
class couchbase.binary_collection.BinaryCollection(collection)
append(key, value, *opts, **kwargs) MutationResult

Appends the specified value to the beginning of document of the specified key.

  • key (str) – The key of the document to append to.

  • value (Union[str, bytes, bytearray]) – The value to append to the document.

  • opts (AppendOptions) – Optional parameters for this operation.

  • **kwargs (Dict[str, Any]) – keyword arguments that can be used in place or to override provided AppendOptions


An instance of MutationResult.

Return type:



DocumentNotFoundException – If the key provided does not exist on the server.


Simple append string operation:

# ... other code ...

collection = bucket.default_collection()
res = collection.binary().append('string-doc', 'XYZ')

Simple append binary operation:

# ... other code ...

collection = bucket.default_collection()
res = collection.binary().append('binary-doc', b'XYZ')

Simple append operation with options:

from datetime import timedelta

from couchbase.options import AppendOptions

# ... other code ...

collection = bucket.default_collection()
res = collection.binary().append('string-doc',
prepend(key, value, *opts, **kwargs) MutationResult

Prepends the specified value to the beginning of document of the specified key.

  • key (str) – The key of the document to prepend to.

  • value (Union[str, bytes, bytearray]) – The value to prepend to the document.

  • opts (PrependOptions) – Optional parameters for this operation.

  • **kwargs (Dict[str, Any]) – keyword arguments that can be used in place or to override provided PrependOptions


An instance of MutationResult.

Return type:



DocumentNotFoundException – If the key provided does not exist on the server.


Simple prepend string operation:

# ... other code ...

collection = bucket.default_collection()
res = collection.binary().prepend('string-doc', 'ABC')

Simple prepend binary operation:

# ... other code ...

collection = bucket.default_collection()
res = collection.binary().prepend('binary-doc', b'ABC')

Simple prepend operation with options:

from datetime import timedelta

from couchbase.options import PrependOptions

# ... other code ...

collection = bucket.default_collection()
res = collection.binary().prepend('string-doc',
increment(key, *opts, **kwargs) CounterResult

Increments the ASCII value of the document, specified by the key, by the amount indicated in the delta option (defaults to 1).

  • key (str) – The key of the document to increment.

  • opts (IncrementOptions) – Optional parameters for this operation.

  • **kwargs (Dict[str, Any]) – keyword arguments that can be used in place or to override provided IncrementOptions


An instance of CounterResult.

Return type:



DocumentNotFoundException – If the key provided does not exist on the server.


Simple increment operation:

from couchbase.options import IncrementOptions, SignedInt64

# ... other code ...

collection = bucket.default_collection()
res = collection.binary().increment('counter-doc', IncrementOptions(initial=SignedInt64(100))
print(f'Counter value: {res.content}')

Simple increment operation, change default delta:

from couchbase.options import IncrementOptions, DeltaValue

# ... other code ...

collection = bucket.default_collection()
res = collection.binary().increment('counter-doc', IncrementOptions(delta=DeltaValue(5))
print(f'Counter value: {res.content}')
decrement(key, *opts, **kwargs) CounterResult

Decrements the ASCII value of the document, specified by the key, by the amount indicated in the delta option (defaults to 1).

  • key (str) – The key of the document to decrement.

  • opts (DecrementOptions) – Optional parameters for this operation.

  • **kwargs (Dict[str, Any]) – keyword arguments that can be used in place or to override provided DecrementOptions


An instance of CounterResult.

Return type:



DocumentNotFoundException – If the key provided does not exist on the server.


Simple decrement operation:

from couchbase.options import DecrementOptions, SignedInt64

# ... other code ...

collection = bucket.default_collection()
res = collection.binary().decrement('counter-doc', DecrementOptions(initial=SignedInt64(100))
print(f'Counter value: {res.content}')

Simple decrement operation, change default delta:

from couchbase.options import DecrementOptions, DeltaValue

# ... other code ...

collection = bucket.default_collection()
res = collection.binary().decrement('counter-doc', DecrementOptions(delta=DeltaValue(5))
print(f'Counter value: {res.content}')
append_multi(keys_and_values, *opts, **kwargs) MultiMutationResult

For each key-value pair, appends the specified value to the end of the document specified by the key.

  • keys_and_values (Dict[str, Union[str,bytes,bytearray]]) – The key-value pairs to use for the multiple append operations. Each key should correspond to the document to append to and each value should correspond to the value to append to the document.

  • opts (AppendMultiOptions) – Optional parameters for this operation.

  • **kwargs (Dict[str, Any]) – keyword arguments that can be used in place or to override provided AppendMultiOptions


An instance of MultiMutationResult.

Return type:



DocumentNotFoundException – If the key provided does not exist on the server and the return_exceptions options is False. Otherwise the exception is returned as a match to the key, but is not raised.


