
@interface CBLQueryBuilder : NSObject


 Create a query from the select and from component.
 @param select The select component reresenting the SELECT clause of the query.
 @param from The from component representing the FROM clause of the query.
 @return The CBLQuery instance.
+ (CBLQuery*) select: (NSArray<CBLQuerySelectResult*>*)select
                from: (CBLQueryDataSource*)from;

 Create a distinct query from the select and from component.
 @param select The select component representing the SELECT clause of the query.
 @param from The from component representing the FROM clause of the query.
 @return The CBLQuery instance.
+ (CBLQuery*) selectDistinct: (NSArray<CBLQuerySelectResult*>*)select
                        from: (CBLQueryDataSource*)from;


 Create a query from the select, from, and where component.
 @param select The select component representing the SELECT clause of the query.
 @param from The from component representing the FROM clause of the query.
 @param where The where component representing the WHERE clause of the query.
 @return The CBLQuery instance.
+ (CBLQuery*) select: (NSArray<CBLQuerySelectResult*>*)select
                from: (CBLQueryDataSource*)from
               where: (nullable CBLQueryExpression*)where;

 Create a distinct query from the select, from, and where component.
 @param select The select component representing the SELECT clause of the query.
 @param from The from component representing the FROM clause of the query.
 @param where The where component representing the WHERE clause of the query.
 @return The CBLQuery instance.
+ (CBLQuery*) selectDistinct: (NSArray<CBLQuerySelectResult*>*)select
                        from: (CBLQueryDataSource*)from
                       where: (nullable CBLQueryExpression*)where;


 Create a query from the select, from, where, and order by component.
 @param select The select component representing the SELECT clause of the query.
 @param from The from component representing the FROM clause of the query.
 @param where The where component representing the WHERE clause of the query.
 @param orderings The ordering components representing the ORDER BY clause of the query.
 @return The CBLQuery instance.
+ (CBLQuery*) select: (NSArray<CBLQuerySelectResult*>*)select
                from: (CBLQueryDataSource*)from
               where: (nullable CBLQueryExpression*)where
             orderBy: (nullable NSArray<CBLQueryOrdering*>*)orderings;

 Create a distinct query from the select, from, where, and order by component.
 @param select The select component representing the SELECT clause of the query.
 @param from The from component representing the FROM clause of the query.
 @param where The where component representing the WHERE clause of the query.
 @param orderings The ordering components representing the ORDER BY clause of the query.
 @return The CBLQuery instance.
+ (CBLQuery*) selectDistinct: (NSArray<CBLQuerySelectResult*>*)select
                        from: (CBLQueryDataSource*)from
                       where: (nullable CBLQueryExpression*)where
                     orderBy: (nullable NSArray<CBLQueryOrdering*>*)orderings;


 Create a query from the select, from, where, and group by component.
 @param select The select component representing the SELECT clause of the query.
 @param from The from component representing the FROM clause of the query.
 @param where The where component representing the WHERE clause of the query.
 @param groupBy The group by expressions representing the GROUP BY clause of the query.
 @return The CBLQuery instance.
+ (CBLQuery*) select: (NSArray<CBLQuerySelectResult*>*)select
                from: (CBLQueryDataSource*)from
               where: (nullable CBLQueryExpression*)where
             groupBy: (nullable NSArray<CBLQueryExpression*>*)groupBy;

 Create a distinct query from the select, from, where and group by component.
 @param select The select component representing the SELECT clause of the query.
 @param from The from component representing the FROM clause of the query.
 @param where The where component representing the WHERE clause of the query.
 @param groupBy The group by expressions representing the GROUP BY clause of the query.
 @return The CBLQuery instance.
+ (CBLQuery*) selectDistinct: (NSArray<CBLQuerySelectResult*>*)select
                        from: (CBLQueryDataSource*)from
                       where: (nullable CBLQueryExpression*)where
                     groupBy: (nullable NSArray<CBLQueryExpression*>*)groupBy;


