Class QueryMetaData


public class QueryMetaData
extends Object
Stores any non-rows results related to the execution of a particular N1QL query.
Graham Pople
  • Method Details

    • requestId

      public String requestId()
      Returns the request identifier string of the query request
    • clientContextId

      public String clientContextId()
      Returns the client context identifier string set on the query request.
    • status

      public QueryStatus status()
      Returns the raw query execution status as returned by the query engine
    • signature

      public Optional<JsonObject> signature()
      Returns the signature as returned by the query engine which is then decoded to JsonObject

      It is returned as an Optional which will be empty if no signature information is available.

      DecodingFailureException - when the signature cannot be decoded successfully
    • profile

      public Optional<JsonObject> profile()
      Returns the profiling information returned by the query engine which is then decoded to JsonObject

      It is returned as an Optional which will be empty if no profile information is available.

      DecodingFailureException - when the profile cannot be decoded successfully
    • metrics

      public Optional<QueryMetrics> metrics()
      Returns the QueryMetrics as returned by the query engine if enabled.
      DecodingFailureException - when the metrics cannot be decoded successfully
    • warnings

      public List<QueryWarning> warnings()
      Returns any warnings returned by the query engine, as a JsonArray.

      It is returned as an Optional which will be empty if no warnings were returned

      DecodingFailureException - when the warnings cannot be decoded successfully
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object