Class ResultSet

All Implemented Interfaces:
AutoCloseable, Iterable<Result>

public class ResultSet extends Object implements Iterable<Result>, AutoCloseable
The representation of a query result. The result set is an iterator over Result objects. Note: This object retains the Results it contains: closing it will free the Results, too. Referencing a Result after closing the ResultSet that contains it will cause a crash. This code, for instance will fail. DO NOT DO THIS: final List<Result> results; try (ResultSet rs ="id")) .from(DataSource.collection(someCollectin)) .execute()) { results = rs.allResults(); } catch (CouchbaseLiteException err) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed querying docs in collection: " + someCollection, err); } final List<String> docs = new ArrayList<>(); for (Result result: results) { docs.addt(result.getString("id")); } // SIGSEGV!!!
  • Method Details

    • next

      @Nullable public Result next()
      Move the cursor forward one row from its current row position.

      Caution: next(), iterator() and iterator() method share same data structure. They cannot be used together.

      Caution: When a ResultSet is obtained from a QueryChangeListener and the QueryChangeListener is removed from Query, the ResultSet will be freed and this method will return null.

      the Result after moving the cursor forward. Returns null value if there are no more rows, or ResultSet is freed already.
    • allResults

      @NonNull public List<Result> allResults()
      Return a List of all Results.

      Caution: next(), allResults() and iterator() method share same data structure. They cannot be used together.

      List of Results
    • iterator

      @NonNull public Iterator<Result> iterator()
      Return Iterator of Results.

      Caution: next(), allResults() and iterator() method share same data structure. They cannot be used together.

      Specified by:
      iterator in interface Iterable<Result>
      an iterator over the elements in this list in proper sequence
    • close

      public void close()
      Specified by:
      close in interface AutoCloseable