IClusterManager InterfaceCouchbase .NET SDK 2.0
An intermediate class for doing management operations on a Cluster.

Namespace: Couchbase.Management
Assembly: Couchbase.NetClient (in Couchbase.NetClient.dll) Version: (
public interface IClusterManager

The IClusterManager type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddNode
Adds a node to the cluster.
Public methodAddNodeAsync
Adds a node to the cluster.
Public methodClusterInfo
Returns the current state of the cluster.
Public methodClusterInfoAsync
Returns the current state of the cluster.
Public methodCreateBucket
Creates a new bucket on the cluster
Public methodCreateBucketAsync
Creates a new bucket on the cluster
Public methodFailoverNode
Fails over a given node
Public methodFailoverNodeAsync
Fails over a given node
Public methodListBuckets
List all current buckets in this cluster.
Public methodListBucketsAsync
List all current buckets in this cluster.
Public methodRebalance
Initiates a rebalance across the cluster.
Public methodRebalanceAsync
Initiates a rebalance across the cluster.
Public methodRemoveBucket
Removes a bucket from the cluster permamently.
Public methodRemoveBucketAsync
Removes a bucket from the cluster permamently.
Public methodRemoveNode
Removes a failed over node from the cluster.
Public methodRemoveNodeAsync
Removes a failed over node from the cluster.
See Also