
Class ConfigurationFactoriesKt

    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method Description
      final DatabaseConfiguration getDatabaseConfigurationFactory() Configuration factory for new DatabaseConfigurationsUsage: val dbConfig = DatabaseConfigurationFactory.newConfig(...
      final ReplicatorConfiguration getReplicatorConfigurationFactory() Configuration factory for new ReplicatorConfigurationsUsage: val replConfig = ReplicatorConfigurationFactory.newConfig(...
      final MessageEndpointListenerConfiguration getMessageEndpointListenerConfigurationFactory() <b>ENTERPRISE EDITION API</b><br><br><p> Configuration factory for new MessageEndpointListenerConfigurationsUsage: val endpointListenerConfig = MessageEndpointListenerConfigurationFactory.newConfig(...
      final URLEndpointListenerConfiguration getURLEndpointListenerConfigurationFactory() <b>ENTERPRISE EDITION API</b><br><br><p> Configuration factory for new URLEndpointListenerConfigurationsUsage: val endpointListenerConfig = URLEndpointListenerConfigurationFactory.newConfig(...
      final VectorIndexConfiguration getVectorIndexConfigurationFactory() <b>ENTERPRISE EDITION API</b><br><br><p> Configuration factory for VectorIndexConfigurationUsage: val idxConfig = VectorIndexConfigurationFactory.newConfig(...
      final static DatabaseConfiguration newConfig(DatabaseConfiguration $self, String databasePath, EncryptionKey encryptionKey, Boolean fullSync) Create a DatabaseConfiguration, overriding the receiver's values with the passed parameters:
      final static ReplicatorConfiguration newConfig(ReplicatorConfiguration $self, Endpoint target, Map<out Collection<Collection>, CollectionConfiguration> collections, ReplicatorType type, Boolean continuous, Authenticator authenticator, Map<String, String> headers, X509Certificate pinnedServerCertificate, Integer maxAttempts, Integer maxAttemptWaitTime, Integer heartbeat, Boolean enableAutoPurge, Boolean acceptOnlySelfSignedServerCertificate, Boolean acceptParentDomainCookies) Create a ReplicatorConfiguration, overriding the receiver's values with the passed parameters:Note: A document that is blocked by a document Id filter will not be auto-purged regardless of the setting of the enableAutoPurge property
      final static MessageEndpointListenerConfiguration newConfig(MessageEndpointListenerConfiguration $self, Set<Collection> collections, ProtocolType protocolType) <b>ENTERPRISE EDITION API</b><br><br><p> Create a MessageEndpointListenerConfiguration, overriding the receiver's values with the passed parameters:
      final static URLEndpointListenerConfiguration newConfig(URLEndpointListenerConfiguration $self, Set<Collection> collections, String networkInterface, Integer port, Boolean disableTls, TLSIdentity identity, ListenerAuthenticator authenticator, Boolean readOnly, Boolean enableDeltaSync) <b>ENTERPRISE EDITION API</b><br><br><p> Create a URLEndpointListenerConfigurations, overriding the receiver's values with the passed parameters:
      final static VectorIndexConfiguration newConfig(VectorIndexConfiguration $self, String expression, Long dimensions, Long centroids, VectorEncoding encoding, VectorIndexConfiguration.DistanceMetric metric, Long minTrainingSize, Long maxTrainingSize, Long numProbes, Boolean lazy)
      final static DatabaseConfiguration create(DatabaseConfiguration $self, String databasePath, EncryptionKey encryptionKey) Create a DatabaseConfiguration, overriding the receiver's values with the passed parameters:
      final static ReplicatorConfiguration create(ReplicatorConfiguration $self, Database database, Endpoint target, ReplicatorType type, Boolean continuous, Authenticator authenticator, Map<String, String> headers, ByteArray pinnedServerCertificate, List<String> channels, List<String> documentIDs, ReplicationFilter pushFilter, ReplicationFilter pullFilter, ConflictResolver conflictResolver, Integer maxAttempts, Integer maxAttemptWaitTime, Integer heartbeat, Boolean enableAutoPurge, Boolean acceptOnlySelfSignedServerCertificate, Boolean acceptParentDomainCookies) Create a ReplicatorConfiguration, overriding the receiver's values with the passed parameters:Note: A document that is blocked by a document Id filter will not be auto-purged regardless of the setting of the enableAutoPurge propertyWarning: This factory method configures only the default collection!
      final static MessageEndpointListenerConfiguration create(MessageEndpointListenerConfiguration $self, Database database, ProtocolType protocolType) <b>ENTERPRISE EDITION API</b><br><br><p> Create a MessageEndpointListenerConfiguration, overriding the receiver's values with the passed parameters:
      final static URLEndpointListenerConfiguration create(URLEndpointListenerConfiguration $self, Database database, String networkInterface, Integer port, Boolean disableTls, TLSIdentity identity, ListenerAuthenticator authenticator, Boolean readOnly, Boolean enableDeltaSync) <b>ENTERPRISE EDITION API</b><br><br><p> Create a URLEndpointListenerConfigurations, overriding the receiver's values with the passed parameters:
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Method Detail

      • getDatabaseConfigurationFactory

         final DatabaseConfiguration getDatabaseConfigurationFactory()

        Configuration factory for new DatabaseConfigurations

        Usage: val dbConfig = DatabaseConfigurationFactory.newConfig(...)

