Uses of Class
Package | Description |
---|---| |
Holds all classes that are needed for the Couchbase Java SDK.
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Namespace for various kv-service related classes.
Uses of GetResult in
Methods in that return GetResult Modifier and Type Method Description GetResult
Collection. get(String id)
Fetches the full document from this collection.GetResult
Collection. get(String id, GetOptions options)
Fetches the full document from this collection with custom options.GetResult
Collection. getAndLock(String id, Duration lockTime)
Fetches a full document and write-locks it for the given duration.GetResult
Collection. getAndLock(String id, Duration lockTime, GetAndLockOptions options)
Fetches a full document and write-locks it for the given duration with custom options.GetResult
Collection. getAndTouch(String id, Duration expiry)
Fetches a full document and resets its expiration time to the expiry provided.GetResult
Collection. getAndTouch(String id, Duration expiry, GetAndTouchOptions options)
Fetches a full document and resets its expiration time to the expiry provided with custom options.Methods in that return types with arguments of type GetResult Modifier and Type Method Description CompletableFuture<GetResult>
AsyncCollection. get(String id)
Fetches a full document (or a projection of it) from a collection with default options.CompletableFuture<GetResult>
AsyncCollection. get(String id, GetOptions options)
Fetches a full document (or a projection of it) from a collection with custom options.Mono<GetResult>
ReactiveCollection. get(String id)
Fetches a Document from a collection with default options.Mono<GetResult>
ReactiveCollection. get(String id, GetOptions options)
Fetches a Document from a collection with custom options.CompletableFuture<GetResult>
AsyncCollection. getAndLock(String id, Duration lockTime)
Fetches a full document and write-locks it for the given duration with default options.CompletableFuture<GetResult>
AsyncCollection. getAndLock(String id, Duration lockTime, GetAndLockOptions options)
Fetches a full document and write-locks it for the given duration with custom options.Mono<GetResult>
ReactiveCollection. getAndLock(String id, Duration lockTime)
Fetches a full document and write-locks it for the given duration with default options.Mono<GetResult>
ReactiveCollection. getAndLock(String id, Duration lockTime, GetAndLockOptions options)
Fetches a full document and write-locks it for the given duration with custom options.CompletableFuture<GetResult>
AsyncCollection. getAndTouch(String id, Duration expiry)
Fetches a full document and resets its expiration time to the value provided with default options.CompletableFuture<GetResult>
AsyncCollection. getAndTouch(String id, Duration expiry, GetAndTouchOptions options)
Fetches a full document and resets its expiration time to the value provided with custom options.Mono<GetResult>
ReactiveCollection. getAndTouch(String id, Duration expiry)
Fetches a full document and resets its expiration time to the value provided with default options.Mono<GetResult>
ReactiveCollection. getAndTouch(String id, Duration expiry, GetAndTouchOptions options)
Fetches a full document and resets its expiration time to the value provided with custom options. -
Uses of GetResult in
Methods in that return types with arguments of type GetResult Modifier and Type Method Description static Map<String,GetResult>
BatchHelper. getIfExists(Collection collection, Collection<String> ids)
First checks if the given IDs exist and if so fetches their contents.static Mono<Map<String,GetResult>>
ReactiveBatchHelper. getIfExists(Collection collection, Collection<String> ids)
First checks if the given IDs exist and if so fetches their contents. -
Uses of GetResult in
Subclasses of GetResult in Modifier and Type Class Description class
Extends GetResult to include additional information for get-from-replica style calls.Methods in that return types with arguments of type GetResult Modifier and Type Method Description static CompletableFuture<GetResult>
GetAccessor. get(Core core, GetRequest request, Transcoder transcoder)
Takes aGetRequest
and dispatches, converts and returns the result.static CompletableFuture<GetResult>
GetAccessor. getAndLock(Core core, GetAndLockRequest request, Transcoder transcoder)
Takes aGetAndLockRequest
and dispatches, converts and returns the result.static CompletableFuture<GetResult>
GetAccessor. getAndTouch(Core core, GetAndTouchRequest request, Transcoder transcoder)
static CompletableFuture<GetResult>
GetAccessor. subdocGet(Core core, SubdocGetRequest request, Transcoder transcoder)
Methods in with parameters of type GetResult Modifier and Type Method Description static GetReplicaResult
GetReplicaResult. from(GetResult response, boolean isReplica)