Class ReactiveViewIndexManager


public class ReactiveViewIndexManager
extends Object
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getDesignDocument

      public Mono<DesignDocument> getDesignDocument​(String name, DesignDocumentNamespace namespace)
      Returns the design document from the cluster if present.
      name - name of the design document to retrieve.
      namespace - namespace to look in.
      DesignDocumentNotFoundException - (async) if there is no design document with the given name present.
      TimeoutException - (async) if the operation times out before getting a result.
      CouchbaseException - (async) for all other error reasons (acts as a base type and catch-all).
    • getDesignDocument

      public Mono<DesignDocument> getDesignDocument​(String name, DesignDocumentNamespace namespace, GetDesignDocumentOptions options)
      Returns the design document from the cluster if present with custom options.
      name - name of the design document to retrieve
      namespace - namespace to look in
      options - additional optional arguments (timeout, retry, etc.)
      DesignDocumentNotFoundException - (async) if there is no design document with the given name present.
      TimeoutException - (async) if the operation times out before getting a result.
      CouchbaseException - (async) for all other error reasons (acts as a base type and catch-all).
    • upsertDesignDocument

      public Mono<Void> upsertDesignDocument​(DesignDocument designDocument, DesignDocumentNamespace namespace)
      Stores the design document on the server under the specified namespace, replacing any existing document with the same name.
      designDocument - document to store
      namespace - namespace to store it in
      TimeoutException - (async) if the operation times out before getting a result.
      CouchbaseException - (async) for all other error reasons (acts as a base type and catch-all).
    • upsertDesignDocument

      public Mono<Void> upsertDesignDocument​(DesignDocument designDocument, DesignDocumentNamespace namespace, UpsertDesignDocumentOptions options)
      Stores the design document on the server under the specified namespace, replacing any existing document with the same name.
      designDocument - document to store
      namespace - namespace to store it in
      options - additional optional arguments (timeout, retry, etc.)
      TimeoutException - (async) if the operation times out before getting a result.
      CouchbaseException - (async) for all other error reasons (acts as a base type and catch-all).
    • publishDesignDocument

      public Mono<Void> publishDesignDocument​(String name)
      Convenience method that gets a the document from the development namespace and upserts it to the production namespace.
      name - name of the development design document
      DesignDocumentNotFoundException - (async) if the development namespace does not contain a document with the given name
      TimeoutException - (async) if the operation times out before getting a result.
      CouchbaseException - (async) for all other error reasons (acts as a base type and catch-all).
    • publishDesignDocument

      public Mono<Void> publishDesignDocument​(String name, PublishDesignDocumentOptions options)
      Convenience method that gets a the document from the development namespace and upserts it to the production namespace.
      name - name of the development design document
      options - additional optional arguments (timeout, retry, etc.)
      DesignDocumentNotFoundException - (async) if the development namespace does not contain a document with the given name
      TimeoutException - (async) if the operation times out before getting a result.
      CouchbaseException - (async) for all other error reasons (acts as a base type and catch-all).
    • dropDesignDocument

      public Mono<Void> dropDesignDocument​(String name, DesignDocumentNamespace namespace)
      Removes a design document from the server.
      name - name of the document to remove
      namespace - namespace to remove it from
      DesignDocumentNotFoundException - (async) if the namespace does not contain a document with the given name
      TimeoutException - (async) if the operation times out before getting a result.
      CouchbaseException - (async) for all other error reasons (acts as a base type and catch-all).
    • dropDesignDocument

      public Mono<Void> dropDesignDocument​(String name, DesignDocumentNamespace namespace, DropDesignDocumentOptions options)
      Removes a design document from the server.
      name - name of the document to remove
      namespace - namespace to remove it from
      options - additional optional arguments (timeout, retry, etc.)
      DesignDocumentNotFoundException - (async) if the namespace does not contain a document with the given name
      TimeoutException - (async) if the operation times out before getting a result.
      CouchbaseException - (async) for all other error reasons (acts as a base type and catch-all).
    • getAllDesignDocuments

      public Flux<DesignDocument> getAllDesignDocuments​(DesignDocumentNamespace namespace)
      Returns all of the design documents in the specified namespace.
      namespace - namespace to query
      TimeoutException - (async) if the operation times out before getting a result.
      CouchbaseException - (async) for all other error reasons (acts as a base type and catch-all).
    • getAllDesignDocuments

      public Flux<DesignDocument> getAllDesignDocuments​(DesignDocumentNamespace namespace, GetAllDesignDocumentsOptions options)
      Returns all of the design documents in the specified namespace.
      namespace - namespace to query
      options - additional optional arguments (timeout, retry, etc.)
      TimeoutException - (async) if the operation times out before getting a result.
      CouchbaseException - (async) for all other error reasons (acts as a base type and catch-all).