- Datastructures
- Exception
- Management
- Protostellar
- Utilities
Interfaces, Classes, Traits and Enums
- AnalyticsScanConsistency
- Set of values for the scan consistency level of an analytics query.
- Authenticator
- BinaryCollectionInterface
- BucketInterface
- ClusterInterface
- CollectionInterface
- ConfigProfile
- Provides an interface for new config profiles
- DurabilityLevel
- An object which contains levels of durability that can be enforced when
using mutation operations.
- ForkEvent
- ForkEvent defines types of events, that can happen when forking the process.
- LookupInSpec
- LookupInSpec is an interface for providing subdocument lookup operations.
- Meter
- Providers an interface to create value recorders for recording metrics.
- MutateInSpec
- MutateInSpec is an interface for providing subdocument mutation operations.
- PersistTo
- QueryProfile
- Set of values for setting the profile mode of a query.
- QueryScanConsistency
- Set of values for the scan consistency level of a query.
- ReplicateTo
- RequestSpan
- Represents a span of time an event occurs over.
- RequestTracer
- Represents a tracer capable of creating trace spans.
- ScanType
- ScanType is an interface for providing key value scan operations
- ScopeInterface
- Scope is an object for providing access to collections.
- SearchFacet
- Common interface for all search facets
- SearchHighlightMode
- SearchQuery
- Common interface for all classes, which could be used as a body of SearchQuery
- SearchSort
- Base interface for all FTS sort options in querying.
- SearchSortMissing
- SearchSortMode
- SearchSortType
- StoreSemantics
- An object which contains how to define the document level action to take
during a MutateIn operation.
- Transcoder
- ValueRecorder
- Provides an interface for recording values.
- VectorQueryCombination
- Interface for setting how multiple vector queries are combined.
- ViewConsistency
- ViewErrorMode
- Interface for retrieving metadata generated during view queries.
- ViewOrdering
- AnalyticsMetaData
- Interface for retrieving metadata such as errors and metrics generated during analytics queries.
- AnalyticsOptions
- AnalyticsResult
- Interface for retrieving results from analytics queries.
- AnalyticsWarning
- Set of warning or error messages returned by an analytics query.
- AppendOptions
- BinaryCollection
- BinaryCollection is an object containing functionality for performing KeyValue operations against the server with
binary documents.
- BooleanFieldSearchQuery
- A FTS query that queries fields explicitly indexed as boolean.
- BooleanSearchQuery
- A compound FTS query that allows various combinations of sub-queries.
- Bucket
- Bucket is an object containing functionality for performing bucket level operations
against a cluster and for access to scopes and collections.
- CertificateAuthenticator
- Cluster
- Cluster is an object containing functionality for performing cluster level operations
against a cluster and for access to buckets.
- ClusterOptions
- ClusterRegistry
- Collection
- Collection is an object containing functionality for performing KeyValue operations against the server.
- ConfigProfiles
- Singleton class which stores the registered configuration profiles
- ConjunctionSearchQuery
- A compound FTS query that performs a logical AND between all its sub-queries (conjunction).
- Coordinate
- CounterResult
- Interface for results created by the counter operation.
- DateRangeFacetResult
- A range (or bucket) for a date range facet result. Counts the number of matches
that fall into the named range (which can overlap with other user-defined ranges).
- DateRangeSearchFacet
- A facet that categorizes hits inside date ranges (or buckets) provided by the user.
- DateRangeSearchQuery
- A FTS query that matches documents on a range of values. At least one bound is required, and the
inclusiveness of each bound can be configured.
- DecrementOptions
- DesignDocumentNamespace
- DisjunctionSearchQuery
- A compound FTS query that performs a logical OR between all its sub-queries (disjunction). It requires that a
minimum of the queries match. The minimum is configurable (default 1).
- DocIdSearchQuery
- A FTS query that matches on Couchbase document IDs. Useful to restrict the search space to a list of keys (by using
this in a compound query).
- ExistsOptions
- ExistsResult
- Base interface for all results generated by KV operations.
- GeoBoundingBoxSearchQuery
- A FTS query which allows to match geo bounding boxes.
- GeoDistanceSearchQuery
- A FTS query that finds all matches from a given location (point) within the given distance.
- GeoPolygonQuery
- A FTS query that finds all matches within the given polygon area.
- GetAllReplicasOptions
- GetAndLockOptions
- GetAndTouchOptions
- GetAnyReplicaOptions
- GetOptions
- GetReplicaResult
- Interface for results created by the getReplica operation.
- GetResult
- Interface for results created by the get operation.
- IncrementOptions
- InsertOptions
- JsonTranscoder
- LoggingMeter
- Implements a default meter which logs metrics on a regular basis. Note that
to reduce the performance impact of using this meter, this class is not
actually used by the SDK, and simply acts as a placeholder which triggers a
native implementation to be used instead.
- LoggingMeterOptions
- LookupCountSpec
- Indicates to retrieve the count of array items or dictionary keys within a path in a document.
- LookupExistsSpec
- Indicates to check if a path exists in a document.
- LookupGetFullSpec
- Indicates to retreive a whole document.
- LookupGetSpec
- Indicates a path for a value to be retrieved from a document.
- LookupInAllReplicasOptions
- LookupInAnyReplicaOptions
- LookupInMacro
- LookupInOptions
- LookupInReplicaResult
- Interface for results created by the lookupInReplica operation.
- LookupInResult
- Interface for results created by the lookupIn operation.
- MatchAllSearchQuery
- A FTS query that matches all indexed documents (usually for debugging purposes).
- MatchNoneSearchQuery
- A FTS query that matches 0 document (usually for debugging purposes).
- MatchPhraseSearchQuery
- A FTS query that matches several given terms (a "phrase"), applying further processing
like analyzers to them.