 Create a query from the select, from, where, groupby and having component.
 @param select The select component representing the SELECT clause of the query.
 @param from The from component representing the FROM clause of the query.
 @param where The where component representing the WHERE clause of the query.
 @param groupBy The group by expressions representing the GROUP BY clause of the query.
 @param having The having component representing the HAVING clause of the query.
 @return The CBLQuery instance.
+ (CBLQuery*) select: (NSArray<CBLQuerySelectResult*>*)select
                from: (CBLQueryDataSource*)from
               where: (nullable CBLQueryExpression*)where
             groupBy: (nullable NSArray<CBLQueryExpression*>*)groupBy
              having: (nullable CBLQueryExpression*)having;

 Create a distinct query from the select, from, where, groupby and having component.
 @param select The select component representing the SELECT clause of the query.
 @param from The from component representing the FROM clause of the query.
 @param where The where component representing the WHERE clause of the query.
 @param groupBy The group by expressions representing the GROUP BY clause of the query.
 @param having The having component representing the HAVING clause of the query.
 @return The CBLQuery instance.
+ (CBLQuery*) selectDistinct: (NSArray<CBLQuerySelectResult*>*)select
                        from: (CBLQueryDataSource*)from
                       where: (nullable CBLQueryExpression*)where
                     groupBy: (nullable NSArray<CBLQueryExpression*>*)groupBy
                      having: (nullable CBLQueryExpression*)having;


 Create a query from the select, from, where, groupby, having, order by, and limit component.
 @param select The select component representing the SELECT clause of the query.
 @param from The from component representing the FROM clause of the query.
 @param where The where component representing the WHERE clause of the query.
 @param groupBy The group by expressions representing the GROUP BY clause of the query.
 @param having The having component representing the HAVING clause of the query.
 @param orderings The ordering components representing the ORDER BY clause of the query.
 @param limit The limit component representing the LIMIT clause of the query.
 @return The CBLQuery instance.
+ (CBLQuery*) select: (NSArray<CBLQuerySelectResult*>*)select
                from: (CBLQueryDataSource*)from
               where: (nullable CBLQueryExpression*)where
             groupBy: (nullable NSArray<CBLQueryExpression*>*)groupBy
              having: (nullable CBLQueryExpression*)having
             orderBy: (nullable NSArray<CBLQueryOrdering*>*)orderings
               limit: (nullable CBLQueryLimit*)limit;

 Create a distinct query from the select, from, where, groupby, having, order by,
 and limit component.
 @param select The select component representing the SELECT clause of the query.
 @param from The from component representing the FROM clause of the query.
 @param where The where component representing the WHERE clause of the query.
 @param groupBy The group by expressions representing the GROUP BY clause of the query.
 @param having The having component representing the HAVING clause of the query.
 @param orderings The ordering components representing the ORDER BY clause of the query.
 @param limit The limit component representing the LIMIT clause of the query.
 @return The CBLQuery instance.
+ (CBLQuery*) selectDistinct: (NSArray<CBLQuerySelectResult*>*)select
                        from: (CBLQueryDataSource*)from
                       where: (nullable CBLQueryExpression*)where
                     groupBy: (nullable NSArray<CBLQueryExpression*>*)groupBy
                      having: (nullable CBLQueryExpression*)having
                     orderBy: (nullable NSArray<CBLQueryOrdering*>*)orderings
                       limit: (nullable CBLQueryLimit*)limit;


 Create a query from the select, from, and join component.
 @param select The select component reresenting the SELECT clause of the query.
 @param from The from component representing the FROM clause of the query.
 @param join The join components representing the JOIN clause of the query.
 @return The CBLQuery instance.
+ (CBLQuery*) select: (NSArray<CBLQuerySelectResult*>*)select
                from: (CBLQueryDataSource*)from
                join: (nullable NSArray<CBLQueryJoin*>*)join;

 Create a distinct query from the select from, and join component.
 @param select The select component representing the SELECT clause of the query.
 @param from The from component representing the FROM clause of the query.
 @param join The join components representing the JOIN clause of the query.
 @return The CBLQuery instance.
+ (CBLQuery*) selectDistinct: (NSArray<CBLQuerySelectResult*>*)select
                        from: (CBLQueryDataSource*)from
                        join: (nullable NSArray<CBLQueryJoin*>*)join;


