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IOrderBy Methods

The IOrderBy type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddChangeListener(EventHandlerQueryChangedEventArgs)
Adds a change listener to track when this query instance has a change in its results. Adding the first change listener will begin the live semantics.
(Inherited from IQuery.)
Public methodAddChangeListener(TaskScheduler, EventHandlerQueryChangedEventArgs)
Adds a change listener to track when this query instance has a change in its results. Adding the first change listener will begin the live semantics.
(Inherited from IQuery.)
Public methodDispose
Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
(Inherited from IDisposable.)
Public methodExecute
Runs the query
(Inherited from IQuery.)
Public methodExplain
Gets an explanation of what the query will do
(Inherited from IQuery.)
Public methodLimit(IExpression)
Limits a query to the given count (ulong, parameter, etc)
(Inherited from ILimitRouter.)
Public methodLimit(IExpression, IExpression)
Limits a query to the given count and also offsets it by a given count (ulong, parameter, etc)
(Inherited from ILimitRouter.)
Public methodRemoveChangeListener (Inherited from IQuery.)
See Also