The following classes are available globally.
Authenticator objects provide server authentication credentials to the replicator. CBLAuthenticator is an abstract superclass; you must instantiate one of its subclasses. CBLAuthenticator is not meant to be subclassed by applications.
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@interface CBLAuthenticator : NSObject
The CBLBasicAuthenticator class is an authenticator that will authenticate using HTTP Basic auth with the given username and password. This should only be used over an SSL/TLS connection, as otherwise it’s very easy for anyone sniffing network traffic to read the password.
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@interface CBLBasicAuthenticator : CBLAuthenticator
A CBLBlob contains arbitrary binary data, tagged with a MIME type. Blobs can be arbitrarily large, and their data is loaded only on demand (when the
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properties are accessed), not when the document is loaded. The document’s raw JSON form only contains the CBLBlob’s metadata (type, length and a digest of the data) in a small object. The data itself is stored externally to the document, keyed by the digest.Declaration
@interface CBLBlob : NSObject
An authenticator that presents a client certificate to the server during the initial SSL/TLS handshake. This is currently used for authenticating with CBLURLEndpointListener only.
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@interface CBLClientCertificateAuthenticator : CBLAuthenticator
represent a collection which is a container for documents.A collection can be thought as a table in the relational database. Each collection belongs to a scope which is simply a namespace, and has a name which is unique within its scope.
When a new database is created, a default collection named “_default” will be automatically created. The default collection is created under the default scope named “_default”. The name of the default collection and scope can be referenced by using
The default collection cannot be deleted.When creating a new collection, the collection name, and the scope name are required. The naming rules of the collections and scopes are as follows:
- Must be between 1 and 251 characters in length.
- Can only contain the characters A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and the symbols _, -, and %.
- Cannot start with _ or %.
- Both scope and collection names are case sensitive.
object and its reference remain valid until either the database is closed or the collection itself is deleted, in that case it will return CBLErrorNotOpen while accessing the collection APIs.Legacy Database and API
When using the legacy database, the existing documents and indexes in the database will be automatically migrated to the default collection.
Any pre-existing database functions that refer to documents, listeners, and indexes without specifying a collection such as \ref [database documentWithID:]] will implicitly operate on the default collection. In other words, they behave exactly the way they used to, but collection-aware code should avoid them and use the new Collection API instead. These legacy functions are deprecated and will be removed eventually.
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@interface CBLCollection : NSObject <CBLCollectionChangeObservable, CBLIndexable, NSCopying>
The collection change event
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@interface CBLCollectionChange : NSObject
The collection configuration that can be configured specifically for the replication.
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@interface CBLCollectionConfiguration : NSObject
Conflict class, which includes the conflicted documents.
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@interface CBLConflict : NSObject
ConflictResolver class provides access to the default conflict resolver used by the replicator
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@interface CBLConflictResolver : NSObject
CBLCoreMLPredictiveModel is a Core ML based implementation of the CBLPredictiveModel protocol. Basically the CBLCoreMLPredictiveModel used a Core ML model to return prediction results.
CBLCoreMLPredictiveModel automatically converts between Couchbase Lite data and Core ML data when calling into the MLModel object to return prediction results. All Core ML data types including Int64, Double, String, Dictionary, MultiArray, Image, and Sequence are supported.
When the MLObject has a single input and the input type is Image, CBLCoreMLPredictiveModel will use Vision framework via the VNCoreMLModel to process the input image and call into the MLModel object. The CBLCoreMLPredictiveModel supports all VNObservation types including VNClassificationObservation, VNCoreMLFeatureValueObservation, and VNPixelBufferObservation as mentioned in
However there is a compatibility limitation when the VNCoreMLModel returns VNCoreMLFeatureValueObservation or VNPixelBufferObservation results that the MLModel must return a single output, otherwise the observation outputs cannot be mapped to the MLModel outputs. When the VNCoreMLModel cannot be used to result the prediction result, CoreMLPredictiveModel will fall back to use the MLModel instead.
When converting from blob data to VNPixelBuffer for an input image, only ARGB pixel format is currently supported. However this limitation is applied only when the VNCoreMLModel cannot be used.
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@interface CBLCoreMLPredictiveModel : NSObject <CBLPredictiveModel>
A Couchbase Lite database.