 Create a query from the select, from, join and where component.
 @param select The select component representing the SELECT clause of the query.
 @param from The from component representing the FROM clause of the query.
 @param join The join components representing the JOIN clause of the query.
 @param where The where component representing the WHERE clause of the query.
 @return The CBLQuery instance.
+ (CBLQuery*) select: (NSArray<CBLQuerySelectResult*>*)select
                from: (CBLQueryDataSource*)from
                join: (nullable NSArray<CBLQueryJoin*>*)join
               where: (nullable CBLQueryExpression*)where;

 Create a distinct query from the select, from, join and where component.
 @param select The select component representing the SELECT clause of the query.
 @param from The from component representing the FROM clause of the query.
 @param join The join components representing the JOIN clause of the query.
 @param where The where component representing the WHERE clause of the query.
 @return The CBLQuery instance.
+ (CBLQuery*) selectDistinct: (NSArray<CBLQuerySelectResult*>*)select
                        from: (CBLQueryDataSource*)from
                        join: (nullable NSArray<CBLQueryJoin*>*)join
                       where: (nullable CBLQueryExpression*)where;


 Create a query from the select, from, join, where, and group by component.
 @param select The select component representing the SELECT clause of the query.
 @param from The from component representing the FROM clause of the query.
 @param join The join components representing the JOIN clause of the query.
 @param where The where component representing the WHERE clause of the query.
 @param groupBy The group by expressions representing the GROUP BY clause of the query.
 @return The CBLQuery instance.
+ (CBLQuery*) select: (NSArray<CBLQuerySelectResult*>*)select
                from: (CBLQueryDataSource*)from
                join: (nullable NSArray<CBLQueryJoin*>*)join
               where: (nullable CBLQueryExpression*)where
             groupBy: (nullable NSArray<CBLQueryExpression*>*)groupBy;

 Create a distinct query from the select, from, join, where, and groupby component.
 @param select The select component representing the SELECT clause of the query.
 @param from The from component representing the FROM clause of the query.
 @param join The join components representing the JOIN clause of the query.
 @param where The where component representing the WHERE clause of the query.
 @param groupBy The group by expressions representing the GROUP BY clause of the query.
 @return The CBLQuery instance.
+ (CBLQuery*) selectDistinct: (NSArray<CBLQuerySelectResult*>*)select
                        from: (CBLQueryDataSource*)from
                        join: (nullable NSArray<CBLQueryJoin*>*)join
                       where: (nullable CBLQueryExpression*)where
                     groupBy: (nullable NSArray<CBLQueryExpression*>*)groupBy;


 Create a query from the select, from, join, where, grop by, and having component.
 @param select The select component representing the SELECT clause of the query.
 @param from The from component representing the FROM clause of the query.
 @param join The join components representing the JOIN clause of the query.
 @param where The where component representing the WHERE clause of the query.
 @param groupBy The group by expressions representing the GROUP BY clause of the query.
 @param having The having component representing the HAVING clause of the query.
 @return The CBLQuery instance.
+ (CBLQuery*) select: (NSArray<CBLQuerySelectResult*>*)select
                from: (CBLQueryDataSource*)from
                join: (nullable NSArray<CBLQueryJoin*>*)join
               where: (nullable CBLQueryExpression*)where
             groupBy: (nullable NSArray<CBLQueryExpression*>*)groupBy
              having: (nullable CBLQueryExpression*)having;

 Create a distinct query from the select, from, join, where, gropu by and having component.
 @param select The select component representing the SELECT clause of the query.
 @param from The from component representing the FROM clause of the query.
 @param join The join components representing the JOIN clause of the query.
 @param where The where component representing the WHERE clause of the query.
 @param groupBy The group by expressions representing the GROUP BY clause of the query.
 @param having The having component representing the HAVING clause of the query.
 @return The CBLQuery instance.
+ (CBLQuery*) selectDistinct: (NSArray<CBLQuerySelectResult*>*)select
                        from: (CBLQueryDataSource*)from
                        join: (nullable NSArray<CBLQueryJoin*>*)join
                       where: (nullable CBLQueryExpression*)where
                     groupBy: (nullable NSArray<CBLQueryExpression*>*)groupBy
                      having: (nullable CBLQueryExpression*)having;


