Couchbase Lite C
Couchbase Lite C API
Macros | Typedefs | Enumerations
FLBase.h File Reference
#include "CompilerSupport.h"
#include "FLSlice.h"

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#define _FLBASE_H


typedef const struct _FLValue * FLValue
 A reference to a value of any type. More...
typedef const struct _FLArray * FLArray
 A reference to an array value. More...
typedef const struct _FLDict * FLDict
 A reference to a dictionary (map) value. More...
typedef struct _FLSlot * FLSlot
 A reference to a mutable array/dict item. More...
typedef struct _FLArray * FLMutableArray
 A reference to a mutable array. More...
typedef struct _FLDict * FLMutableDict
 A reference to a mutable dictionary. More...
typedef struct _FLEncoder * FLEncoder
 A reference to an encoder. More...
typedef struct _FLDoc * FLDoc
 A reference to a document. More...
typedef struct _FLSharedKeys * FLSharedKeys
 A reference to a shared-keys mapping. More...


enum  FLError {
  kFLNoError = 0 , kFLMemoryError , kFLOutOfRange , kFLInvalidData ,
  kFLEncodeError , kFLJSONError , kFLUnknownValue , kFLInternalError ,
  kFLNotFound , kFLSharedKeysStateError , kFLPOSIXError , kFLUnsupported
 Error codes returned from some API calls. More...
enum  FLTrust { kFLUntrusted , kFLTrusted }
 Specifies whether not input data is trusted to be 100% valid Fleece. More...


Fleece does not have a native type for dates or times; like JSON, they are represented as strings in ISO-8601 format, which look like "2008-08-07T05:18:51.589Z".

They can also be represented more compactly as numbers, interpreted as milliseconds since the Unix epoch (midnight at January 1 1970, UTC.)

#define FLTimestampNone   INT64_MIN
 A value representing a missing timestamp; returned when a date cannot be parsed. More...
typedef int64_t FLTimestamp
 A point in time, expressed as milliseconds since the Unix epoch (1-1-1970 midnight UTC.) More...
FLEECE_PUBLIC FLTimestamp FLTimestamp_Now (void)
 Returns an FLTimestamp corresponding to the current time. More...
FLEECE_PUBLIC FLStringResult FLTimestamp_ToString (FLTimestamp timestamp, bool asUTC)
 Formats a timestamp as a date-time string in ISO-8601 format. More...
FLEECE_PUBLIC FLTimestamp FLTimestamp_FromString (FLString str)
 Parses an ISO-8601 date-time string to a timestamp. More...

Macro Definition Documentation


#define _FLBASE_H