- MatchSearchQuery
- A FTS query that matches a given term, applying further processing to it
like analyzers, stemming and even #fuzziness(int).
- MutateArrayAddUniqueSpec
- Indicates to add a value into an array at a path in a document so long as that value does not already exist
in the array.
- MutateArrayAppendSpec
- Indicates to append a value to an array at a path in a document.
- MutateArrayInsertSpec
- Indicates to insert a value into an array at a path in a document.
- MutateArrayPrependSpec
- Indicates to prepend a value to an array at a path in a document.
- MutateCounterSpec
- Indicates to increment or decrement a counter value at a path in a document.
- MutateInOptions
- MutateInResult
- Results created by the mutateIn operation.
- MutateInsertSpec
- Indicates to insert a value at a path in a document.
- MutateRemoveSpec
- Indicates to remove a value at a path in a document.
- MutateReplaceSpec
- Indicates to replace a value at a path if it doesn't exist in a document.
- MutateUpsertSpec
- Indicates to replace a value at a path if it doesn't exist, otherwise create the path, in a document.
- MutationResult
- Interface for results created by operations that perform mutations.
- MutationState
- MutationState is an object which holds and aggregates mutation tokens across operations.
- MutationToken
- An object which contains meta information of the document needed to enforce query consistency.
- NoopMeter
- Implements a no-op meter which performs no metrics instrumentation. Note that
to reduce the performance impact of using this meter, this class is not
actually used by the SDK, and simply acts as a placeholder which triggers a
native implementation to be used instead.
- NoopTracer
- Implements a no-op tracer which performs no work. Note that to reduce the
performance impact of using this tracer, this class is not actually
used by the SDK, and simply acts as a placeholder which triggers a
native implementation to be used instead.
- NumericRangeFacetResult
- A range (or bucket) for a numeric range facet result. Counts the number of matches
that fall into the named range (which can overlap with other user-defined ranges).
- NumericRangeSearchFacet
- A facet that categorizes hits into numerical ranges (or buckets) provided by the user.
- NumericRangeSearchQuery
- A FTS query that matches documents on a range of values. At least one bound is required, and the
inclusiveness of each bound can be configured.
- PasswordAuthenticator
- PhraseSearchQuery
- A FTS query that matches several terms (a "phrase") as is. The order of the terms mater and no further processing is
applied to them, so they must appear in the index exactly as provided. Usually for debugging purposes, prefer
- PrefixScan
- A PrefixScan selects every document whose ID starts with a certain prefix
- PrefixSearchQuery
- A FTS query that allows for simple matching on a given prefix.
- PrependOptions
- QueryMetaData
- Interface for retrieving metadata such as errors and metrics generated during N1QL queries.
- QueryOptions
- QueryResult
- QueryResult is an object for retrieving results from N1QL queries.
- QueryStringSearchQuery
- A FTS query that performs a search according to the "string query" syntax.
- QueryWarning
- Set of warning or error messages returned by a query.
- RangeScan
- A RangeScan performs a scan on a range of keys with the range specified through a start and end ScanTerm
- RawBinaryTranscoder
- RawJsonTranscoder
- RawStringTranscoder
- RegexpSearchQuery
- A FTS query that allows for simple matching of regular expressions.
- RemoveOptions
- ReplaceOptions
- Result
- Base interface for all results generated by KV operations.
- SamplingScan
- A SamplingScan performs a scan on a random sampling of keys with the sampling bounded by a limit.
- ScanOptions
- ScanResult
- Interface for results created by the scan operation.
- ScanResults
- Interface for ScanResults containing the iterator which streams back the ScanResults
- ScanTerm
- Scope
- Scope is an object for providing access to collections.
- SearchFacetResult
- Class representing facet results.
- SearchMetaData
- Class for retrieving metadata such as error counts and metrics generated during search queries.
- SearchOptions
- SearchRequest
- SearchResult
- Class for retrieving results from search queries.
- SearchSortField
- Sort by a field in the hits.
- SearchSortGeoDistance
- Sort by a location and unit in the hits.
- SearchSortId
- Sort by the document identifier.
- SearchSortScore
- Sort by the hit score.
- ServiceType
- TermFacetResult
- A range (or bucket) for a term search facet result.
- TermRangeSearchQuery
- A FTS query that matches documents on a range of values. At least one bound is required, and the
inclusiveness of each bound can be configured.
- TermSearchFacet
- A facet that gives the number of occurrences of the most recurring terms in all hits.
- TermSearchQuery
- A facet that gives the number of occurrences of the most recurring terms in all hits.
- ThresholdLoggingOptions
- ThresholdLoggingTracer
- This implements a basic default tracer which keeps track of operations
which falls outside a specified threshold. Note that to reduce the
performance impact of using this tracer, this class is not actually
used by the SDK, and simply acts as a placeholder which triggers a
native implementation to be used instead.
- TouchOptions
- TransactionAttemptContext
- TransactionGetResult
- Base interface for all results generated by KV operations.
- TransactionKeyspace
- TransactionOptions
- TransactionQueryOptions
- TransactionResult
- Transactions
- TransactionsCleanupConfiguration
- TransactionsConfiguration
- TransactionsQueryConfiguration
- TranscoderFlags
- UnlockOptions
- UpsertOptions
- VectorQuery
- VectorSearch
- VectorSearchOptions
- ViewMetaData
- Class for retrieving metadata generated during view queries.
- ViewOptions
- ViewResult
- Class for retrieving results from view queries.
- ViewRow
- Object for accessing a row returned as a part of the results from a viery query.
- WanDevelopmentProfile
- Definition of the wan_development profile from RFC-0074
- WildcardSearchQuery
- A FTS query that allows for simple matching using wildcard characters (* and ?).