      • getReplicatorConfigurationFactory

         final ReplicatorConfiguration getReplicatorConfigurationFactory()

        Configuration factory for new ReplicatorConfigurations

        Usage: val replConfig = ReplicatorConfigurationFactory.newConfig(...)

      • getMessageEndpointListenerConfigurationFactory

         final MessageEndpointListenerConfiguration getMessageEndpointListenerConfigurationFactory()

        <b>ENTERPRISE EDITION API</b><br><br>

        <p> Configuration factory for new MessageEndpointListenerConfigurations

        Usage: val endpointListenerConfig = MessageEndpointListenerConfigurationFactory.newConfig(...)

      • getURLEndpointListenerConfigurationFactory

         final URLEndpointListenerConfiguration getURLEndpointListenerConfigurationFactory()

        <b>ENTERPRISE EDITION API</b><br><br>

        <p> Configuration factory for new URLEndpointListenerConfigurations

        Usage: val endpointListenerConfig = URLEndpointListenerConfigurationFactory.newConfig(...)

      • getVectorIndexConfigurationFactory

         final VectorIndexConfiguration getVectorIndexConfigurationFactory()

        <b>ENTERPRISE EDITION API</b><br><br>

        <p> Configuration factory for VectorIndexConfiguration

        Usage: val idxConfig = VectorIndexConfigurationFactory.newConfig(...)

      • newConfig

         final static DatabaseConfiguration newConfig(DatabaseConfiguration $self, String databasePath, EncryptionKey encryptionKey, Boolean fullSync)

        Create a DatabaseConfiguration, overriding the receiver's values with the passed parameters:

        databasePath - The directory in which the database is stored.
        encryptionKey - ENTERPRISE EDITION API: The database encryption key.
      • newConfig

         final static ReplicatorConfiguration newConfig(ReplicatorConfiguration $self, Endpoint target, Map<out Collection<Collection>, CollectionConfiguration> collections, ReplicatorType type, Boolean continuous, Authenticator authenticator, Map<String, String> headers, X509Certificate pinnedServerCertificate, Integer maxAttempts, Integer maxAttemptWaitTime, Integer heartbeat, Boolean enableAutoPurge, Boolean acceptOnlySelfSignedServerCertificate, Boolean acceptParentDomainCookies)

        Create a ReplicatorConfiguration, overriding the receiver's values with the passed parameters:

        Note: A document that is blocked by a document Id filter will not be auto-purged regardless of the setting of the enableAutoPurge property

        target - (required) The replication target endpoint.
        collections - a map of collections to be replicated, to their configurations.
        type - replicator type: push, pull, or push and pull: default is push and pull.
        continuous - continuous flag: true for continuous, false by default.
        authenticator - connection authenticator.
        headers - extra HTTP headers to send in all requests to the remote target.
        pinnedServerCertificate - target server's SSL certificate.
        maxAttempts - max retry attempts after connection failure.
        maxAttemptWaitTime - max time between retry attempts (exponential backoff).
        heartbeat - heartbeat interval, in seconds.
        enableAutoPurge - auto-purge enabled.
        acceptOnlySelfSignedServerCertificate - ENTERPRISE EDITION API: Whether the replicator will accept all/only self-signed certificates.
        acceptParentDomainCookies - Advanced: accept cookies for parent domains.
      • newConfig

         final static MessageEndpointListenerConfiguration newConfig(MessageEndpointListenerConfiguration $self, Set<Collection> collections, ProtocolType protocolType)

        <b>ENTERPRISE EDITION API</b><br><br>

        <p> Create a MessageEndpointListenerConfiguration, overriding the receiver's values with the passed parameters:
        collections - the local collections.
        protocolType - (required) data transport type: messages or bytes.
      • newConfig

         final static URLEndpointListenerConfiguration newConfig(URLEndpointListenerConfiguration $self, Set<Collection> collections, String networkInterface, Integer port, Boolean disableTls, TLSIdentity identity, ListenerAuthenticator authenticator, Boolean readOnly, Boolean enableDeltaSync)

        <b>ENTERPRISE EDITION API</b><br><br>

        <p> Create a URLEndpointListenerConfigurations, overriding the receiver's values with the passed parameters:
        collections - the local collection.
        networkInterface - the interface on which to listen: default is
        port - listener port: default is next available port.
        disableTls - true to disable TLS: default is false.
        identity - certs and keys for the listener.
        authenticator - authenticator.
        readOnly - true for a read-only connection.
        enableDeltaSync - true to enable delta sync.
      • newConfig

         final static VectorIndexConfiguration newConfig(VectorIndexConfiguration $self, String expression, Long dimensions, Long centroids, VectorEncoding encoding, VectorIndexConfiguration.DistanceMetric metric, Long minTrainingSize, Long maxTrainingSize, Long numProbes, Boolean lazy)
      • create

