Enum ResponseStatus
The response status for binary Memcached and Couchbase operations.
Namespace: Couchbase.Core.IO.Operations
Assembly: Couchbase.NetClient.dll
public enum ResponseStatus
Name | Description |
AuthStale | The authentication context is stale. You should reauthenticate |
AuthenticationContinue | During SASL authentication, another step (or more) must be made before authentication is complete.
AuthenticationError | The connection to Couchbase could not be authenticated. |
BucketNotConnected | Not connected to a bucket. |
Busy | The server was too busy to complete the operation. |
Cancelled | The request was cancelled, no state changed. |
CircuitBreakerOpen | The circuit breaker has been tripped and the operation will retry until timeout. Used internally. |
ClientFailure | A client error has occured before the operation could be sent to the server. |
DocumentMutationDetected | A document mutation was detected on the document being observed. |
DocumentMutationLost | Document Mutation lost during a hard failover. |
DocumentNotLocked | Raised when a document is not locked. |
DurabilityImpossible | Valid request, but given durability requirements are impossible to achieve - because insufficient configured replicas are connected. Assuming level=majority and C=number of configured nodes, durability becomes impossible if floor((C + 1) / 2) nodes or greater are offline. |
DurabilityInvalidLevel | Invalid request. Returned if an invalid durability level is specified. |
EConfigOnly | Command can't be executed in a config-only bucket. |
Eaccess | No access (could be opcode, value, bucket etc) |
Failure | An Error occured and more details can be found in the operation message. |
IncrDecrOnNonNumericValue | The increment operation was called on a non-numeric value |
InternalError | An internal error has occured. |
InvalidArguments | The arguments of the operation were invalid. |
InvalidRange | The value was outside of supported range. |
ItemNotStored | The item could not be stored in the database |
KeyExists | The key exists in the database. |
KeyNotFound | The key does not exist in the database |
Locked | The requested resource is locked. |
NoCollectionsManifest | No collections manifest has been set. The server does not support scopes or collections. |
NoReplicasFound | Returned when the client cannot locate a replica within the cluster map config for a replica read. This would happen if a bucket was not configured to have replicas; if you encounter this error check to make sure you have indeed configured replicas on your bucket. |
NodeUnavailable | The node or service that the key has been mapped to is offline or cannot be reached. |
None | Indicates that the enum has not been set. |
NotInitialized | The Couchbase cluster is currently initializing this node, and the Cluster manager has not yet granted all users access to the cluster. |
NotSupported | The operation is not supported. |
OperationTimeout | The operation exceeded the specified OperationTimeout configured for the client instance. |
OutOfMemory | The server is temporarily out of memory. |
RangeScanCanceled | The RangeScan (or PrefixScan) operation was canceled. |
RangeScanComplete | Scan has reached the end of the range. |
RangeScanMore | Scan has reached a limit and has not reached the end key, more data maybe available and the client must issue another continue. |
RateLimitedMaxCommands | Rate limited: Max Commands |
RateLimitedMaxConnections | Rate limited: Max Connections |
RateLimitedNetworkEgress | Rate limited: Network Egress |
RateLimitedNetworkIngress | Rate limited: Network Ingress |
Rollback | Roll back to an earlier version of the vbucket UUID (currently only used by DCP for agreeing on selecting a starting point) |
ScopeSizeLimitExceeded | Quota limited: Max number of scopes has been exceeded |
SubDocCannotInsert | Subdocument error indicating that the target document is not flagged or recognized as JSON. |
SubDocDeltaRange | Subdocument error indicating that for arithmetic subdoc operations, the operation will make the value too large. |
SubDocDocNotJson | Subdocument error indicating that, for arithmetic subdoc operations, the existing number is already too large. |
SubDocDocTooDeep | Subdocument error indicating that the target document's level of JSON nesting is too deep to be processed by the subdoc service. |
SubDocInvalidCombo | Subdocument error indicating that, in a multi-specification, an invalid combination of commands were specified, including the case where too many paths were specified. |
SubDocMultiPathFailure | Subdocument error indicating that, in a multi-specification, one or more commands failed to execute on a document which exists (ie. the key was valid). |
SubDocNumRange | Subdocument error indicating that for arithmetic subdoc operations, the operation will make the value too large. |
SubDocPathExists | Subdocument error indicating that the last component of the path already exist despite the mutation operation expecting it not to exist (the mutation was expecting to create only the last part of the path and store the fragment there). |
SubDocPathInvalid | Subdocument error indicating that the path provided is invalid. For operations requiring an array index, this is returned if the last component of that path isn't an array. Similarly for operations requiring a dictionary, if the last component isn't a dictionary but eg. an array index. |
SubDocPathMismatch | Subdocument error indicating one of the path components was denoting a wrong type (eg. trying to access an array index in an entry that isn't an array). Also for arithmetic operations when the value of the path is not a number. |
SubDocPathNotFound | Subdocument error indicating the path inside the JSON is invalid. |
SubDocPathTooBig | Subdocument error indicating that the path is too large (ie. the string is too long) or too deep (more that 32 components). |
SubDocSuccessDeletedDocument | SubDocument status indicating that the subdoc operation completed successfully on the deleted document. |
SubDocValueTooDeep | Subdocument error indicating that, in a multi-specification, an invalid combination of commands were specified, including the case where too many paths were specified. |
SubDocXattrInvalidFlagCombo | Subdocument error indicating the flag combination for an XATTR operation was invalid. |
SubDocXattrInvalidKeyCombo | Subdocument error indicating the key combination for an XATTR opeation was invalid. |
SubdocInvalidXattrOrder | According to the spec all xattr commands should come first, followed by the commands for the document body |
SubdocMultiPathFailureDeleted | [For multi-path commands only] Specified key was found as a Deleted document, but one or more path operations failed. Examine the individual lookup_result (MULTI_LOOKUP) mutation_result (MULTI_MUTATION) structures for details. |
SubdocXattrCantModifyVattr | Virtual xattrs can't be modified |
SubdocXattrUnknownMacro | The server has no knowledge of the requested macro |
SubdocXattrUnknownVattr | The server has no knowledge of the requested virtual xattr |
Success | The operation was successful |
SyncWriteAmbiguous | The SyncWrite request has not completed in the specified time and has ambiguous result - it may Succeed or Fail; but the final value is not yet known. |
SyncWriteInProgress | Returned if an attempt is made to mutate a key which already has a SyncWrite pending. Transient, the client would typically retry (possibly with backoff). Similar to ELOCKED. |
SyncWriteReCommitInProgress | A SyncWrite request re-commit is in progress. |
TemporaryFailure | A temporary error has occured in the server. |
TransportFailure | Indicates that a transport layer failure occured while the client was sending or receiving data. |
UnknownCollection | Collection does not exist/Collection Outdated |
UnknownCommand | The server received an unknown command from a client. |
UnknownError | An unknown error occured. Please check logs for more details. |
UnknownScope | The Scope does not exist/Collection Outdated |
VBucketBelongsToAnotherServer | The VBucket the operation was attempted on, no longer belongs to the server.
ValueTooLarge | The value of the object stored was too large. |