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@interface CBLDatabase : NSObject <CBLQueryFactory>
Database Change information
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@interface CBLDatabaseChange : NSObject
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@interface CBLDatabaseConfiguration : NSObject /** Path to the directory to store the database in. If the directory doesn't already exist it will be created when the database is opened. The default directory will be in Application Support. You won't usually need to change this. */ @property (nonatomic, copy) NSString* directory; /** Initializes the CBLDatabaseConfiguration object. */ - (instancetype) init; /** Initializes the CBLDatabaseConfiguration object with the configuration object. @param config The configuration object. @return The CBLDatabaseConfiguration object. */ - (instancetype) initWithConfig: (nullable CBLDatabaseConfiguration*)config; @end
Database based replication target endpoint. Available in the Enterprise Edition only.
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@interface CBLDatabaseEndpoint : NSObject <CBLEndpoint>
CBLDictionary provides read access to dictionary data.
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@interface CBLDictionary : NSObject <CBLDictionary, NSCopying, NSMutableCopying>
A Couchbase Lite document. The CBLDocument is immutable.
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@interface CBLDocument : NSObject <CBLDictionary, NSMutableCopying>
Document change information
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@interface CBLDocumentChange : NSObject
CBLDocumentFragment provides access to a document object. CBLDocumentFragment also provides subscript access by either key or index to the data values of the document which are wrapped by CBLFragment objects.
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@interface CBLDocumentFragment : NSObject <CBLDictionaryFragment>
Document replication event
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@interface CBLDocumentReplication : NSObject
CBLReplicatedDocument contains the information of a document that has been replicated.
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@interface CBLReplicatedDocument : NSObject
An encryption key for a database. This is a symmetric key that be kept secret. It should be stored either in the Keychain, or in the user’s memory (hopefully not a sticky note.)
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@interface CBLEncryptionKey : NSObject
File logger used for writing log messages to files. To enable the file logger, setup the log file configuration and specifiy the log level as desired.
It is important to configure your CBLLogFileConfiguration object appropriately before setting to a logger. Logger make a copy of the configuration settings you provide and use those settings to configure the logger. Once configured, the logger object ignores any changes you make to the CBLLogFileConfiguration object.
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@interface CBLFileLogger : NSObject <CBLLogger>
CBLFragment provides read access to data value. CBLFragment also provides subscript access by either key or index to the nested values which are wrapped by the CBLFragment objects.
@interface CBLFragment : NSObject <CBLFragment, CBLDictionaryFragment, CBLArrayFragment>
Full-text Index Item.
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@interface CBLFullTextIndexItem : NSObject
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@interface CBLFullTextIndexConfiguration : CBLIndexConfiguration /** Set the true value to ignore accents/diacritical marks. */ @property (nonatomic, readonly) BOOL ignoreAccents; /** The language code which is an ISO-639 language such as "en", "fr", etc. Setting the language code affects how word breaks and word stems are parsed. Without setting the value, the current locale's language will be used. Setting a nil or "" value to disable the language features. */ @property (nonatomic, readonly, nullable) NSString* language; /** Constructor for creating a full-text index by using an array of expression strings */ - (instancetype) initWithExpression: (NSArray<NSString*>*)expressions ignoreAccents: (BOOL)ignoreAccents language: (NSString* __nullable)language; @end
CBLIndex represents an index which could be a value index for regular queries or full-text index for full-text queries (using the match operator).
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@interface CBLIndex : NSObject
IndexBuilder used for building database index objects.
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@interface CBLIndexBuilder : NSObject
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@interface CBLIndexConfiguration : NSObject /** Gets the expressions to use to create the index. */ @property (nonatomic, readonly) NSArray<NSString*>* expressions; - (instancetype) init NS_UNAVAILABLE; @end
@interface CBLListenerCertificateAuthenticator : NSObject <CBLListenerAuthenticator>
@interface CBLListenerPasswordAuthenticator : NSObject <CBLListenerAuthenticator>
Log allows to configure console and file logger or to set a custom logger.
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@interface CBLLog : NSObject
Log file configuration.
