IOperationResult<T> InterfaceCouchbase .NET SDK 2.0
The primary return type for binary Memcached operations which return a value

Namespace: Couchbase
Assembly: Couchbase.NetClient (in Couchbase.NetClient.dll) Version: (
public interface IOperationResult<out T> : IOperationResult, 
Type Parameters
The value returned by the operation.

The IOperationResult<T> type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCas
The 'Check and Set' or 'CAS' value for enforcing optimistic concurrency.
(Inherited from IOperationResult.)
Public propertyDurability
The level of durability that the operation achieved
(Inherited from IOperationResult.)
Public propertyException
If Success is false and an exception has been caught internally, this field will contain the exception.
(Inherited from IResult.)
Public propertyMessage
If the operation wasn't succesful, a message indicating why it was not succesful.
(Inherited from IResult.)
Public propertyStatus
The server's response status for the operation.
(Inherited from IOperationResult.)
Public propertySuccess
Returns true if the operation was succesful.
(Inherited from IResult.)
Public propertyValue
The value returned by the operation.
See Also