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Data Structures | Typedefs

A replicator is a background task that synchronizes changes between a local database and another database on a remote server (or on a peer device, or even another local database.) More...

Data Structures

struct  CBLProxySettings
 Proxy settings for the replicator. More...
struct  CBLReplicatorConfiguration
 The configuration of a replicator. More...
struct  CBLReplicatorProgress
 A fractional progress value, ranging from 0.0 to 1.0 as replication progresses. More...
struct  CBLReplicatorStatus
 A replicator's current status. More...
struct  CBLReplicatedDocument
 Information about a document that's been pushed or pulled. More...


typedef struct CBLReplicator CBLReplicator
 A background task that syncs a CBLDatabase with a remote server or peer. More...


enum  CBLReplicatorType : uint8_t { kCBLReplicatorTypePushAndPull = 0 , kCBLReplicatorTypePush , kCBLReplicatorTypePull }
 Direction of replication: push, pull, or both. More...
enum  CBLDocumentFlags : unsigned { kCBLDocumentFlagsDeleted = 1 << 0 , kCBLDocumentFlagsAccessRemoved = 1 << 1 }
 Flags describing a replicated document. More...
enum  CBLProxyType : uint8_t { kCBLProxyHTTP , kCBLProxyHTTPS }
 Types of proxy servers, for CBLProxySettings. More...
typedef struct CBLEndpoint CBLEndpoint
 An opaque object representing the location of a database to replicate with. More...
typedef struct CBLAuthenticator CBLAuthenticator
 An opaque object representing authentication credentials for a remote server. More...
typedef bool(* CBLReplicationFilter) (void *_cbl_nullable context, CBLDocument *document, CBLDocumentFlags flags)
 A callback that can decide whether a particular document should be pushed or pulled. More...
typedef const CBLDocument *_cbl_nullable(* CBLConflictResolver) (void *_cbl_nullable context, FLString documentID, const CBLDocument *_cbl_nullable localDocument, const CBLDocument *_cbl_nullable remoteDocument)
 Conflict-resolution callback for use in replications. More...
typedef FLSliceResult(* CBLPropertyEncryptor) (void *context, FLString documentID, FLDict properties, FLString keyPath, FLSlice input, FLStringResult *algorithm, FLStringResult *kid, CBLError *error)
 Callback that encrypts CBLEncryptable properties in the documents pushed by the replicator. More...
typedef FLSliceResult(* CBLPropertyDecryptor) (void *context, FLString documentID, FLDict properties, FLString keyPath, FLSlice input, FLString algorithm, FLString kid, CBLError *error)
 Callback that decrypts encrypted CBLEncryptable properties in documents pulled by the replicator. More...
CBL_PUBLIC const FLString kCBLAuthDefaultCookieName
 The name of the HTTP cookie used by Sync Gateway to store session keys. More...
CBL_PUBLIC const CBLConflictResolver CBLDefaultConflictResolver
 Default conflict resolver. More...
_cbl_warn_unused CBLEndpoint *_cbl_nullable CBLEndpoint_CreateWithURL (FLString url, CBLError *_cbl_nullable outError)
 Creates a new endpoint representing a server-based database at the given URL. More...
_cbl_warn_unused CBLEndpointCBLEndpoint_CreateWithLocalDB (CBLDatabase *)
 Creates a new endpoint representing another local database. More...
void CBLEndpoint_Free (CBLEndpoint *_cbl_nullable)
 Frees a CBLEndpoint object. More...
_cbl_warn_unused CBLAuthenticatorCBLAuth_CreatePassword (FLString username, FLString password)
 Creates an authenticator for HTTP Basic (username/password) auth. More...
_cbl_warn_unused CBLAuthenticatorCBLAuth_CreateSession (FLString sessionID, FLString cookieName)
 Creates an authenticator using a Couchbase Sync Gateway login session identifier, and optionally a cookie name (pass NULL for the default.) More...
void CBLAuth_Free (CBLAuthenticator *_cbl_nullable)
 Frees a CBLAuthenticator object. More...

