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Couchbase.Lite Namespace

Public classArrayObject
A class representing a readonly ordered collection of objects
Public classBlob
A class representing an arbitrary piece of binary data
Public classConflict
A class representing a conflict situation. A conflict occurs as part of a distributed system where two offline nodes modify the same data at the same time. This class serves to give information on such situations so that they can be resolved correctly.
Public classCouchbaseLiteException
Indicates an exception that happened in the platform level of Couchbase Lite (i.e. not at the LiteCore level)
Public classDatabase
A container for storing and maintaining Couchbase Lite Documents
Public classDatabaseChangedEventArgs
The parameters of a database changed event
Public classDatabaseConfiguration
A struct containing configuration for creating or opening database data
Public classDictionaryObject
A class representing a key-value collection that is read only
Public classDocument
A class representing a document which cannot be altered
Public classDocumentChangedEventArgs
Public classDocumentFragment
DocumentFragment provides access to a Document object. It also provides subscript access by key to the data values of the wrapped document.
Public classEncryptionKey
Basic AES encryption. Uses a 256-bit (32-byte) key.
Public classMutableArrayObject
A class representing an editable collection of objects
Public classMutableDictionaryObject
A class representing a writeable string to object dictionary
Public classMutableDocument
A class representing an entry in a Couchbase Lite Database. It consists of some metadata, and a collection of user-defined properties
Public interfaceIArray
An interface representing a read-only linear collection of objects
Public interfaceIArrayFragment
An interface representing a readonly entry in a key path that is able to be indexed by position (e.g. object[0][1])
Public interfaceIConflictResolver
An interface for resolving a Conflict in a document (i.e. two edits to the same document at the same time)
Public interfaceIDictionaryFragment
An interface representing a readonly entry in a key path that is able to be indexed by String (e.g. object["key1"]["key2"])
Public interfaceIDictionaryObject
An interface representing a readonly key-value collection with type-safe accessors
Public interfaceIFragment
An interface representing a readonly entry in a key-value path on an object.
Public interfaceIMutableArray
An interface representing a writeable collection of objects
Public interfaceIMutableArrayFragment
An interface representing a writeable object capable of being indexed via Int32
Public interfaceIMutableDictionary
An interface representing a writeable key value collection
Public interfaceIMutableDictionaryFragment
An interface representing a writeable object capable of being indexed via String
Public interfaceIMutableFragment
An interface describing a mutable entry in a key-value path on an object. Note that if the key-value path does not exist, then setting the value will throw an exception.
Public enumerationStatusCode
A list of statuses indicating various results and/or errors for Couchbase Lite operations