Couchbase C Client  2.4.4
Volatile Interfaces
See also
Interface Attributes
- Primarily here to support tests and buggy HTTP servers/proxies which do not like to maintain a connection upon receipt of a 404.
Set the allocator factory used by libcouchbase. The allocator factory is a function invoked with no arguments which yields a new rdb_ALLOCATOR object. Currently the use and API of this object is considered internal and its API and header files are in src/rdb.
Set the behavior of the lcb_sched_leave() API call. By default the lcb_sched_leave() will also set up the necessary requirements for flushing to the network. If this option is off then an explicit call to lcb_sched_flush() must be performed instead.
Determines whether to run the event loop internally within lcb_destroy() until no more I/O resources remain for the library. This is usually only necessary if you are creating a lot of instances and/or are using memory leak analysis tools.
Global lcb_counter3 (lcb_t instance, const void *cookie, const lcb_CMDCOUNTER *cmd)
Global lcb_dump (lcb_t instance, FILE *fp, lcb_U32 flags)
Global lcb_endure3_ctxnew (lcb_t instance, const lcb_durability_opts_t *options, lcb_error_t *err)
Global lcb_flush3 (lcb_t instance, const void *cookie, const lcb_CMDFLUSH *cmd)
Global lcb_get3 (lcb_t instance, const void *cookie, const lcb_CMDGET *cmd)
Global lcb_get_callback3 (lcb_t instance, int cbtype)
Get the current callback installed as cbtype. Note that this does not perform any kind of resolution (as described in lcb_install_callback3) and will only return a non-NULL value if a callback had specifically been installed via lcb_install_callback3() with the given cbtype.
Global lcb_install_callback3 (lcb_t instance, int cbtype, lcb_RESPCALLBACK cb)
Global lcb_observe3_ctxnew (lcb_t instance)
Global lcb_remove3 (lcb_t instance, const void *cookie, const lcb_CMDREMOVE *cmd)
Global lcb_rget3 (lcb_t instance, const void *cookie, const lcb_CMDGETREPLICA *cmd)
Global lcb_sched_enter (lcb_t instance)
Global lcb_sched_fail (lcb_t instance)
Global lcb_sched_flush (lcb_t instance)
Global lcb_sched_leave (lcb_t instance)
Global lcb_server_verbosity3 (lcb_t instance, const void *cookie, const lcb_CMDVERBOSITY *cmd)
Global lcb_server_versions3 (lcb_t instance, const void *cookie, const lcb_CMDBASE *cmd)
Global lcb_stats3 (lcb_t instance, const void *cookie, const lcb_CMDSTATS *cmd)
Global lcb_store3 (lcb_t instance, const void *cookie, const lcb_CMDSTORE *cmd)
Global lcb_touch3 (lcb_t instance, const void *cookie, const lcb_CMDTOUCH *cmd)
Global lcb_unlock3 (lcb_t instance, const void *cookie, const lcb_CMDUNLOCK *cmd)
Global lcbvb_compare (lcbvb_CONFIG *from, lcbvb_CONFIG *to)
Class lcbvb_CONFIG
. ABI/API compatibility not guaranteed between versions.
Class lcbvb_CONTINUUM
Global lcbvb_genconfig (lcbvb_CONFIG *vb, unsigned nservers, unsigned nreplica, unsigned nvbuckets)
Global lcbvb_genconfig_ex (lcbvb_CONFIG *vb, const char *name, const char *uuid, const lcbvb_SERVER *servers, unsigned nservers, unsigned nreplica, unsigned nvbuckets)
Global lcbvb_make_ketama (lcbvb_CONFIG *vb)
Convert the configuration to a ketama one.
vbThe configuration object.
Global lcbvb_replace_host (lcbvb_CONFIG *cfg, const char *hostname)
Global lcbvb_save_json (lcbvb_CONFIG *vbc)
Serialize the current configuration as a JSON string. The string returned is NUL-terminated and should be freed using the free() function.
Class lcbvb_SERVER
. ABI/API compatibility not guaranteed between versions.
Class lcbvb_SERVICES
. ABI/API compatibility not guaranteed between versions
Class lcbvb_VBUCKET
. ABI/API compatibility not guaranteed between versions