Status and Progress

enum  CBLReplicatorActivityLevel : uint8_t {
  kCBLReplicatorStopped , kCBLReplicatorOffline , kCBLReplicatorConnecting , kCBLReplicatorIdle ,
 The possible states a replicator can be in during its lifecycle. More...
typedef void(* CBLReplicatorChangeListener) (void *_cbl_nullable context, CBLReplicator *replicator, const CBLReplicatorStatus *status)
 A callback that notifies you when the replicator's status changes. More...
typedef void(* CBLDocumentReplicationListener) (void *context, CBLReplicator *replicator, bool isPush, unsigned numDocuments, const CBLReplicatedDocument *documents)
 A callback that notifies you when documents are replicated. More...
CBLReplicatorStatus CBLReplicator_Status (CBLReplicator *)
 Returns the replicator's current status. More...
_cbl_warn_unused FLDict _cbl_nullable CBLReplicator_PendingDocumentIDs (CBLReplicator *, CBLError *_cbl_nullable outError)
 Indicates which documents have local changes that have not yet been pushed to the server by this replicator. More...
bool CBLReplicator_IsDocumentPending (CBLReplicator *repl, FLString docID, CBLError *_cbl_nullable outError)
 Indicates whether the document with the given ID has local changes that have not yet been pushed to the server by this replicator. More...
_cbl_warn_unused CBLListenerTokenCBLReplicator_AddChangeListener (CBLReplicator *, CBLReplicatorChangeListener, void *_cbl_nullable context)
 Adds a listener that will be called when the replicator's status changes. More...
_cbl_warn_unused CBLListenerTokenCBLReplicator_AddDocumentReplicationListener (CBLReplicator *, CBLDocumentReplicationListener, void *_cbl_nullable context)
 Adds a listener that will be called when documents are replicated. More...


static const CBLReplicatorCBLReplicator_Retain (const CBLReplicator *t)
static void CBLReplicator_Release (const CBLReplicator *t)
_cbl_warn_unused CBLReplicator *_cbl_nullable CBLReplicator_Create (const CBLReplicatorConfiguration *, CBLError *_cbl_nullable outError)
 Creates a replicator with the given configuration. More...
const CBLReplicatorConfigurationCBLReplicator_Config (CBLReplicator *)
 Returns the configuration of an existing replicator. More...
void CBLReplicator_Start (CBLReplicator *replicator, bool resetCheckpoint)
 Starts a replicator, asynchronously. More...
void CBLReplicator_Stop (CBLReplicator *)
 Stops a running replicator, asynchronously. More...
void CBLReplicator_SetHostReachable (CBLReplicator *, bool reachable)
 Informs the replicator whether it's considered possible to reach the remote host with the current network configuration. More...
void CBLReplicator_SetSuspended (CBLReplicator *repl, bool suspended)
 Puts the replicator in or out of "suspended" state. More...

Detailed Description

A replicator is a background task that synchronizes changes between a local database and another database on a remote server (or on a peer device, or even another local database.)

Typedef Documentation

◆ CBLAuthenticator

An opaque object representing authentication credentials for a remote server.

◆ CBLConflictResolver

typedef const CBLDocument *_cbl_nullable(* CBLConflictResolver) (void *_cbl_nullable context, FLString documentID, const CBLDocument *_cbl_nullable localDocument, const CBLDocument *_cbl_nullable remoteDocument)

Conflict-resolution callback for use in replications.

This callback will be invoked when the replicator finds a newer server-side revision of a document that also has local changes. The local and remote changes must be resolved before the document can be pushed to the server.

Any new CBLBlob objects set to the resolved document returned by the callback must not be released. They need to be retained for installation while the resolved document is being saved into the database, and the replicator will be responsible for releasing them after they are installed.
This callback will be called on a background thread managed by the replicator. It must pay attention to thread-safety. However, unlike a filter callback, it does not need to return quickly. If it needs to prompt for user input, that's OK.
contextThe context field of the CBLReplicatorConfiguration.
documentIDThe ID of the conflicted document.
localDocumentThe current revision of the document in the local database, or NULL if the local document has been deleted.
remoteDocumentThe revision of the document found on the server, or NULL if the document has been deleted on the server.
The resolved document to save locally (and push, if the replicator is pushing.) This can be the same as localDocument or remoteDocument, or you can create a mutable copy of either one and modify it appropriately. Or return NULL if the resolution is to delete the document.