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@interface CBLLogFileConfiguration : NSObject
@interface CBLMessage : NSObject
@interface CBLMessageEndpoint : NSObject <CBLEndpoint>
@interface CBLMessageEndpointListener : NSObject
@interface CBLMessageEndpointListenerConfiguration : NSObject
@interface CBLMessageEndpointListenerChange : NSObject
@interface CBLMessagingError : NSObject
CBLMutableArray provides access to array data.
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@interface CBLMutableArray : CBLArray <CBLMutableArray>
CBLMutableDictionary is a mutable version of the CBLDictionary.
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@interface CBLMutableDictionary : CBLDictionary <CBLMutableDictionary>
The mutable version of the CBLDocument.
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@interface CBLMutableDocument : CBLDocument <CBLMutableDictionary>
CBLMutableFragment provides read and write access to data value. CBLMutableFragment also provides subscript access by either key or index to the nested values which are wrapped by CBLMutableFragment objects.
@interface CBLMutableFragment : CBLFragment <CBLMutableFragment, CBLMutableDictionaryFragment, CBLMutableArrayFragment>
The prediction model manager for registering and unregistering predictive models.
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@interface CBLPrediction : NSObject
The predictive index used for querying with prediction function. The predictive index is different from the normal index in that the predictive index will cache the prediction result along with creating the value index of the prediction output properties.
The PredictiveIndex can be created by using IndexBuilder’s predictiveIndex() function. If the prediction output properties are not specified, the predictive index will only cache the predictive result so that the predictive model will not be called again after indexing.
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@interface CBLPredictiveIndex : CBLIndex
A database query. A CBLQuery instance can be constructed by calling one of the select methods.
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@interface CBLQuery : NSObject
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@interface CBLQueryArrayExpression : NSObject /** Creates a variable expression that represents an item in the array expression (ANY/ANY AND EVERY/EVERY <variable> IN <expr> SATISFIES <expr>). @param name The variable name. @return The variable expression. */ + (CBLQueryVariableExpression*) variableWithName: (NSString*)name; /** Creates an ANY quantified operator (ANY <variable> IN <expr> SATISFIES <expr>) to evaluate expressions over an array. The ANY operator returns TRUE if at least one of the items in the array satisfies the given satisfies expression. @param variable The variable expression. @param inExpression The IN expression that can be evaluated as an array value. @param satisfies The expression to be evaluated with. @return The ANY quantifies operator. */ + (CBLQueryExpression*) any: (CBLQueryVariableExpression*)variable in: (CBLQueryExpression*)inExpression satisfies: (CBLQueryExpression*)satisfies; /** Creates an ANY AND EVERY quantified operator (ANY AND EVERY <variable name> IN <expr> SATISFIES <expr>) to evaluate expressions over an array. The ANY AND EVERY operator returns TRUE if the array is NOT empty, and at least one of the items in the array satisfies the given satisfies expression. @param variable The variable expression. @param inExpression The IN expression that can be evaluated as an array value. @param satisfies The expression to be evaluated with. @return The ANY AND EVERY quantifies operator. */ + (CBLQueryExpression*) anyAndEvery: (CBLQueryVariableExpression*)variable in: (CBLQueryExpression*)inExpression satisfies: (CBLQueryExpression*)satisfies; /** Creates an EVERY quantified operator (ANY <variable name> IN <expr> SATISFIES <expr>) to evaluate expressions over an array. The EVERY operator returns TRUE if the array is empty OR every item in the array satisfies the given satisfies expression. @param variable The variable expression. @param inExpression The IN expression that can be evaluated as an array value. @param satisfies The expression to be evaluated with. @return The EVERY quantifies operator. */ + (CBLQueryExpression*) every: (CBLQueryVariableExpression*)variable in: (CBLQueryExpression*)inExpression satisfies: (CBLQueryExpression*)satisfies; /** Not available */ - (instancetype) init NS_UNAVAILABLE; @end
CBLQueryArrayFunction provides array based functions.
