Meta |
Meta is a factory class for creating the expressions that refer to
the metadata properties of the document.
MetaExpression |
A meta property expression.
MRoot |
MutableArray |
MutableArray provides access to array data.
MutableDictionary |
Dictionary provides access to dictionary data.
MutableDictionaryInterface |
Note: MutableDictionaryInterface is an internal interface.
MutableDocument |
A Couchbase Lite Document.
MValue |
MValue.Delegate |
NativeC4KeyPair |
The C4Listener companion object
NativeC4Listener |
The C4Listener companion object
NativeContext<T> |
This class provides a way for native objects to reference their
Java peers.
NetworkConnectivityManager |
NetworkConnectivityManager.Observer |
OrderBy |
An OrderBy represents an ORDER BY clause of the query for specifying properties or expressions
that the result rows should be sorted by.
Ordering |
An Ordering represents a single ordering component in the query ORDER BY clause.
Ordering.SortOrder |
SortOrder represents a single ORDER BY entity.
Parameters |
A Parameters object used for setting values to the query parameters defined in the query.
PlatformUtils |
PlatformUtils.Base64Decoder |
PlatformUtils.Base64Encoder |
PlatformUtilsDelegate |
Preconditions |
Prediction |
PredictionFunction |
PredictiveIndex |
PredictiveModel |
PropertyExpression |
Property expression
ProtocolType |
Query |
A database query used for querying data from the database.
QueryBuilder |
QueryChange |
QueryChange contains the information about the query result changes reported
by a query object.
QueryChangeListener |
The listener interface for receiving Live Query change events.
ReplicatedDocument |
ReplicationFilter |
Interface delegate that takes Document input parameter and bool output parameter
Document push and pull will be allowed if output is true, otherwise, Document
push and pull will not be allowed.
Replicator |
ReplicatorActivityLevel |
Activity level of a replicator.
ReplicatorChange |
ReplicatorChange contains the replicator status information.
ReplicatorChangeListener |
The listener interface for receiving Replicator change events.
ReplicatorConfiguration |
ReplicatorConnection |
ReplicatorProgress |
Progress of a replicator.
ReplicatorStatus |
Combined activity level and progress of a replicator.
ReplicatorType |
The replication direction
Result |
Result represents a row of result set returned by a Query.
ResultSet |
A result set representing the query result.
Select |
Select represents the SELECT clause of the query for specifying the returning properties in each
query result row.
SelectResult |
SelectResult represents a single return value of the query statement.
SelectResult.As |
SelectResult.As is a SelectResult with an alias.
SelectResult.From |
SelectResult.From is a SelectResult for which you can specify a data source alias.
ServerCertificateVerificationMode |
SessionAuthenticator |
SessionAuthenticator class is an authenticator that will authenticate by using the session ID of
the session created by a Sync Gateway
SharedKeys |
Signature |
Signature for signing hash data.
Signature.SignatureDigestAlgorithm |
SocketFactory |
StateMachine<T extends Enum<T>> |
A simple state machine.
StateMachine.Builder<S extends Enum<S>> |
StringUtils |
TLSIdentity |
UnitOfWork<E extends Exception> |
URLEndpoint |
URL based replication target endpoint
URLEndpointListener |
URLEndpointListenerConfiguration |
Configuration information for a URL endpoint listener.
ValueIndex |
Value (standard query) index
ValueIndexConfiguration |
ValueIndexItem |
Value Index Item
VariableExpression |
Variable expression
Volatile |
Where |
A Where represents the WHERE clause of the query for filtering the query result.