◆ CBLDocumentReplicationListener

typedef void(* CBLDocumentReplicationListener) (void *context, CBLReplicator *replicator, bool isPush, unsigned numDocuments, const CBLReplicatedDocument *documents)

A callback that notifies you when documents are replicated.

This callback will be called on a background thread managed by the replicator. It must pay attention to thread-safety. It should not take a long time to return, or it will slow down the replicator.
contextThe value given when the listener was added.
replicatorThe replicator.
isPushTrue if the document(s) were pushed, false if pulled.
numDocumentsThe number of documents reported by this callback.
documentsAn array with information about each document.

◆ CBLEndpoint

typedef struct CBLEndpoint CBLEndpoint

An opaque object representing the location of a database to replicate with.

◆ CBLPropertyDecryptor

typedef FLSliceResult(* CBLPropertyDecryptor) (void *context, FLString documentID, FLDict properties, FLString keyPath, FLSlice input, FLString algorithm, FLString kid, CBLError *error)

Callback that decrypts encrypted CBLEncryptable properties in documents pulled by the replicator.

The callback returns decrypted data as a FLSliceResult object, and the replicator will responsible for releasing the returned FLSliceResult object.

If an error occurred during decryption, return a null FLSliceResult with an error set to the out error parameter of the callback. There are two errors that are supported by the callback :

  1. kCBLDomain / kCBLErrorCrypto : Permanent Crypto Error. When this error is set, the document will fail to replicate, and the document will not be synced again unless the document is updated, or the replicator is reset.
  2. kCBLWebSocketDomain / 503 : Service Unavailable Error. This error is for mostly for a case such as when a crypto service is temporarily unavailable during decryption. When this error is set, the replicator will go into the offline state and will retry again according to the replicator retry logic. As a result, the document will be retried to replicate again, and the decryption callback will be called again to decrypt the properties of the document.

If the decryption should be skipped to retain the encrypted data as-is, return a null FLSliceResult object without setting an error set to the out error parameter.

If an error besides the two errors above is set to the out error parameter of the callback, the document will be failed to replicate as getting the kCBLDomain / kCBLErrorCrypto error.
A null FLSliceResult can be created by calling FLSliceResult_CreateWith(nullptr, 0).
contextReplicator’s context
documentIDDocument ID
propertiesDocument properties
keyPathKey path of the property to be decrypted
inputProperty data to be decrypted
algorithmAlgorithm name
kidEncryption key identifier specified when encryting the value
errorOn return: error (Optional)

◆ CBLPropertyEncryptor

typedef FLSliceResult(* CBLPropertyEncryptor) (void *context, FLString documentID, FLDict properties, FLString keyPath, FLSlice input, FLStringResult *algorithm, FLStringResult *kid, CBLError *error)

Callback that encrypts CBLEncryptable properties in the documents pushed by the replicator.

The callback returns encrypted data as a FLSliceResult object, and the replicator will responsible for releasing the returned FLSliceResult object.

If an error occurred during encryption, return a null FLSliceResult with an error set to the out error parameter of the callback. There are two errors that are supported by the callback :

  1. kCBLDomain / kCBLErrorCrypto : Permanent Crypto Error. When this error is set, the document will fail to replicate, and the document will not be synced again unless the document is updated, or the replicator is reset.
  2. kCBLWebSocketDomain / 503 : Service Unavailable Error. This error is for mostly for a case such as when a crypto service is temporarily unavailable during encryption. When this error is set, the replicator will go into the offline state and will retry again according to the replicator retry logic. As a result, the document will be retried to replicate again, and the encryption callback will be called again to encrypt the properties of the document.
If an error besides the two errors above is set to the out error parameter of the callback, or only a null FLSliceResult object is returned without setting an error, the document will be failed to replicate as the kCBLDomain / kCBLErrorCrypto error is sepecified.
A null FLSliceResult can be created by calling FLSliceResult_CreateWith(nullptr, 0).
contextReplicator’s context
documentIDDocument ID
propertiesDocument properties
keyPathKey path of the property to be encrypted
inputProperty data to be encrypted
algorithmOn return: algorithm name (Optional: Default Value is 'CB_MOBILE_CUSTOM')
kidOn return: encryption key identifier (Optional)
errorOn return: error (Optional)

◆ CBLReplicationFilter

typedef bool(* CBLReplicationFilter) (void *_cbl_nullable context, CBLDocument *document, CBLDocumentFlags flags)

A callback that can decide whether a particular document should be pushed or pulled.

