Interfaces, Classes, Traits and Enums
- AmbiguousTimeoutException
- This is a special case of the timeout exception, signaling that the timeout happened with an ambiguous cause.
- AuthenticationFailureException
- Every exception that has to do with authentication problems should either instantiate or subclass from this type
- BucketExistsException
- Base exception for exceptions that are thrown originating from Couchbase operations.
- BucketNotFlushableException
- Base exception for exceptions that are thrown originating from Couchbase operations.
- BucketNotFoundException
- Base exception for exceptions that are thrown originating from Couchbase operations.
- CasMismatchException
- Indicates an optimistic locking failure.
- CollectionExistsException
- Base exception for exceptions that are thrown originating from Couchbase operations.
- CollectionNotFoundException
- Base exception for exceptions that are thrown originating from Couchbase operations.
- CompilationFailureException
- The analytics query failed to compile
- ConsistencyMismatchException
- Base exception for exceptions that are thrown originating from Couchbase operations.
- CouchbaseException
- Base exception for exceptions that are thrown originating from Couchbase operations.
- DatasetExistsException
- Base exception for exceptions that are thrown originating from Couchbase operations.
- DatasetNotFoundException
- The queried dataset is not found on the server.
- DataverseExistsException
- Base exception for exceptions that are thrown originating from Couchbase operations.
- DataverseNotFoundException
- Base exception for exceptions that are thrown originating from Couchbase operations.
- DecodingFailureException
- Raised when provided content could not be successfully decoded.
- DeltaInvalidException
- Subdocument exception thrown when the delta in an arithmetic operation (eg counter) is invalid. In this SDK, this
is equivalent to saying that the delta is zero.
- DesignDocumentNotFoundException
- Base exception for exceptions that are thrown originating from Couchbase operations.
- DocumentExistsException
- Indicates an operation failed because the key already exists.
- DocumentIrretrievableException
- Indicates an operation completed but no successful document was retrievable
- DocumentLockedException
- Thrown when the server reports a temporary failure that is very likely to be lock-related (like an already locked
key or a bad cas used for unlock).
- DocumentNotFoundException
- Indicates an operation failed because the key does not exist.
- DocumentNotJsonException
- Subdocument exception thrown when the targeted enclosing document itself is not JSON.
- DocumentNotLockedException
- Thrown when the server reports that the document is not locked when an unlocking
operation is being performed.
- DurabilityAmbiguousException
- The synchronous replication durability work can return an ambiguous error (or we timeout waiting for the response,
which is effectively the same). Here we know the change is on a majority of replicas, or it's on none.
- DurabilityImpossibleException
- The given durability requirements are currently impossible to achieve, as not enough configured replicas are
currently available.
- DurabilityLevelNotAvailableException
- This exception is raised when a durability level has been requested that is not available on the server.
- DurableWriteInProgressException
- Returned if an attempt is made to mutate a key which already has a durable write pending.
- DurableWriteReCommitInProgressException
- The requested key has a SyncWrite which is being re-committed.
- EncodingFailureException
- Raised when provided content could not be successfully encoded.
- FeatureNotAvailableException
- Exception which states that the feature is not available.
- GroupNotFoundException
- Base exception for exceptions that are thrown originating from Couchbase operations.
- IndexExistsException
- Base exception for exceptions that are thrown originating from Couchbase operations.
- IndexFailureException
- Indicates an operation failed because there has been an issue with the query planner or similar.
- IndexNotFoundException
- Base exception for exceptions that are thrown originating from Couchbase operations.
- IndexNotReadyException
- Base exception for exceptions that are thrown originating from Couchbase operations.
- InternalServerFailureException
- Base exception for exceptions that are thrown originating from Couchbase operations.
- InvalidArgumentException
- Base exception for exceptions that are thrown originating from Couchbase operations.
- JobQueueFullException
- Indicates the analytics server job queue is full
- LinkExistsException
- Base exception for exceptions that are thrown originating from Couchbase operations.
- LinkNotFoundException
- Base exception for exceptions that are thrown originating from Couchbase operations.
- NumberTooBigException
- Subdocument exception thrown when existing number value in document is too big.
- ParsingFailureException
- Base exception for exceptions that are thrown originating from Couchbase operations.
- PathExistsException
- Subdocument exception thrown when a path already exists and it shouldn't
- PathInvalidException
- Subdocument exception thrown when path has a syntax error, or path syntax is incorrect for the operation (for
example, if operation requires an array index).
- PathMismatchException
- Subdocument exception thrown when the path structure conflicts with the document structure (for example, if a
path mentions foo.bar[0].baz, but foo.bar is actually a JSON object).
- PathNotFoundException
- Subdocument exception thrown when a path does not exist in the document. The exact meaning of path existence
depends on the operation and inputs.
- PathTooBigException
- Base exception for exceptions that are thrown originating from Couchbase operations.
- PathTooDeepException
- Subdocument exception thrown when path is too deep to parse. Depth of a path is determined by how many components
(or levels) it contains.
- PermissionDeniedException
- Base exception for exceptions that are thrown originating from Couchbase operations.
- PlanningFailureException
- Indicates an operation failed because there has been an issue with the query planner.
- PreparedStatementFailureException
- Indicates an operation failed because there has been an issue with query prepared statements.
- RequestCanceledException
- Base exception for exceptions that are thrown originating from Couchbase operations.
- ScopeExistsException
- Base exception for exceptions that are thrown originating from Couchbase operations.
- ScopeNotFoundException
- Base exception for exceptions that are thrown originating from Couchbase operations.
- ServiceNotAvailableException
- Base exception for exceptions that are thrown originating from Couchbase operations.
- TemporaryFailureException
- Base exception for exceptions that are thrown originating from Couchbase operations.
- TimeoutException
- The {Timeout} signals that an operation timed out before it could be completed.
- TransactionCommitAmbiguousException
- Base exception for exceptions that are thrown originating from Couchbase operations.
- TransactionException
- Base exception for exceptions that are thrown originating from Couchbase operations.
- TransactionExpiredException
- Base exception for exceptions that are thrown originating from Couchbase operations.
- TransactionFailedException
- Base exception for exceptions that are thrown originating from Couchbase operations.
- TransactionOperationFailedException
- Base exception for exceptions that are thrown originating from Couchbase operations.
- UnambiguousTimeoutException
- This is a special case of the timeout exception, signaling that the timeout happened with no ambiguous cause.
- UnsupportedOperationException
- Base exception for exceptions that are thrown originating from Couchbase operations.
- UserExistsException
- Base exception for exceptions that are thrown originating from Couchbase operations.
- UserNotFoundException
- Base exception for exceptions that are thrown originating from Couchbase operations.
- ValueInvalidException
- Subdocument exception thrown when the provided value cannot be inserted at the given path.
- ValueTooDeepException
- Subdocument exception thrown when proposed value would make the document too deep to parse.
- ValueTooLargeException
- Thrown when the request is too big for some reason.
- ViewNotFoundException
- The queried view is not found on the server
- XattrCannotModifyVirtualAttributeException
- Subdocument exception thrown when the virtual attribute cannot be modified.
- XattrInvalidKeyComboException
- Subdocument exception thrown when more than one xattr key has been requested.
- XattrUnknownMacroException
- Subdocument exception thrown when a macro has been requested which is not recognised by the server.
- XattrUnknownVirtualAttributeException
- Subdocument exception thrown when a virtual attribute has been requested which is not recognised by the server.