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IArray Interface

An interface representing a writeable collection of objects

Namespace:  Couchbase.Lite
Assembly:  Couchbase.Lite (in Couchbase.Lite.dll) Version: 2.0.0-b0364
public interface IArray : IReadOnlyArray, IReadOnlyArrayFragment, 
	IEnumerable<Object>, IEnumerable, IArrayFragment

The IArray type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCount
Gets the number of elements in the collection
(Inherited from IReadOnlyArray.)
Public propertyItem
Gets the value of the given index, or lack thereof, wrapped inside of a Fragment
Public methodAdd(Boolean)
Adds an entry to this collection
Public methodAdd(DateTimeOffset)
Adds an entry to this collection
Public methodAdd(Double)
Adds an entry to this collection
Public methodAdd(Int32)
Adds an entry to this collection
Public methodAdd(Int64)
Adds an entry to this collection
Public methodAdd(Object)
Adds an entry to this collection
Public methodAdd(Single)
Adds an entry to this collection
Public methodAdd(String)
Adds an entry to this collection
Public methodAdd(ArrayObject)
Adds an entry to this collection
Public methodAdd(Blob)
Adds an entry to this collection
Public methodAdd(DictionaryObject)
Adds an entry to this collection
Public methodGetArray
Gets the value at the given index as an array
Public methodGetBlob
Gets the value at the given index as a Blob
(Inherited from IReadOnlyArray.)
Public methodGetBoolean
Gets the value at the given index as a Boolean
(Inherited from IReadOnlyArray.)
Public methodGetDate
Gets the value at the given index as a DateTimeOffset
(Inherited from IReadOnlyArray.)
Public methodGetDictionary
Gets the value at the given index as an IDictionaryObject
Public methodGetDouble
Gets the value at the given index as a Double
(Inherited from IReadOnlyArray.)
Public methodGetEnumerator
Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.
(Inherited from IEnumerableObject.)
Public methodGetFloat
Gets the value at the given index as a Single
(Inherited from IReadOnlyArray.)
Public methodGetInt
Gets the value at the given index as an Int32
(Inherited from IReadOnlyArray.)
Public methodGetLong
Gets the value at the given index as an Int64
(Inherited from IReadOnlyArray.)
Public methodGetObject
Gets the value at the given index as an untyped object
(Inherited from IReadOnlyArray.)
Public methodGetString
Gets the value at the given index as a String
(Inherited from IReadOnlyArray.)
Public methodInsert(Int32, ArrayObject)
Inserts a given value at the given index
Public methodInsert(Int32, Blob)
Inserts a given value at the given index
Public methodInsert(Int32, DictionaryObject)
Inserts a given value at the given index
Public methodInsert(Int32, Boolean)
Inserts a given value at the given index
Public methodInsert(Int32, DateTimeOffset)
Inserts a given value at the given index
Public methodInsert(Int32, Double)
Inserts a given value at the given index
Public methodInsert(Int32, Int32)
Inserts a given value at the given index
Public methodInsert(Int32, Int64)
Inserts a given value at the given index
Public methodInsert(Int32, Object)
Inserts a given value at the given index
Public methodInsert(Int32, Single)
Inserts a given value at the given index
Public methodInsert(Int32, String)
Inserts a given value at the given index
Public methodRemoveAt
Removes the item at the given index
Public methodSet(IList)
Replaces the contents of this collection with the contents of the given one
Public methodSet(Int32, ArrayObject)
Overwrites the value at the given index with the given value
Public methodSet(Int32, Blob)
Overwrites the value at the given index with the given value
Public methodSet(Int32, DictionaryObject)
Overwrites the value at the given index with the given value
Public methodSet(Int32, Boolean)
Overwrites the value at the given index with the given value
Public methodSet(Int32, DateTimeOffset)
Overwrites the value at the given index with the given value
Public methodSet(Int32, Double)
Overwrites the value at the given index with the given value
Public methodSet(Int32, Int32)
Overwrites the value at the given index with the given value
Public methodSet(Int32, Int64)
Overwrites the value at the given index with the given value
Public methodSet(Int32, Object)
Overwrites the value at the given index with the given value
Public methodSet(Int32, Single)
Overwrites the value at the given index with the given value
Public methodSet(Int32, String)
Overwrites the value at the given index with the given value
Public methodToList
Converts this object to a standard .NET collection
(Inherited from IReadOnlyArray.)
See Also