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@interface CBLQueryArrayFunction : NSObject
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@interface CBLQueryBuilder : NSObject // SELECT > FROM /** Create a query from the select and from component. @param select The select component reresenting the SELECT clause of the query. @param from The from component representing the FROM clause of the query. @return The CBLQuery instance. */ + (CBLQuery*) select: (NSArray<CBLQuerySelectResult*>*)select from: (CBLQueryDataSource*)from; /** Create a distinct query from the select and from component. @param select The select component representing the SELECT clause of the query. @param from The from component representing the FROM clause of the query. @return The CBLQuery instance. */ + (CBLQuery*) selectDistinct: (NSArray<CBLQuerySelectResult*>*)select from: (CBLQueryDataSource*)from; // SELECT > FROM > WHERE /** Create a query from the select, from, and where component. @param select The select component representing the SELECT clause of the query. @param from The from component representing the FROM clause of the query. @param where The where component representing the WHERE clause of the query. @return The CBLQuery instance. */ + (CBLQuery*) select: (NSArray<CBLQuerySelectResult*>*)select from: (CBLQueryDataSource*)from where: (nullable CBLQueryExpression*)where; /** Create a distinct query from the select, from, and where component. @param select The select component representing the SELECT clause of the query. @param from The from component representing the FROM clause of the query. @param where The where component representing the WHERE clause of the query. @return The CBLQuery instance. */ + (CBLQuery*) selectDistinct: (NSArray<CBLQuerySelectResult*>*)select from: (CBLQueryDataSource*)from where: (nullable CBLQueryExpression*)where; // SELECT > FROM > WHERE > ORDER BY /** Create a query from the select, from, where, and order by component. @param select The select component representing the SELECT clause of the query. @param from The from component representing the FROM clause of the query. @param where The where component representing the WHERE clause of the query. @param orderings The ordering components representing the ORDER BY clause of the query. @return The CBLQuery instance. */ + (CBLQuery*) select: (NSArray<CBLQuerySelectResult*>*)select from: (CBLQueryDataSource*)from where: (nullable CBLQueryExpression*)where orderBy: (nullable NSArray<CBLQueryOrdering*>*)orderings; /** Create a distinct query from the select, from, where, and order by component. @param select The select component representing the SELECT clause of the query. @param from The from component representing the FROM clause of the query. @param where The where component representing the WHERE clause of the query. @param orderings The ordering components representing the ORDER BY clause of the query. @return The CBLQuery instance. */ + (CBLQuery*) selectDistinct: (NSArray<CBLQuerySelectResult*>*)select from: (CBLQueryDataSource*)from where: (nullable CBLQueryExpression*)where orderBy: (nullable NSArray<CBLQueryOrdering*>*)orderings; // SELECT > FROM > WHERE > GROUP BY /** Create a query from the select, from, where, and group by component. @param select The select component representing the SELECT clause of the query. @param from The from component representing the FROM clause of the query. @param where The where component representing the WHERE clause of the query. @param groupBy The group by expressions representing the GROUP BY clause of the query. @return The CBLQuery instance. */ + (CBLQuery*) select: (NSArray<CBLQuerySelectResult*>*)select from: (CBLQueryDataSource*)from where: (nullable CBLQueryExpression*)where groupBy: (nullable NSArray<CBLQueryExpression*>*)groupBy; /** Create a distinct query from the select, from, where and group by component. @param select The select component representing the SELECT clause of the query. @param from The from component representing the FROM clause of the query. @param where The where component representing the WHERE clause of the query. @param groupBy The group by expressions representing the GROUP BY clause of the query. @return The CBLQuery instance. */ + (CBLQuery*) selectDistinct: (NSArray<CBLQuerySelectResult*>*)select from: (CBLQueryDataSource*)from where: (nullable CBLQueryExpression*)where groupBy: (nullable NSArray<CBLQueryExpression*>*)groupBy; // SELECT > FROM > WHERE > GROUP BY > HAVING /** Create a query from the select, from, where, groupby and having component. @param select The select component representing the SELECT clause of the query. @param from The from component representing the FROM clause of the query. @param where The where component representing the WHERE clause of the query. @param groupBy The group by