DefaultPorts EnumerationCouchbase .NET SDK 2.0
Represents the "default" ports that come pre-configured with Couchbase Server.

Namespace: Couchbase.Configuration
Assembly: Couchbase.NetClient (in Couchbase.NetClient.dll) Version: (
public enum DefaultPorts
  Member nameValueDescription
MgmtApi8091 The Managment REST API port.
CApi8092 The Views REST API port.
Direct11210 The port used for Binary Memcached TCP operations.
Proxy11211 Not used by the .NET client - reserved for Moxi.
SslDirect11207 The SSL port used for Binary Memcached TCP operations.
HttpsCApi18092 The SSL port used by View REST API.
HttpsMgmt18091 The SSL port used by the Managment REST API's.
See Also