Class SelectResult

    • Constructor Detail

      • SelectResult

        protected SelectResult​(@NonNull
                               Expression expression)
    • Method Detail

      • property

        public static SelectResult.As property​(@NonNull
                                               String property)
        Creates a SelectResult with the given property name.
        property - The property name.
        a SelectResult.From that can be used to alias the property.
      • expression

        public static SelectResult.As expression​(@NonNull
                                                 Expression expression)
        Creates a SelectResult object with the given expression.
        expression - The expression.
        a SelectResult.From that can be used to alias the property.
      • all

        public static SelectResult.From all()
        Creates a SelectResult that contains values for all properties matching the query. The result is a single CBLMutableDictionary whose key is the name of the data source.
        a SelectResult.From that can be used to alias the property.
      • setExpression

        protected final void setExpression​(@NonNull
                                           Expression expression)