Couchbase Lite C
Couchbase Lite C API
CBLDocument.h File Reference
#include "CBLBase.h"

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Mutable documents

The type CBLDocument* without a const qualifier refers to a mutable document instance.

A mutable document exposes its properties as a mutable dictionary, so you can change them in place and then call CBLDatabase_SaveDocument to persist the changes.

_cbl_warn_unused CBLDocument *_cbl_nullable CBLDatabase_GetMutableDocument (CBLDatabase *database, FLString docID, CBLError *_cbl_nullable outError)
 Reads a document from the default collection in mutable form that can be updated and saved. More...
_cbl_warn_unused CBLDocumentCBLDocument_Create (void)
 Creates a new, empty document in memory, with a randomly-generated unique ID. More...
_cbl_warn_unused CBLDocumentCBLDocument_CreateWithID (FLString docID)
 Creates a new, empty document in memory, with the given ID. More...
_cbl_warn_unused CBLDocumentCBLDocument_MutableCopy (const CBLDocument *original)
 Creates a new mutable CBLDocument instance that refers to the same document as the original. More...
Document properties and metadata

A document's body is essentially a JSON object.

The properties are accessed in memory using the Fleece API, with the body itself being a dictionary).

FLString CBLDocument_ID (const CBLDocument *)
 Returns a document's ID. More...
FLString CBLDocument_RevisionID (const CBLDocument *)
 Returns a document's revision ID, which is a short opaque string that's guaranteed to be unique to every change made to the document. More...
uint64_t CBLDocument_Sequence (const CBLDocument *)
 Returns a document's current sequence in the local database. More...
CBLCollection *_cbl_nullable CBLDocument_Collection (const CBLDocument *)
 Returns a document's collection or NULL for the new document that hasn't been saved. More...
FLDict CBLDocument_Properties (const CBLDocument *)
 Returns a document's properties as a dictionary. More...
FLMutableDict CBLDocument_MutableProperties (CBLDocument *)
 Returns a mutable document's properties as a mutable dictionary. More...
void CBLDocument_SetProperties (CBLDocument *, FLMutableDict properties)
 Sets a mutable document's properties. More...
_cbl_warn_unused FLSliceResult CBLDocument_CreateJSON (const CBLDocument *)
 Returns a document's properties as JSON. More...
bool CBLDocument_SetJSON (CBLDocument *, FLSlice json, CBLError *_cbl_nullable outError)
 Sets a mutable document's properties from a JSON string. More...
CBLTimestamp CBLDatabase_GetDocumentExpiration (CBLDatabase *db, FLSlice docID, CBLError *_cbl_nullable outError)
 Returns the time, if any, at which a given document will expire and be purged. More...
bool CBLDatabase_SetDocumentExpiration (CBLDatabase *db, FLSlice docID, CBLTimestamp expiration, CBLError *_cbl_nullable outError)
 Sets or clears the expiration time of a document. More...


CBL_PUBLIC const FLSlice kCBLTypeProperty
 "@type" More...

Document lifecycle

enum  CBLConcurrencyControl : uint8_t { kCBLConcurrencyControlLastWriteWins , kCBLConcurrencyControlFailOnConflict }
 Conflict-handling options when saving or deleting a document. More...
typedef bool(* CBLConflictHandler) (void *_cbl_nullable context, CBLDocument *_cbl_nullable documentBeingSaved, const CBLDocument *_cbl_nullable conflictingDocument)
 Custom conflict handler for use when saving or deleting a document. More...
_cbl_warn_unused const CBLDocument *_cbl_nullable CBLDatabase_GetDocument (const CBLDatabase *database, FLString docID, CBLError *_cbl_nullable outError)
 Reads a document from the default collection in an immutable form. More...
static const CBLDocumentCBLDocument_Retain (const CBLDocument *t)
static void CBLDocument_Release (const CBLDocument *t)
bool CBLDatabase_SaveDocument (CBLDatabase *db, CBLDocument *doc, CBLError *_cbl_nullable outError)
 Saves a (mutable) document to the default collection. More...
bool CBLDatabase_SaveDocumentWithConcurrencyControl (CBLDatabase *db, CBLDocument *doc, CBLConcurrencyControl concurrency, CBLError *_cbl_nullable outError)
 Saves a (mutable) document to the default collection. More...
bool CBLDatabase_SaveDocumentWithConflictHandler (CBLDatabase *db, CBLDocument *doc, CBLConflictHandler conflictHandler, void *_cbl_nullable context, CBLError *_cbl_nullable outError)
 Saves a (mutable) document to the default collection, allowing for custom conflict handling in the event that the document has been updated since doc was loaded. More...
bool CBLDatabase_DeleteDocument (CBLDatabase *db, const CBLDocument *document, CBLError *_cbl_nullable outError)
 Deletes a document from the default collection. More...
bool CBLDatabase_DeleteDocumentWithConcurrencyControl (CBLDatabase *db, const CBLDocument *document, CBLConcurrencyControl concurrency, CBLError *_cbl_nullable outError)
 Deletes a document from the default collection. More...
bool CBLDatabase_PurgeDocument (CBLDatabase *db, const CBLDocument *document, CBLError *_cbl_nullable outError)
 Purges a document from the default collection. More...
bool CBLDatabase_PurgeDocumentByID (CBLDatabase *database, FLString docID, CBLError *_cbl_nullable outError)
 Purges a document by its ID from the default collection. More...

Document listeners

A document change listener lets you detect changes made to a specific document after they are persisted to the database.

If there are multiple CBLDatabase instances on the same database file, each one's document listeners will be notified of changes made by other database instances.
typedef void(* CBLDocumentChangeListener) (void *context, const CBLDatabase *db, FLString docID)
 A document change listener callback, invoked after a specific document is changed on disk. More...
_cbl_warn_unused CBLListenerTokenCBLDatabase_AddDocumentChangeListener (const CBLDatabase *db, FLString docID, CBLDocumentChangeListener listener, void *_cbl_nullable context)
 Registers a document change listener callback. More...