Class ReplicatedDocument


public final class ReplicatedDocument extends Object
Information about a Document updated by replication.
  • Method Details

    • getCollectionScope

      @NonNull public String getCollectionScope()
      The scope of the collection to which the changed document belongs.
    • getCollectionName

      @NonNull public String getCollectionName()
      The name of the collection to which the changed document belongs.
    • getID

      @NonNull public String getID()
      The id document of the changed document.
    • getFlags

      @NonNull public EnumSet<DocumentFlag> getFlags()
      The current status flag of the document. eg. deleted, access removed
    • getError

      @Nullable public CouchbaseLiteException getError()
      The current document replication error.
    • setError

      public void setError(@Nullable CouchbaseLiteException error)
      Set the current document replication error.
    • toString

      @NonNull public String toString()
      toString in class Object