SocketExtensions ClassCouchbase .NET SDK 2.0
Extension methods for using SocketAwaitable instances for awaitable async IO.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Couchbase.IO.Utils
Assembly: Couchbase.NetClient (in Couchbase.NetClient.dll) Version: (
public static class SocketExtensions

The SocketExtensions type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberAcceptAsync
Begins an asynchronous to accept an incoming connection attempt using await.
Public methodStatic memberConnectAsync
Begins an asynchronous to a connection to a remote host using await.
Public methodStatic memberDisconnectAsync
Begins an asynchronous to disconnect from a remote host using await.
Public methodStatic memberReceiveAsync(SocketAwaitable)
Begins an asynchronous request to receive data from a connected Socket object using await.
Public methodStatic memberReceiveAsync(Socket, SocketAwaitable)
Begins an asynchronous request to receive data from a connected Socket object using await.
Public methodStatic memberSendAsync(SocketAwaitable)
Sends data asynchronously to a connected Socket object using await.
Public methodStatic memberSendAsync(Socket, SocketAwaitable)
Sends data asynchronously to a connected Socket object using await.
See Also