BucketConfiguration PropertiesCouchbase .NET SDK 2.0

The BucketConfiguration type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBucketName
The name of the Bucket to connect to.
Public propertyDefaultOperationLifespan
The maximum time allowed for an operation to live, in milliseconds, for this specific bucket.
Default value is 2500 (2.5 seconds)
Public propertyObserveInterval
Gets or Sets the interval between each observe attempt.
Public propertyObserveTimeout
Gets or Sets the max time an observe operation will take before timing out.
Public propertyPassword
The password to use if it's a SASL authenticated Bucket.
Public propertyPoolConfiguration
The PoolConfiguration used to create the IConnectionPool.
Public propertyPort
The Memcached port to use.
Public propertyServers
A list of IP's to bootstrap off of.
Public propertyUsername
The username for connecting to a Bucket.
Public propertyUseSsl
Set to true to enable Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption of all traffic between the client and the server.
See Also