expressions representing the GROUP BY clause of the query. @param having The having component representing the HAVING clause of the query. @return The CBLQuery instance. */ + (CBLQuery*) select: (NSArray<CBLQuerySelectResult*>*)select from: (CBLQueryDataSource*)from where: (nullable CBLQueryExpression*)where groupBy: (nullable NSArray<CBLQueryExpression*>*)groupBy having: (nullable CBLQueryExpression*)having; /** Create a distinct query from the select, from, where, groupby and having component. @param select The select component representing the SELECT clause of the query. @param from The from component representing the FROM clause of the query. @param where The where component representing the WHERE clause of the query. @param groupBy The group by expressions representing the GROUP BY clause of the query. @param having The having component representing the HAVING clause of the query. @return The CBLQuery instance. */ + (CBLQuery*) selectDistinct: (NSArray<CBLQuerySelectResult*>*)select from: (CBLQueryDataSource*)from where: (nullable CBLQueryExpression*)where groupBy: (nullable NSArray<CBLQueryExpression*>*)groupBy having: (nullable CBLQueryExpression*)having; // SELECT > FROM > WHERE > GROUP BY > HAVING > ORDER BY > LIMIT /** Create a query from the select, from, where, groupby, having, order by, and limit component. @param select The select component representing the SELECT clause of the query. @param from The from component representing the FROM clause of the query. @param where The where component representing the WHERE clause of the query. @param groupBy The group by expressions representing the GROUP BY clause of the query. @param having The having component representing the HAVING clause of the query. @param orderings The ordering components representing the ORDER BY clause of the query. @param limit The limit component representing the LIMIT clause of the query. @return The CBLQuery instance. */ + (CBLQuery*) select: (NSArray<CBLQuerySelectResult*>*)select from: (CBLQueryDataSource*)from where: (nullable CBLQueryExpression*)where groupBy: (nullable NSArray<CBLQueryExpression*>*)groupBy having: (nullable CBLQueryExpression*)having orderBy: (nullable NSArray<CBLQueryOrdering*>*)orderings limit: (nullable CBLQueryLimit*)limit; /** Create a distinct query from the select, from, where, groupby, having, order by, and limit component. @param select The select component representing the SELECT clause of the query. @param from The from component representing the FROM clause of the query. @param where The where component representing the WHERE clause of the query. @param groupBy The group by expressions representing the GROUP BY clause of the query. @param having The having component representing the HAVING clause of the query. @param orderings The ordering components representing the ORDER BY clause of the query. @param limit The limit component representing the LIMIT clause of the query. @return The CBLQuery instance. */ + (CBLQuery*) selectDistinct: (NSArray<CBLQuerySelectResult*>*)select from: (CBLQueryDataSource*)from where: (nullable CBLQueryExpression*)where groupBy: (nullable NSArray<CBLQueryExpression*>*)groupBy having: (nullable CBLQueryExpression*)having orderBy: (nullable NSArray<CBLQueryOrdering*>*)orderings limit: (nullable CBLQueryLimit*)limit; // SELECT > FROM > JOIN /** Create a query from the select, from, and join component. @param select The select component reresenting the SELECT clause of the query. @param from The from component representing the FROM clause of the query. @param join The join components representing the JOIN clause of the query. @return The CBLQuery instance. */ + (CBLQuery*) select: (NSArray<CBLQuerySelectResult*>*)select from: (CBLQueryDataSource*)from join: (nullable NSArray<CBLQueryJoin*>*)join; /** Create a distinct query from the select from, and join component. @param select The select component representing the SELECT clause of the query. @param from The from component representing the FROM clause of the query. @param join The join components representing the JOIN clause of the query. @return The CBLQuery instance. */ + (CBLQuery*) selectDistinct: (NSArray<CBLQuerySelectResult*>*)select from: (CBLQueryDataSource*)from join: (nullable NSArray<CBLQueryJoin*>*)join; // SELECT > FROM > JOIN > WHERE /** Create a query from the select, from, join and where component. @param select The select component representing the SELECT clause of the query. @param from The from component representing the FROM clause of the query. @param join The join components representing the JOIN clause of the query. @param where The where component representing the WHERE clause of the query. @return The CBLQuery instance. */ + (CBLQuery*) select: (NSArray<CBLQuerySelectResult*>*)select from: (CBLQueryDataSource*)from join: (nullable