Couchbase C Client  3.3.7
Asynchronous C Client for Couchbase
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 auth.hCredentials store for Couchbase
 cntl.hCommand codes for libcouchbase
 couchbase.hMain header file for Couchbase
 crypto.hField encryption
 error.hDefinition of all of the error codes used by libcouchbase
 iops.hPublic I/O integration interface
 kvbuf.hLow level structures used by commands for buffers
 utils.hVarious utility functions
 vbucket.hVBucket Mapping API
 libev_io_opts.hLibev integration with libcouchbase
 libevent_io_opts.hLibevent integration with libcouchbase
 libuv_io_opts.hLibuv integration with libcouchbase