Class TransactionResult


public class TransactionResult extends Object
Provides some debugging and logging facilities for tracking what happened during a transaction.

Note that the success or failure of a transaction is determined solely by whether an a TransactionFailedException exception is thrown by it.

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • logs

      public List<TransactionLogEvent> logs()
      An in-memory log is built up during each transaction. The application may want to write this to their own logs, for example upon transaction failure.
    • timeTaken

      public Duration timeTaken()
      Returns the total time taken by a transaction.
    • transactionId

      public String transactionId()
      Returns the id of this transaction.
    • unstagingComplete

      public boolean unstagingComplete()
      Returns whether all documents were successfully unstaged (committed). This will only return true if the transaction reached the COMMIT point and then went on to reach the COMPLETE point. It will be false for transactions that: - Rolled back - Were read-only
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object