NSArray<CBLQueryJoin*>*)join where: (nullable CBLQueryExpression*)where; /** Create a distinct query from the select, from, join and where component. @param select The select component representing the SELECT clause of the query. @param from The from component representing the FROM clause of the query. @param join The join components representing the JOIN clause of the query. @param where The where component representing the WHERE clause of the query. @return The CBLQuery instance. */ + (CBLQuery*) selectDistinct: (NSArray<CBLQuerySelectResult*>*)select from: (CBLQueryDataSource*)from join: (nullable NSArray<CBLQueryJoin*>*)join where: (nullable CBLQueryExpression*)where; // SELECT > FROM > JOIN > WHERE > GROUP BY /** Create a query from the select, from, join, where, and group by component. @param select The select component representing the SELECT clause of the query. @param from The from component representing the FROM clause of the query. @param join The join components representing the JOIN clause of the query. @param where The where component representing the WHERE clause of the query. @param groupBy The group by expressions representing the GROUP BY clause of the query. @return The CBLQuery instance. */ + (CBLQuery*) select: (NSArray<CBLQuerySelectResult*>*)select from: (CBLQueryDataSource*)from join: (nullable NSArray<CBLQueryJoin*>*)join where: (nullable CBLQueryExpression*)where groupBy: (nullable NSArray<CBLQueryExpression*>*)groupBy; /** Create a distinct query from the select, from, join, where, and groupby component. @param select The select component representing the SELECT clause of the query. @param from The from component representing the FROM clause of the query. @param join The join components representing the JOIN clause of the query. @param where The where component representing the WHERE clause of the query. @param groupBy The group by expressions representing the GROUP BY clause of the query. @return The CBLQuery instance. */ + (CBLQuery*) selectDistinct: (NSArray<CBLQuerySelectResult*>*)select from: (CBLQueryDataSource*)from join: (nullable NSArray<CBLQueryJoin*>*)join where: (nullable CBLQueryExpression*)where groupBy: (nullable NSArray<CBLQueryExpression*>*)groupBy; // SELECT > FROM > JOIN > WHERE > GROUP BY > HAVING /** Create a query from the select, from, join, where, grop by, and having component. @param select The select component representing the SELECT clause of the query. @param from The from component representing the FROM clause of the query. @param join The join components representing the JOIN clause of the query. @param where The where component representing the WHERE clause of the query. @param groupBy The group by expressions representing the GROUP BY clause of the query. @param having The having component representing the HAVING clause of the query. @return The CBLQuery instance. */ + (CBLQuery*) select: (NSArray<CBLQuerySelectResult*>*)select from: (CBLQueryDataSource*)from join: (nullable NSArray<CBLQueryJoin*>*)join where: (nullable CBLQueryExpression*)where groupBy: (nullable NSArray<CBLQueryExpression*>*)groupBy having: (nullable CBLQueryExpression*)having; /** Create a distinct query from the select, from, join, where, gropu by and having component. @param select The select component representing the SELECT clause of the query. @param from The from component representing the FROM clause of the query. @param join The join components representing the JOIN clause of the query. @param where The where component representing the WHERE clause of the query. @param groupBy The group by expressions representing the GROUP BY clause of the query. @param having The having component representing the HAVING clause of the query. @return The CBLQuery instance. */ + (CBLQuery*) selectDistinct: (NSArray<CBLQuerySelectResult*>*)select from: (CBLQueryDataSource*)from join: (nullable NSArray<CBLQueryJoin*>*)join where: (nullable CBLQueryExpression*)where groupBy: (nullable NSArray<CBLQueryExpression*>*)groupBy having: (nullable CBLQueryExpression*)having; // SELECT > FROM > JOIN > WHERE > ORDER BY /** Create a query from the select, from, join, where and order by component. @param select The select component representing the SELECT clause of the query. @param from The from component representing the FROM clause of the query. @param join The join components representing the JOIN clause of the query. @param where The where component representing the WHERE clause of the query. @param orderings The ordering components representing the ORDER BY clause of the query. @return The CBLQuery instance. */ + (CBLQuery*) select: (NSArray<CBLQuerySelectResult*>*)select from: (CBLQueryDataSource*)from join: (nullable NSArray<CBLQueryJoin*>*)join where: (nullable CBLQueryExpression*)where orderBy: (nullable NSArray<CBLQueryOrdering*>*)orderings; /** Create