        @Deprecated(message = Use DatabaseConfigurationFactory.newConfig(String?, EncryptionKey?), replaceWith = @ReplaceWith(imports = {}, expression = DatabaseConfigurationFactory.newConfig(String?, EncryptionKey?))) final static DatabaseConfiguration create(DatabaseConfiguration $self, String databasePath, EncryptionKey encryptionKey)

        Create a DatabaseConfiguration, overriding the receiver's values with the passed parameters:

        databasePath - The directory in which the database is stored.
        encryptionKey - ENTERPRISE EDITION API: The database encryption key.
      • create

        @Deprecated(message = Use ReplicatorConfigurationFactory.newConfig(Endpoint?, Map<Set<Collection>, CollectionConfiguration?>?, ...), replaceWith = @ReplaceWith(imports = {}, expression = ReplicatorConfigurationFactory.newConfig(Endpoint?, Map<Set<Collection>, CollectionConfiguration?>?, ...))) final static ReplicatorConfiguration create(ReplicatorConfiguration $self, Database database, Endpoint target, ReplicatorType type, Boolean continuous, Authenticator authenticator, Map<String, String> headers, ByteArray pinnedServerCertificate, List<String> channels, List<String> documentIDs, ReplicationFilter pushFilter, ReplicationFilter pullFilter, ConflictResolver conflictResolver, Integer maxAttempts, Integer maxAttemptWaitTime, Integer heartbeat, Boolean enableAutoPurge, Boolean acceptOnlySelfSignedServerCertificate, Boolean acceptParentDomainCookies)

        Create a ReplicatorConfiguration, overriding the receiver's values with the passed parameters:

        Note: A document that is blocked by a document Id filter will not be auto-purged regardless of the setting of the enableAutoPurge property

        Warning: This factory method configures only the default collection! Using it on a configuration that describes any collections other than the default will loose all information associated with those collections

        database - the local database
        target - (required) The replication endpoint.
        type - replicator type: push, pull, or push and pull: default is push and pull.
        continuous - continuous flag: true for continuous.
        authenticator - connection authenticator.
        headers - extra HTTP headers to send in all requests to the remote target.
        pinnedServerCertificate - target server's SSL certificate.
        channels - Sync Gateway channel names.
        documentIDs - IDs of documents to be replicated: default is all documents.
        pushFilter - filter for pushed documents.
        pullFilter - filter for pulled documents.
        conflictResolver - conflict resolver.
        maxAttempts - max retry attempts after connection failure.
        maxAttemptWaitTime - max time between retry attempts (exponential backoff).
        heartbeat - heartbeat interval, in seconds.
        enableAutoPurge - auto-purge enabled.
        acceptOnlySelfSignedServerCertificate - ENTERPRISE EDITION API: Whether the replicator will accept all/only self-signed certificates.
        acceptParentDomainCookies - Advanced: accept cookies for parent domains.
      • create

        @Deprecated(message = Use MessageEndpointListenerConfigurationFactory().newConfig(Endpoint?, Set<Collection>?), replaceWith = @ReplaceWith(imports = {}, expression = MessageEndpointListenerConfigurationFactory().newConfig(Endpoint?, Set<Collection>?))) final static MessageEndpointListenerConfiguration create(MessageEndpointListenerConfiguration $self, Database database, ProtocolType protocolType)

        <b>ENTERPRISE EDITION API</b><br><br>

        <p> Create a MessageEndpointListenerConfiguration, overriding the receiver's values with the passed parameters:
        database - the local database.
        protocolType - (required) data transport type: messages or bytes.
      • create

        @Deprecated(message = Use URLEndpointListenerConfigurations().newConfig(Set<Collection>?, ...), replaceWith = @ReplaceWith(imports = {}, expression = URLEndpointListenerConfigurations().newConfig(Set<Collection>?, ...))) final static URLEndpointListenerConfiguration create(URLEndpointListenerConfiguration $self, Database database, String networkInterface, Integer port, Boolean disableTls, TLSIdentity identity, ListenerAuthenticator authenticator, Boolean readOnly, Boolean enableDeltaSync)

        <b>ENTERPRISE EDITION API</b><br><br>

        <p> Create a URLEndpointListenerConfigurations, overriding the receiver's values with the passed parameters:
        database - the local database.
        networkInterface - the interface on which to listen: default is
        port - listener port: default is next available port.
        disableTls - true to disable TLS: default is false.
        identity - certs and keys for the listener.
        authenticator - authenticator.
        readOnly - true for a read-only connection.
        enableDeltaSync - true to enable delta sync.