ResponseStatus EnumerationCouchbase .NET SDK 2.0
The response status for binary Memcached and Couchbase operations.

Namespace: Couchbase.IO
Assembly: Couchbase.NetClient (in Couchbase.NetClient.dll) Version: (
public enum ResponseStatus
  Member nameValueDescription
Success0 The operation was successful
KeyNotFound1 The key does not exist in the database
KeyExists2 The key exists in the database.
ValueTooLarge3 The value of the object stored was too large.
InvalidArguments4 The arguments of the operation were invalid.
ItemNotStored5 The item could be stored in the database
IncrDecrOnNonNumericValue6 The increment operation was called on a non-numeric value
VBucketBelongsToAnotherServer7 The VBucket the operation was attempted on, no longer belongs to the server.
This is a common during rebalancing after adding or removing a node or during a failover.
AuthenticationError32 The connection to Couchbase could not be authenticated.
AuthenticationContinue33 During SASL authentication, another step (or more) must be made before authentication is complete.
This is a system-level response status.
InvalidRange34 The value was outside of supported range.
UnknownCommand129 The server received an unknown command from a client.
OutOfMemory130 The server is temporarily out of memory.
NotSupported131 The operation is not supported.
InternalError132 An internal error has occured.
Busy133 The server was too busy to complete the operation.
TemporaryFailure134 A temporary error has occured in the server.
ClientFailure409 A client error has occured before the operation could be sent to the server.
OperationTimeout512 The operation exceeded the specified OperationTimeout configured for the client instance.
See Also