
public class Collation

Collation defines how strings are compared and is used when creating a COLLATE expression. The COLLATE expression can be used in the WHERE clause when comparing two strings or in the ORDER BY clause when specifying how the order of the query results. CouchbaseLite provides two types of the Collation, ASCII and Unicode. Without specifying the COLLATE expression Couchbase Lite will use the ASCII with case sensitive collation by default.

  • Creates an ASCII collation that will compare two strings by using binary comparison.



    static public func ascii() -> ASCII

    Return Value

    The ASCII collation.

  • Creates a Unicode collation that will compare two strings by using Unicode Collation Algorithm. If the locale is not specified, the collation is Unicode-aware but not localized; for example, accented Roman letters sort right after the base letter (This is implemented by using the en_US locale.).



    static public func unicode() -> Unicode

    Return Value

    The Unicode collation.

  • ASCII collation compares two strings by using binary comparison.

    See more



    public class ASCII: Collation
  • Unicode Collation that will compare two strings by using Unicode collation algorithm. If the locale is not specified, the collation is Unicode-aware but not localized; for example, accented Roman letters sort right after the base letter (This is implemented by using the en_US locale).

    See more



    public class Unicode: Collation