a distinct query from the select, from, join, where, and order by component. @param select The select component representing the SELECT clause of the query. @param from The from component representing the FROM clause of the query. @param join The join components representing the JOIN clause of the query. @param where The where component representing the WHERE clause of the query. @param orderings The ordering components representing the ORDER BY clause of the query. @return The CBLQuery instance. */ + (CBLQuery*) selectDistinct: (NSArray<CBLQuerySelectResult*>*)select from: (CBLQueryDataSource*)from join: (nullable NSArray<CBLQueryJoin*>*)join where: (nullable CBLQueryExpression*)where orderBy: (nullable NSArray<CBLQueryOrdering*>*)orderings; // SELECT > FROM > JOIN > WHERE > GROUP BY > HAVING > ORDER BY > LIMIT /** Create a query from the select, from, join, where, group by, having, order by, and limit component. @param select The select component representing the SELECT clause of the query. @param from The from component representing the FROM clause of the query. @param join The join components representing the JOIN clause of the query. @param where The where component representing the WHERE clause of the query. @param groupBy The group by expressions representing the GROUP BY clause of the query. @param having The having component representing the HAVING clause of the query. @param orderings The orderings components representing the ORDER BY clause of the query. @param limit The limit component representing the LIMIT clause of the query. @return The CBLQuery instance. */ + (CBLQuery*) select: (NSArray<CBLQuerySelectResult*>*)select from: (CBLQueryDataSource*)from join: (nullable NSArray<CBLQueryJoin*>*)join where: (nullable CBLQueryExpression*)where groupBy: (nullable NSArray<CBLQueryExpression*>*)groupBy having: (nullable CBLQueryExpression*)having orderBy: (nullable NSArray<CBLQueryOrdering*>*)orderings limit: (nullable CBLQueryLimit*)limit; /** Create a distinct query from the select, from, join, where, group by, having, order by and limit component. @param select The select component representing the SELECT clause of the query. @param from The from component representing the FROM clause of the query. @param join The join components representing the JOIN clause of the query. @param where The where component representing the WHERE clause of the query. @param groupBy The group by expressions representing the GROUP BY clause of the query. @param having The having component representing the HAVING clause of the query. @param orderings The ordering components representing the ORDER BY clause of the query. @param limit The limit component representing the LIMIT clause of the query. @return The CBLQuery instance. */ + (CBLQuery*) selectDistinct: (NSArray<CBLQuerySelectResult*>*)select from: (CBLQueryDataSource*)from join: (nullable NSArray<CBLQueryJoin*>*)join where: (nullable CBLQueryExpression*)where groupBy: (nullable NSArray<CBLQueryExpression*>*)groupBy having: (nullable CBLQueryExpression*)having orderBy: (nullable NSArray<CBLQueryOrdering*>*)orderings limit: (nullable CBLQueryLimit*)limit; /** Not available */ - (instancetype) init NS_UNAVAILABLE; @end
CBLQueryChange contains the information about the query result changes reported by a live query object.
See moreDeclaration
@interface CBLQueryChange : NSObject
CBLQueryCollation defines how strings are compared and is used when creating a COLLATE expression. The COLLATE expression can be used in the WHERE clause when comparing two strings or in the ORDER BY clause when specifying how the order of the query results. CouchbaseLite provides two types of the Collation, ASCII and Unicode. Without specifying the COLLATE expression Couchbase Lite will use the ASCII with case sensitive collation by default.
See moreDeclaration
@interface CBLQueryCollation : NSObject
A query data source. used for specifiying the data source for your query. The current data source supported is the database.
See moreDeclaration
@interface CBLQueryDataSource : NSObject
A CBLQueryExpression represents an expression used for constructing a query statement.
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@interface CBLQueryExpression : NSObject
Full-text expression.
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@interface CBLQueryFullTextExpression : NSObject
Full-text function.
See moreDeclaration
@interface CBLQueryFullTextFunction : NSObject
CBLQueryFunction provides query functions.
See moreDeclaration
@interface CBLQueryFunction : NSObject
CBLQueryPredictionFunction that allows to create an expression that refers to one of the properties of the prediction result dictionary.
See moreDeclaration
@interface CBLQueryPredictionFunction : CBLQueryExpression
A CBLQueryJoin represents the JOIN clause in the query statement.
