Broadcast NOOP-like commands to each service in the cluster.
◆ lcb_diag()
Returns diagnostics report about network connections.
- Stability
- Committed
- Request
lcb_CMDDIAG cmd = { 0 };
LIBCOUCHBASE_API lcb_STATUS lcb_diag(lcb_INSTANCE *instance, void *cookie, const lcb_CMDDIAG *cmd)
Returns diagnostics report about network connections.
LIBCOUCHBASE_API lcb_STATUS lcb_wait(lcb_INSTANCE *instance, lcb_WAITFLAGS flags)
Wait for completion of scheduled operations.
Behave like the old lcb_wait()
Definition couchbase.h:1861
- Response
void diag_callback(
const lcb_RESPBASE *rb)
const lcb_RESPDIAG *resp = (const lcb_RESPDIAG *)rb;
char* json;
size_t json_len;
if (rc != LCB_SUCCESS) {
} else {
lcb_respdiag_value(resp, &json, &json_len);
if (json) {
fprintf(stderr, "\n%.*s", json_len, json);
LCB_INTERNAL_API const char * lcb_strerror_short(lcb_STATUS error)
Get a shorter textual description of an error message.
Error codes returned by the library.
Definition error.h:213
struct lcb_st lcb_INSTANCE
Library handle representing a connection to a cluster and its data buckets.
Definition couchbase.h:35
LIBCOUCHBASE_API lcb_RESPCALLBACK lcb_install_callback(lcb_INSTANCE *instance, int cbtype, lcb_RESPCALLBACK cb)
Definition couchbase.h:491
- Parameters
instance | the library handle |
cookie | the cookie passed in the callback |
cmd | command structure. |
- Returns
- status code for scheduling.
Type of the service.
This enumeration is used in PING responses.
- Stability
- Committed