
public struct DatabaseOptions

Options for opening a database. All properties default to NO or nil.

  • Path to the directory to store the database in. If the directory doesn’t already exist it will be created when the database is opened. A nil value (the default) means to use the default directory, in Application Support. You won’t usually need to change this.



    public var directory: String? = nil
  • File protection/encryption options (iOS only.) Defaults to whatever file protection settings you’ve specified in your app’s entitlements. Specifying a nonzero value here overrides those settings for the database files. If file protection is at the highest level, NSDataWritingFileProtectionCompleteUnlessOpen or NSDataWritingFileProtectionComplete, it will not be possible to read or write the database when the device is locked. This can make it impossible to run replications in the background or respond to push notifications.



    public var fileProtection: NSData.WritingOptions = []
  • A key to encrypt the database with. If the database does not exist and is being created, it will use this key, and the same key must be given every time it’s opened.

     * The primary form of key is an NSData object 32 bytes in length: this is interpreted as a raw
     AES-256 key. To create a key, generate random data using a secure cryptographic randomizer
     like SecRandomCopyBytes or CCRandomGenerateBytes.
     * Alternatively, the value may be an NSString containing a passphrase. This will be run through
     64,000 rounds of the PBKDF algorithm to securely convert it into an AES-256 key.
     * A default nil value, of course, means the database is unencrypted.



    public var encryptionKey: EncryptionKey? = nil
  • If YES, the database will be opened read-only.



    public var readOnly: Bool = false
  • Initialize a new DatabaseOptions with default properties.



    public init()