IQueryRequest InterfaceCouchbase .NET SDK 2.0
Represents a request for a N1QL query

Namespace: Couchbase.N1QL
Assembly: Couchbase.NetClient (in Couchbase.NetClient.dll) Version: (
public interface IQueryRequest

Return Value


The IQueryRequest type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddCredentials
Adds a set of credentials to the list of credentials, in the form of user/password
Public methodAddNamedParameter(KeyValuePair<String, Object>[])
Adds a collection of named parameters to the parameters to the statement or prepared statement.
Public methodAddNamedParameter(String, Object)
Adds a named parameter to the parameters to the statement or prepared statement.
Public methodAddPositionalParameter(Object)
Adds a positional parameter to the parameters to the statement or prepared statement.
Public methodAddPositionalParameter(Object[])
Adds a list of positional parameters to the statement or prepared statement.
Public methodBaseUri
The base Uri used to create the request e.g. http://localhost:8093/query
Public methodClientContextId
A piece of data supplied by the client that is echoed in the response, if present. N1QL makes no assumptions about the meaning of this data and just logs and echoes it.
Public methodCompression
Compression format to use for response data on the wire. Possible values are ZIP, RLE, LZMA, LZO, NONE.
Public methodEncoding
Specifies the desired character encoding for the query results.
Public methodFormat
Desired format for the query results.
Public methodGetBaseUri
Gets the Uri for the Query service
Public methodGetFormValues
Public methodGetQueryParameters
Public methodGetRequestUri
Gets the constructed Uri for making the request.
Public methodHttpMethod
The HTTP method type to use.
Public methodMetrics
Specifies that metrics should be returned with query results.
Public methodPrepared
Sets a N1QL statement to be executed.
Public methodPretty
Pretty print the output.
Public methodReadOnly
If a GET request, this will always be true otherwise false.
Public methodScanConsistency
Specifies the consistency guarantee/constraint for index scanning.
Public methodScanVector
Specify the lower bound vector timestamp when using at_plus scan consistency.
Public methodScanWait
Specifies the maximum time the client is willing to wait for an index to catch up to the vector timestamp in the request. If an index has to catch up, and the ScanWait(TimeSpan) time is exceed doing so, an error is returned.
Public methodSignature
Includes a header for the results schema in the response.
Public methodStatement
Sets a N1QL statement to be executed.
Public methodTimeout
Sets the maximum time to spend on the request.
Public propertyIsPost
The HTTP method type to use.
Public propertyIsPrepared
Returns true if the request is a prepared statement
See Also