Definition: CBL_Compat.h:105
#define CBL_CAPI_END
Definition: CBL_Compat.h:106
#define CBL_PUBLIC
Definition: CBL_Compat.h:123
CBL_PUBLIC const unsigned kCBLDefaultReplicatorMaxAttemptsContinuous
[UINT_MAX] When replicator is continuous, never give up unless explicitly stopped
CBL_PUBLIC const unsigned kCBLDefaultReplicatorHeartbeat
[300] A heartbeat messages is sent every 300 seconds to keep the connection alive
CBL_PUBLIC const unsigned kCBLDefaultReplicatorMaxAttemptWaitTime
[300] Max wait time between retry attempts in seconds
CBL_PUBLIC const bool kCBLDefaultLogFileUsePlainText
[false] Plaintext is not used, and instead binary encoding is used in log files
CBL_PUBLIC const bool kCBLDefaultReplicatorDisableAutoPurge
[false] Purge documents when a user loses access
CBL_PUBLIC const uint32_t kCBLDefaultLogFileMaxRotateCount
[1] 1 rotated file present (2 total, including the currently active log file)
CBL_PUBLIC const unsigned kCBLDefaultReplicatorMaxAttemptsSingleShot
[10] When replicator is not continuous, after 10 failed attempts give up on the replication
CBL_PUBLIC const CBLReplicatorType kCBLDefaultReplicatorType
[kCBLReplicatorTypePushAndPull] Perform bidirectional replication
CBL_PUBLIC const size_t kCBLDefaultLogFileMaxSize
[524288] 512 KiB for the size of a log file
CBL_PUBLIC const bool kCBLDefaultFullTextIndexIgnoreAccents
[false] Accents and ligatures are not ignored when indexing via full text search
CBL_PUBLIC const bool kCBLDefaultReplicatorContinuous
[false] One-shot replication is used, and will stop once all initial changes are processed
CBL_PUBLIC const bool kCBLDefaultReplicatorAcceptParentCookies
[false] Whether or not a replicator only accepts cookies for the sender's parent domains
Direction of replication: push, pull, or both.
Definition: CBLReplicator.h:78