KeyState EnumerationCouchbase .NET SDK 2.0
In an Observe operation, indicates whether the key is persisted or not.

Namespace: Couchbase.IO.Operations
Assembly: Couchbase.NetClient (in Couchbase.NetClient.dll) Version: (
public enum KeyState
  Member nameValueDescription
FoundNotPersisted0 Found, not persisted. Indicates key is in RAM, but not persisted to disk
FoundPersisted1 Found, persisted. Indicates key is found in RAM, and is persisted to disk
NotFound128 Not found. Indicates the key is persisted, but not found in RAM. In this case, a key is not available in any view/index. Couchbase Server will return this keystate for any item that is not stored in the server. It indicates you will not expect to have the item in a view/index.
LogicalDeleted129 Logically deleted. Indicates an item is in RAM, but is not yet deleted from disk.
See Also