Class CouchbaseLite


public final class CouchbaseLite extends Object
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static void
    init(android.content.Context ctxt)
    Initialize CouchbaseLite library.
    static void
    init(android.content.Context ctxt, boolean debug)
    Initialize CouchbaseLite library.
    static void
    init(android.content.Context ctxt, boolean debug, File rootDir, File scratchDir)
    Initialize CouchbaseLite library.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Method Details

    • init

      public static void init(@NonNull android.content.Context ctxt)
      Initialize CouchbaseLite library. This method MUST be called before using CouchbaseLite.
      ctxt - the ApplicationContext.
      CouchbaseLiteError - on initialization failure
    • init

      public static void init(@NonNull android.content.Context ctxt, boolean debug)
      Initialize CouchbaseLite library. This method MUST be called before using CouchbaseLite. Debugging mode is not supported for client code. Please use it only when advised to do so by Couchbase Support Engineering
      debug - true to enable debugging (Unsupported)
      CouchbaseLiteError - on initialization failure
    • init

      public static void init(@NonNull android.content.Context ctxt, boolean debug, @NonNull File rootDir, @NonNull File scratchDir)
      Initialize CouchbaseLite library. Debugging mode is not supported for client code. Please use it only when advised to do so by Couchbase Support Engineering This method allows specifying a default root directory for database files, and the scratch directory used for SQLite temporary files. Use it with great caution.
      ctxt - Application context
      debug - to enable debugging
      rootDir - default directory for databases
      scratchDir - scratch directory for SQLite
      CouchbaseLiteError - on initialization failure