See moreDeclaration
@interface CBLQueryJoin : NSObject
A CBLQueryLimit represents a query LIMIT clause used for constrainting the number of results returned by a query.
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@interface CBLQueryLimit : NSObject
CBLQueryMeta is a factory class for creating the expressions that refers to the metadata properties of the document.
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@interface CBLQueryMeta : NSObject
A CBLQueryOrdering represents a single ordering component in the query ORDER BY clause.
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@interface CBLQueryOrdering : NSObject
CBLQuerySortOrder allows to specify the ordering direction which is an ascending or a descending order
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@interface CBLQuerySortOrder : CBLQueryOrdering
Query parameters used for setting values to the query parameters defined in the query.
See moreDeclaration
@interface CBLQueryParameters : NSObject
CBLQueryResult represents a single row in the query result. The projecting result value can be accessed either by using a zero based index or by a key corresponding to the CBLQuerySelectResult objects given when constructing the CBLQuery object.
A key used for accessing the projecting result value could be one of the followings:
- The alias name of the CBLQuerySelectResult object.
- The last component of the keypath or property name of the property expression used when creating the CBLQuerySelectResult object.
- The provision key in $1, $2, …$N format for the CBLQuerySelectResult that doesn’t have an alias name specified or is not a property expression such as an aggregate function expression (e.g. count(), avg(), min(), max(), sum() and etc). The number suffix after the ‘$’ character is a running number starting from one.
@interface CBLQueryResult : NSObject <CBLArray, CBLDictionary>
CBLQueryResultSet is a result returned from a query. The CBLQueryResultSet is an NSEnumerator of the CBLQueryResult objects, each of which represent a single row in the query result.
See moreDeclaration
@interface CBLQueryResultSet : NSEnumerator <CBLQueryResult *>
A CBLQuerySelectResult represents a returning value in each query result row.
See moreDeclaration
@interface CBLQuerySelectResult : NSObject
See moreDeclaration
@interface CBLQueryVariableExpression : CBLQueryExpression
Combined activity level and progress of a replicator.
See moreDeclaration
@interface CBLReplicatorStatus : NSObject
A replicator for replicating document changes between a local database and a target database. The replicator can be bidirectional or either push or pull. The replicator can also be one-short or continuous. The replicator runs asynchronously, so observe the status property to be notified of progress.
See moreDeclaration
@interface CBLReplicator : NSObject
Replicator status change details.
See moreDeclaration
@interface CBLReplicatorChange : NSObject
Replicator Configuration
See moreDeclaration
@interface CBLReplicatorConfiguration : NSObject
A CBLScope represents a scope or namespace of the collections.
The scope implicitly exists when there is at least one collection created under the scope. The default scope is exceptional in that it will always exists even there are no collections under it.
See moreCBLScope
Lifespan ACBLScope
object remain valid until either the database is closed or the scope itself is invalidated as all collections in the scope have been deleted.Declaration
@interface CBLScope : NSObject
The CBLSessionAuthenticator class is an authenticator that will authenticate by using the session ID of the session created by a Sync Gateway.
See moreDeclaration
@interface CBLSessionAuthenticator : CBLAuthenticator
CBLTLSIdentity provides TLS Identity information including a key pair and X.509 certificate chain used for configuring TLS communication to the listener.
See moreDeclaration
@interface CBLTLSIdentity : NSObject
URL based replication target endpoint.
See moreDeclaration
@interface CBLURLEndpoint : NSObject <CBLEndpoint>
A listener to provide websocket based endpoint for peer-to-peer replication. Once the listener is started, peer replicators can connect to the listener by using CBLURLEndpoint.
See moreDeclaration
@interface CBLURLEndpointListener : NSObject
The configuration used for configuring and creating a URLEndpointListener.
See moreDeclaration
@interface CBLURLEndpointListenerConfiguration : NSObject
Value Index Item.
See moreDeclaration
@interface CBLValueIndexItem : NSObject
See moreDeclaration
@interface CBLValueIndexConfiguration : CBLIndexConfiguration /** Constructor for creating a value index by using an array of expression strings. */ - (instancetype) initWithExpression: (NSArray<NSString*>*)expressions; @end