Uses of Package

Namespace for various search-service related classes.
Contains the various APIs for search queries.
  • Class
    A FTS query that queries fields explicitly indexed as boolean.
    A compound FTS query that allows various combinations of sub-queries.
    A compound FTS query that performs a logical AND between all its sub-queries (conjunction).
    A FTS query that matches documents on a range of dates.
    A compound FTS query that performs a logical OR between all its sub-queries (disjunction).
    A FTS query that matches on Couchbase document IDs.
    A FTS query which allows to match geo bounding boxes.
    A FTS query which allows to match on geo distances.
    A search query which allows to match inside a geo polygon.
    A FTS query that matches all indexed documents (usually for debugging purposes).
    A FTS query that matches 0 document (usually for debugging purposes).
    A FTS query that matches several given terms (a "phrase"), applying further processing like analyzers to them.
    A FTS query that matches a given term, applying further processing to it like analyzers, stemming and even fuzziness.
    A FTS query that matches documents on a range of values.
    A FTS query that matches several terms (a "phrase") as is.
    A FTS query that allows for simple matching on a given prefix.
    A FTS query that performs a search according to the "query string" syntax.
    A FTS query that allows for simple matching of regular expressions.
    A FTS query that matches terms (without further analysis).
    A FTS query that matches documents on a range of values.
    An FTS query that allows for simple matching using wildcard characters (* and ?).
  • Class
    Base class for FTS queries that are composite, compounding several other SearchQuery.
    A FTS query that queries fields explicitly indexed as boolean.
    A compound FTS query that allows various combinations of sub-queries.
    A compound FTS query that performs a logical AND between all its sub-queries (conjunction).
    A FTS query that matches documents on a range of dates.
    A compound FTS query that performs a logical OR between all its sub-queries (disjunction).
    A FTS query that matches on Couchbase document IDs.
    A FTS query which allows to match geo bounding boxes.
    A FTS query which allows to match on geo distances.
    A search query which allows to match inside a geo polygon.
    A FTS query that matches all indexed documents (usually for debugging purposes).
    A FTS query that matches 0 document (usually for debugging purposes).
    Defines how the individual match terms should be logically concatenated.
    A FTS query that matches several given terms (a "phrase"), applying further processing like analyzers to them.
    A FTS query that matches a given term, applying further processing to it like analyzers, stemming and even fuzziness.
    A FTS query that matches documents on a range of values.
    A FTS query that matches several terms (a "phrase") as is.
    A FTS query that allows for simple matching on a given prefix.
    A FTS query that performs a search according to the "query string" syntax.
    A FTS query that allows for simple matching of regular expressions.
    A FTS query that matches terms (without further analysis).
    A FTS query that matches documents on a range of values.
    An FTS query that allows for simple matching using wildcard characters (* and ?).