Interface ReactorOps

All Known Implementing Classes:

@Internal public interface ReactorOps
  • Method Details

    • publishOnUserScheduler

      default <T> Mono<T> publishOnUserScheduler(Supplier<CompletableFuture<T>> future)
    • publishOnUserScheduler

      <T> Mono<T> publishOnUserScheduler(Mono<T> mono)
    • publishOnUserScheduler

      <T> Flux<T> publishOnUserScheduler(Flux<T> mono)
    • proxyToPublishOnSuppliedScheduler

      @Internal static <T> T proxyToPublishOnSuppliedScheduler(T obj, Class<T> interfaceToProxy, @Nullable Supplier<Scheduler> scheduler)
      Returns a dynamic proxy for the given object (unless the given supplier is null, in which case the same object is returned).

      Any Flux or Mono instances returned by the proxied interface methods are published on the scheduler returned by the given supplier.