ClassDescriptionThis event is raised once a bucket has been closed.This event is raised once a bucket has been opened.Reports a bucket open failure which has not been retried.This event is raised when a bucket is supposed to be opened.This event is emitted when a
is created.Raised if dns srv lookup was not performed, either because it has been disabled on the environment or because the hostname list passed in did not qualify.The client attempted a DNS SRV lookup but it failed.Raised when the SDK could properly load hostnames from a DNS SRV record.Raised when a global config could not be loaded.The reasons why the global config init failed.Client got a new config and completed the reconfiguration properly without issue.The client ran into an error during a config reconfiguration event.Deprecated.This event is never emitted by the SDK.Raised when a core is successfully shut down.This event is raised when the core is beginning to shut down.This event is raised if too many instances of the SDK are created as configured.Raised if the watchdog in the core identifies an invalid state (and then tries to fix it).Raised when the watchdog itself runs into an error that is logged.