ClientConfiguration PropertiesCouchbase .NET SDK 2.0

The ClientConfiguration type exposes the following members.

Public propertyApiPort
Overrides the default and sets the Views REST API to use a custom port.
Public propertyBucketConfigs
A map of BucketConfigurations and their names.
Public propertyBufferSize
The size of each buffer to allocate per TCP connection for sending and recieving Memcached operations
Public propertyDefaultConnectionLimit
Gets or sets the maximum number of concurrent connections allowed by a ServicePoint object used for making View and N1QL requests.
Public propertyDefaultOperationLifespan
The maximum time allowed for an operation to live, in milliseconds. This servers as the default for buckets where the lifespan is not explicitely specified.
Public propertyDeserializationSettings
The outgoing serializer settings for the JSON serializer.
Public propertyDirectPort
Overrides the default and sets the direct port to use for Key/Value operations using the Binary Memcached protocol.
Public propertyEnableConfigHeartBeat
Enables configuration "heartbeat" checks.
Public propertyEnableOperationTiming
Writes the elasped time for an operation to the log appender Disabled by default.
Public propertyExpect100Continue
Gets or sets a Boolean value that determines whether 100-Continue behavior is used.
Public propertyHeartbeatConfigInterval
Sets the interval for configuration "heartbeat" checks, which check for changes in the configuration that are otherwise undetected by the client.
Public propertyHttpsApiPort
Overrides the default and sets the Couchbase Views REST API to use a custom SSL port.
Public propertyHttpsMgmtPort
Overrides the default and sets the Couchbase Management REST API to use a custom SSL port.
Public propertyMaxServicePointIdleTime
Gets or sets the maximum idle time of a ServicePoint object used for making View and N1QL requests.
Public propertyMaxViewRetries
The upper limit for the number of times a View request that has failed will be retried.
Public propertyMgmtPort
Overrides the default and sets the Couchbase Management REST API to use a custom port.
Public propertyObserveInterval
Gets or Sets the interval between each observe attempt.
Public propertyObserveTimeout
Gets or Sets the max time an observe operation will take before timing out.
Public propertyPoolConfiguration
The configuration used for creating the IConnectionPool for each IBucket.
Public propertySerializationSettings
The incoming serializer settings for the JSON serializer.
Public propertyServers
A list of hosts used to bootstrap from.
Public propertySslPort
Overrides the default and sets the SSL port to use for Key/Value operations using the Binary Memcached protocol.
Public propertyTimer
A factory for creating IOperationTimer's.
Public propertyUseSsl
Set to true to use Secure Socket Layers (SSL) to encrypt traffic between the client and Couchbase server.
Public propertyViewHardTimeout
The maximum amount of time that a View will request take before timing out. Note this includes time for retries, etc.
Public propertyViewRequestTimeout
Sets the timeout for each HTTP View request.
See Also