This callback will be called on a background thread managed by the replicator. It must pay attention to thread-safety. It should not take a long time to return, or it will slow down the replicator.
contextThe context field of the CBLReplicatorConfiguration.
documentThe document in question.
flagsIndicates whether the document was deleted or removed.
True if the document should be replicated, false to skip it.

◆ CBLReplicator

typedef struct CBLReplicator CBLReplicator

A background task that syncs a CBLDatabase with a remote server or peer.

◆ CBLReplicatorChangeListener

typedef void(* CBLReplicatorChangeListener) (void *_cbl_nullable context, CBLReplicator *replicator, const CBLReplicatorStatus *status)

A callback that notifies you when the replicator's status changes.

This callback will be called on a background thread managed by the replicator. It must pay attention to thread-safety. It should not take a long time to return, or it will slow down the replicator.
contextThe value given when the listener was added.
replicatorThe replicator.
statusThe replicator's status.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ CBLDocumentFlags

enum CBLDocumentFlags : unsigned

Flags describing a replicated document.


The document has been deleted.


Lost access to the document on the server.

◆ CBLProxyType

enum CBLProxyType : uint8_t

Types of proxy servers, for CBLProxySettings.


HTTP proxy; must support 'CONNECT' method.


HTTPS proxy; must support 'CONNECT' method.

◆ CBLReplicatorActivityLevel

The possible states a replicator can be in during its lifecycle.


The replicator is unstarted, finished, or hit a fatal error.


The replicator is offline, as the remote host is unreachable.


The replicator is connecting to the remote host.


The replicator is inactive, waiting for changes to sync.


The replicator is actively transferring data.

◆ CBLReplicatorType

enum CBLReplicatorType : uint8_t

Direction of replication: push, pull, or both.


Bidirectional; both push and pull.


Pushing changes to the target.


Pulling changes from the target.

Function Documentation

◆ CBLAuth_CreatePassword()

_cbl_warn_unused CBLAuthenticator * CBLAuth_CreatePassword ( FLString  username,
FLString  password 

Creates an authenticator for HTTP Basic (username/password) auth.

◆ CBLAuth_CreateSession()

_cbl_warn_unused CBLAuthenticator * CBLAuth_CreateSession ( FLString  sessionID,
FLString  cookieName 

Creates an authenticator using a Couchbase Sync Gateway login session identifier, and optionally a cookie name (pass NULL for the default.)

◆ CBLAuth_Free()

void CBLAuth_Free ( CBLAuthenticator _cbl_nullable)

Frees a CBLAuthenticator object.

◆ CBLEndpoint_CreateWithLocalDB()

_cbl_warn_unused CBLEndpoint * CBLEndpoint_CreateWithLocalDB ( CBLDatabase )

Creates a new endpoint representing another local database.

(Enterprise Edition only.)

◆ CBLEndpoint_CreateWithURL()

_cbl_warn_unused CBLEndpoint *_cbl_nullable CBLEndpoint_CreateWithURL ( FLString  url,
CBLError *_cbl_nullable  outError 

Creates a new endpoint representing a server-based database at the given URL.

The URL's scheme must be ws or wss, it must of course have a valid hostname, and its path must be the name of the database on that server.

The port can be omitted; it defaults to 80 for ws and 443 for wss. For example: wss://

If an invalid endpoint URL is specified, an error will be returned.

◆ CBLEndpoint_Free()

void CBLEndpoint_Free ( CBLEndpoint _cbl_nullable)

Frees a CBLEndpoint object.

◆ CBLReplicator_AddChangeListener()

_cbl_warn_unused CBLListenerToken * CBLReplicator_AddChangeListener ( CBLReplicator ,
CBLReplicatorChangeListener  ,
void *_cbl_nullable  context 

Adds a listener that will be called when the replicator's status changes.