Simple append-multi string operation:

# ... other code ...

collection = bucket.default_collection()
keys = ['str-doc1', 'str-doc2', 'str-doc3']
values = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']
keys_and_docs = dict(zip(keys, values))
res = collection.binary().append_multi(keys_and_docs)

Simple append-multi binary operation:

# ... other code ...

collection = bucket.default_collection()
keys = ['bin-doc1', 'bin-doc2', 'bin-doc3']
values = [b'foo', b'bar', b'baz']
keys_and_docs = dict(zip(keys, values))
res = collection.binary().append_multi(keys_and_docs)

Simple append-multi operation with options:

from datetime import timedelta

from couchbase.options import AppendMultiOptions

# ... other code ...

collection = bucket.default_collection()
keys = ['bin-doc1', 'bin-doc2', 'bin-doc3']
values = [b'foo', b'bar', b'baz']
keys_and_docs = dict(zip(keys, values))
res = collection.binary().append_multi(keys_and_docs,

Simple append-multi operation, raise an Exception if an Exception occurs:

from couchbase.options import AppendMultiOptions

# ... other code ...

collection = bucket.default_collection()
keys = ['bin-doc1', 'bin-doc2', 'bin-doc3']
values = [b'foo', b'bar', b'baz']
keys_and_docs = dict(zip(keys, values))
res = collection.binary().append_multi(keys_and_docs,

Simple append-multi operation, individual key options:

from datetime import timedelta

from couchbase.options import AppendMultiOptions, AppendOptions

# ... other code ...

collection = bucket.default_collection()
keys = ['bin-doc1', 'bin-doc2', 'bin-doc3']
values = [b'foo', b'bar', b'baz']
keys_and_docs = dict(zip(keys, values))
per_key_opts = {'bin-doc1': AppendOptions(timeout=timedelta(seconds=10))}
res = collection.binary().append_multi(keys_and_docs,
prepend_multi(keys_and_values, *opts, **kwargs) MultiMutationResult

For each key-value pair, prepends the specified value to the beginning of the document specified by the key.

  • keys_and_values (Dict[str, Union[str,bytes,bytearray]]) – The key-value pairs to use for the multiple prepend operations. Each key should correspond to the document to prepend to and each value should correspond to the value to prepend to the document.

  • opts (PrependMultiOptions) – Optional parameters for this operation.

  • **kwargs (Dict[str, Any]) – keyword arguments that can be used in place or to override provided PrependMultiOptions


An instance of MultiMutationResult.

Return type:



DocumentNotFoundException – If the key provided does not exist on the server and the return_exceptions options is False. Otherwise the exception is returned as a match to the key, but is not raised.


Simple prepend-multi string operation:

# ... other code ...

collection = bucket.default_collection()
keys = ['str-doc1', 'str-doc2', 'str-doc3']
values = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']
keys_and_docs = dict(zip(keys, values))
res = collection.binary().prepend_multi(keys_and_docs)

Simple prepend-multi binary operation:

# ... other code ...

collection = bucket.default_collection()
keys = ['bin-doc1', 'bin-doc2', 'bin-doc3']
values = [b'foo', b'bar', b'baz']
keys_and_docs = dict(zip(keys, values))
res = collection.binary().prepend_multi(keys_and_docs)

Simple prepend-multi operation with options:

from datetime import timedelta

from couchbase.options import PrependMultiOptions

# ... other code ...

collection = bucket.default_collection()
keys = ['bin-doc1', 'bin-doc2', 'bin-doc3']
values = [b'foo', b'bar', b'baz']
keys_and_docs = dict(zip(keys, values))
res = collection.binary().prepend_multi(keys_and_docs,

Simple prepend-multi operation, raise an Exception if an Exception occurs:

from couchbase.options import PrependMultiOptions

# ... other code ...

collection = bucket.default_collection()
keys = ['bin-doc1', 'bin-doc2', 'bin-doc3']
values = [b'foo', b'bar', b'baz']
keys_and_docs = dict(zip(keys, values))
res = collection.binary().prepend_multi(keys_and_docs,

Simple prepend-multi operation, individual key options:

from datetime import timedelta

from couchbase.options import PrependMultiOptions, PrependOptions

# ... other code ...

collection = bucket.default_collection()
keys = ['bin-doc1', 'bin-doc2', 'bin-doc3']
values = [b'foo', b'bar', b'baz']
keys_and_docs = dict(zip(keys, values))
per_key_opts = {'bin-doc1': PrependOptions(timeout=timedelta(seconds=10))}
res = collection.binary().prepend_multi(keys_and_docs,
increment_multi(keys, *opts, **kwargs) MultiCounterResult

For each key in the provided list, increments the ASCII value of the document, specified by the key, by the amount indicated in the delta option (defaults to 1).