 Create a query from the select, from, join, where and order by component.
 @param select The select component representing the SELECT clause of the query.
 @param from The from component representing the FROM clause of the query.
 @param join The join components representing the JOIN clause of the query.
 @param where The where component representing the WHERE clause of the query.
 @param orderings The ordering components representing the ORDER BY clause of the query.
 @return The CBLQuery instance.
+ (CBLQuery*) select: (NSArray<CBLQuerySelectResult*>*)select
                from: (CBLQueryDataSource*)from
                join: (nullable NSArray<CBLQueryJoin*>*)join
               where: (nullable CBLQueryExpression*)where
             orderBy: (nullable NSArray<CBLQueryOrdering*>*)orderings;

 Create a distinct query from the select, from, join, where, and order by component.
 @param select The select component representing the SELECT clause of the query.
 @param from The from component representing the FROM clause of the query.
 @param join The join components representing the JOIN clause of the query.
 @param where The where component representing the WHERE clause of the query.
 @param orderings The ordering components representing the ORDER BY clause of the query.
 @return The CBLQuery instance.
+ (CBLQuery*) selectDistinct: (NSArray<CBLQuerySelectResult*>*)select
                        from: (CBLQueryDataSource*)from
                        join: (nullable NSArray<CBLQueryJoin*>*)join
                       where: (nullable CBLQueryExpression*)where
                     orderBy: (nullable NSArray<CBLQueryOrdering*>*)orderings;


 Create a query from the select, from, join, where, group by, having, order by, and limit component.
 @param select The select component representing the SELECT clause of the query.
 @param from The from component representing the FROM clause of the query.
 @param join The join components representing the JOIN clause of the query.
 @param where The where component representing the WHERE clause of the query.
 @param groupBy The group by expressions representing the GROUP BY clause of the query.
 @param having The having component representing the HAVING clause of the query.
 @param orderings The orderings components representing the ORDER BY clause of the query.
 @param limit The limit component representing the LIMIT clause of the query.
 @return The CBLQuery instance.
+ (CBLQuery*) select: (NSArray<CBLQuerySelectResult*>*)select
                from: (CBLQueryDataSource*)from
                join: (nullable NSArray<CBLQueryJoin*>*)join
               where: (nullable CBLQueryExpression*)where
             groupBy: (nullable NSArray<CBLQueryExpression*>*)groupBy
              having: (nullable CBLQueryExpression*)having
             orderBy: (nullable NSArray<CBLQueryOrdering*>*)orderings
               limit: (nullable CBLQueryLimit*)limit;

 Create a distinct query from the select, from, join, where, group by, having, order by and
 limit component.
 @param select The select component representing the SELECT clause of the query.
 @param from The from component representing the FROM clause of the query.
 @param join The join components representing the JOIN clause of the query.
 @param where The where component representing the WHERE clause of the query.
 @param groupBy The group by expressions representing the GROUP BY clause of the query.
 @param having The having component representing the HAVING clause of the query.
 @param orderings The ordering components representing the ORDER BY clause of the query.
 @param limit The limit component representing the LIMIT clause of the query.
 @return The CBLQuery instance.
+ (CBLQuery*) selectDistinct: (NSArray<CBLQuerySelectResult*>*)select
                        from: (CBLQueryDataSource*)from
                        join: (nullable NSArray<CBLQueryJoin*>*)join
                       where: (nullable CBLQueryExpression*)where
                     groupBy: (nullable NSArray<CBLQueryExpression*>*)groupBy
                      having: (nullable CBLQueryExpression*)having
                     orderBy: (nullable NSArray<CBLQueryOrdering*>*)orderings
                       limit: (nullable CBLQueryLimit*)limit;

/** Not available */
- (instancetype) init NS_UNAVAILABLE;