◆ CBLReplicator_AddDocumentReplicationListener()

_cbl_warn_unused CBLListenerToken * CBLReplicator_AddDocumentReplicationListener ( CBLReplicator ,
CBLDocumentReplicationListener  ,
void *_cbl_nullable  context 

Adds a listener that will be called when documents are replicated.

◆ CBLReplicator_Config()

const CBLReplicatorConfiguration * CBLReplicator_Config ( CBLReplicator )

Returns the configuration of an existing replicator.

◆ CBLReplicator_Create()

Creates a replicator with the given configuration.

◆ CBLReplicator_IsDocumentPending()

bool CBLReplicator_IsDocumentPending ( CBLReplicator repl,
FLString  docID,
CBLError *_cbl_nullable  outError 

Indicates whether the document with the given ID has local changes that have not yet been pushed to the server by this replicator.

This is equivalent to, but faster than, calling CBLReplicator_PendingDocumentIDs and checking whether the result contains docID. See that function's documentation for details.

A false result means the document is not pending, or there was an error. To tell the difference, compare the error code to zero.

◆ CBLReplicator_PendingDocumentIDs()

_cbl_warn_unused FLDict _cbl_nullable CBLReplicator_PendingDocumentIDs ( CBLReplicator ,
CBLError *_cbl_nullable  outError 

Indicates which documents have local changes that have not yet been pushed to the server by this replicator.

This is of course a snapshot, that will go out of date as the replicator makes progress and/or documents are saved locally.

The result is, effectively, a set of document IDs: a dictionary whose keys are the IDs and values are true. If there are no pending documents, the dictionary is empty. On error, NULL is returned.

This function can be called on a stopped or un-started replicator.
Documents that would never be pushed by this replicator, due to its configuration's pushFilter or docIDs, are ignored.
You are responsible for releasing the returned array via FLValue_Release.

◆ CBLReplicator_Release()

static void CBLReplicator_Release ( const CBLReplicator t)

◆ CBLReplicator_Retain()

static const CBLReplicator * CBLReplicator_Retain ( const CBLReplicator t)

◆ CBLReplicator_SetHostReachable()

void CBLReplicator_SetHostReachable ( CBLReplicator ,
bool  reachable 

Informs the replicator whether it's considered possible to reach the remote host with the current network configuration.

The default value is true. This only affects the replicator's behavior while it's in the Offline state: Setting it to false will cancel any pending retry and prevent future automatic retries. Setting it back to true will initiate an immediate retry.

◆ CBLReplicator_SetSuspended()

void CBLReplicator_SetSuspended ( CBLReplicator repl,
bool  suspended 

Puts the replicator in or out of "suspended" state.

The default is false. Setting suspended=true causes the replicator to disconnect and enter Offline state; it will not attempt to reconnect while it's suspended. Setting suspended=false causes the replicator to attempt to reconnect, if it was connected when suspended, and is still in Offline state.

◆ CBLReplicator_Start()

void CBLReplicator_Start ( CBLReplicator replicator,
bool  resetCheckpoint 

Starts a replicator, asynchronously.

Does nothing if it's already started.

replicatorThe replicator instance.
resetCheckpointIf true, the persistent saved state ("checkpoint") for this replication will be discarded, causing it to re-scan all documents. This significantly increases time and bandwidth (redundant docs are not transferred, but their IDs are) but can resolve unexpected problems with missing documents if one side or the other has gotten out of sync.

◆ CBLReplicator_Status()

CBLReplicatorStatus CBLReplicator_Status ( CBLReplicator )

Returns the replicator's current status.

◆ CBLReplicator_Stop()

void CBLReplicator_Stop ( CBLReplicator )

Stops a running replicator, asynchronously.

Does nothing if it's not already started. The replicator will call your CBLReplicatorChangeListener with an activity level of kCBLReplicatorStopped after it stops. Until then, consider it still active.

Variable Documentation

◆ CBLDefaultConflictResolver

CBL_PUBLIC const CBLConflictResolver CBLDefaultConflictResolver

Default conflict resolver.

This always returns localDocument.

◆ kCBLAuthDefaultCookieName

CBL_PUBLIC const FLString kCBLAuthDefaultCookieName

The name of the HTTP cookie used by Sync Gateway to store session keys.