  • keys (List[str]) – The keys to use for the multiple increment operations. Each key should correspond to the document to increment.

  • opts (IncrementMultiOptions) – Optional parameters for this operation.

  • **kwargs (Dict[str, Any]) – keyword arguments that can be used in place or to override provided IncrementMultiOptions


An instance of MultiMutationResult.

Return type:



DocumentNotFoundException – If the key provided does not exist on the server and the return_exceptions options is False. Otherwise the exception is returned as a match to the key, but is not raised.


Simple increment-multi operation, set initial value:

from couchbase.options import IncrementMultiOptions, SignedInt64

# ... other code ...

collection = bucket.default_collection()
keys = ['counter_doc1', 'counter_doc1', 'counter_doc1']
res = collection.binary().increment_multi(keys, IncrementMultiOptions(initial=SignedInt64(100))
for k, v in res.results.items():
    print(f'Counter doc {k} has value: {v.content}')

Simple increment-multi operation, change default delta:

from couchbase.options import IncrementMultiOptions, DeltaValue

# ... other code ...

collection = bucket.default_collection()
keys = ['counter_doc1', 'counter_doc1', 'counter_doc1']
res = collection.binary().increment_multi(keys, IncrementMultiOptions(delta=DeltaValue(5))
for k, v in res.results.items():
    print(f'Counter doc {k} has value: {v.content}')

Simple increment-multi operation, raise an Exception if an Exception occurs:

from couchbase.options import IncrementMultiOptions

# ... other code ...

collection = bucket.default_collection()
keys = ['counter_doc1', 'counter_doc1', 'counter_doc1']
res = collection.binary().increment_multi(keys,
for k, v in res.results.items():
    print(f'Counter doc {k} has value: {v.content}')

Simple increment-multi operation, individual key options:

from datetime import timedelta

from couchbase.options import IncrementMultiOptions, IncrementOptions, DeltaValue, SignedInt64

# ... other code ...

collection = bucket.default_collection()
keys = ['counter_doc1', 'counter_doc1', 'counter_doc1']
per_key_opts = {'counter_doc1': IncrementOptions(delta=DeltaValue(100),initial=SignedInt64(100))}
res = collection.binary().increment_multi(keys,
for k, v in res.results.items():
    print(f'Counter doc {k} has value: {v.content}')
decrement_multi(keys, *opts, **kwargs) MultiCounterResult

For each key in the provided list, decrements the ASCII value of the document, specified by the key, by the amount indicated in the delta option (defaults to 1).

  • keys (List[str]) – The keys to use for the multiple decrement operations. Each key should correspond to the document to decrement.

  • opts (DecrementMultiOptions) – Optional parameters for this operation.

  • **kwargs (Dict[str, Any]) – keyword arguments that can be used in place or to override provided DecrementMultiOptions


An instance of MultiMutationResult.

Return type:



DocumentNotFoundException – If the key provided does not exist on the server and the return_exceptions options is False. Otherwise the exception is returned as a match to the key, but is not raised.


Simple decrement-multi operation, set initial value:

from couchbase.options import DecrementMultiOptions, SignedInt64

# ... other code ...

collection = bucket.default_collection()
keys = ['counter_doc1', 'counter_doc1', 'counter_doc1']
res = collection.binary().decrement_multi(keys, DecrementMultiOptions(initial=SignedInt64(100))
for k, v in res.results.items():
    print(f'Counter doc {k} has value: {v.content}')

Simple decrement-multi operation, change default delta:

from couchbase.options import DecrementMultiOptions, DeltaValue

# ... other code ...

collection = bucket.default_collection()
keys = ['counter_doc1', 'counter_doc1', 'counter_doc1']
res = collection.binary().decrement_multi(keys, DecrementMultiOptions(delta=DeltaValue(5))
for k, v in res.results.items():
    print(f'Counter doc {k} has value: {v.content}')

Simple decrement-multi operation, raise an Exception if an Exception occurs:

from couchbase.options import DecrementMultiOptions

# ... other code ...

collection = bucket.default_collection()
keys = ['counter_doc1', 'counter_doc1', 'counter_doc1']
res = collection.binary().decrement_multi(keys,
for k, v in res.results.items():
    print(f'Counter doc {k} has value: {v.content}')

Simple decrement-multi operation, individual key options:

from datetime import timedelta

from couchbase.options import DecrementMultiOptions, DecrementOptions, DeltaValue, SignedInt64

# ... other code ...

collection = bucket.default_collection()
keys = ['counter_doc1', 'counter_doc1', 'counter_doc1']
per_key_opts = {'counter_doc1': DecrementOptions(delta=DeltaValue(100),initial=SignedInt64(100))}
res = collection.binary().decrement_multi(keys,
for k, v in res.results.items():
    print(f'Counter doc {k} has value: {v.content}')