public final class Collection : CollectionChangeObservable, Indexable, Equatable, Hashable
A Collection
represent a collection which is a container for documents.
A collection can be thought as a table in the relational database. Each collection belongs to a scope which is simply a namespce, and has a name which is unique within its scope.
When a new database is created, a default collection named _default
will be automatically
created. The default collection is created under the default scope named _default
The name of the default collection and scope can be referenced by using
and Scope.defaultScopeName
The default collection cannot be deleted.When creating a new collection, the collection name, and the scope name are required. The naming rules of the collections and scopes are as follows:
- Must be between 1 and 251 characters in length.
- Can only contain the characters A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and the symbols _, -, and %.
- Cannot start with _ or %.
- Both scope and collection names are case sensitive.
CBLCollection Lifespan
A Collection
object and its reference remain valid until either
the database is closed or the collection itself is deleted, in that case it will
throw an NSError with the CBLError.notOpen code while accessing the collection APIs.
Legacy Database and API
When using the legacy database, the existing documents and indexes in the database will be automatically migrated to the default collection.
Any pre-existing database functions that refer to documents, listeners, and indexes without
specifying a collection such as database.document(id:)
will implicitly operate on
the default collection. In other words, they behave exactly the way they used to, but
collection-aware code should avoid them and use the new Collection API instead.
These legacy functions are deprecated and will be removed eventually.
The default scope name constant
public static let defaultCollectionName: String
Collection name.
public var name: String { get }
The scope of the collection.
public let scope: Scope
Total number of documents in the collection.
public var count: UInt64 { get }
Get an existing document by document ID.
Throws an NSError with the CBLError.notOpen code, if the collection is deleted or the database is closed.
public func document(id: String) throws -> Document?
Gets document fragment object by the given document ID.
public subscript(key: String) -> DocumentFragment { get }
Save a document into the collection. The default concurrency control, lastWriteWins, will be used when there is conflict during save.
When saving a document that already belongs to a collection, the collection instance of the document and this collection instance must be the same, otherwise, the InvalidParameter error will be thrown.
Throws an NSError with the CBLError.notOpen code, if the collection is deleted or the database is closed.
public func save(document: MutableDocument) throws
Save a document into the collection with a specified concurrency control. When specifying the failOnConflict concurrency control, and conflict occurred, the save operation will fail with ‘false’ value returned.
When saving a document that already belongs to a collection, the collection instance of the document and this collection instance must be the same, otherwise, the InvalidParameter error will be thrown.
Throws an NSError with the CBLError.notOpen code, if the collection is deleted or the database is closed.
public func save(document: MutableDocument, concurrencyControl: ConcurrencyControl) throws -> Bool
Save a document into the collection with a specified conflict handler. The specified conflict handler will be called if there is conflict during save. If the conflict handler returns ‘false’, the save operation will be canceled with ‘false’ value returned.
When saving a document that already belongs to a collection, the collection instance of the document and this collection instance must be the same, otherwise, the InvalidParameter error will be thrown.
Throws an NSError with the CBLError.notOpen code, if the collection is deleted or the database is closed.
public func save(document: MutableDocument, conflictHandler: @escaping (MutableDocument, Document?) -> Bool) throws -> Bool
Delete a document from the collection. The default concurrency control, lastWriteWins, will be used when there is conflict during delete. If the document doesn’t exist in the collection, the NotFound error will be thrown.
When deleting a document that already belongs to a collection, the collection instance of the document and this collection instance must be the same, otherwise, the InvalidParameter error will be thrown.
Throws an NSError with the CBLError.notOpen code, if the collection is deleted or the database is closed.
public func delete(document: Document) throws
Delete a document from the collection with a specified concurrency control. When specifying the failOnConflict concurrency control, and conflict occurred, the delete operation will fail with ‘false’ value returned.
When deleting a document, the collection instance of the document and this collection instance must be the same, otherwise, the InvalidParameter error will be thrown.
Throws an NSError with the CBLError.notOpen code, if the collection is deleted or the database is closed.
public func delete(document: Document, concurrencyControl: ConcurrencyControl) throws -> Bool
When purging a document, the collection instance of the document and this collection instance must be the same, otherwise, the InvalidParameter error will be thrown.
Throws an NSError with the CBLError.notOpen code, if the collection is deleted or the database is closed.
public func purge(document: Document) throws
Purge a document by id from the collection. If the document doesn’t exist in the collection, the NotFound error will be thrown.
Throws an NSError with the CBLError.notOpen code, if the collection is deleted or the database is closed.
public func purge(id: String) throws
Set an expiration date to the document of the given id. Setting a nil date will clear the expiration.
Throws an NSError with the CBLError.notOpen code, if the collection is deleted or the database is closed.
public func setDocumentExpiration(id: String, expiration: Date?) throws
Get the expiration date set to the document of the given id.
Throws an NSError with the CBLError.notOpen code, if the collection is deleted or the database is closed.
public func getDocumentExpiration(id: String) throws -> Date?
Add a change listener to listen to change events occurring to a document of the given document id. To remove the listener, call remove() function on the returned listener token.
If the collection is deleted or the database is closed, a warning message will be logged.
public func addDocumentChangeListener(id: String, listener: @escaping (DocumentChange) -> Void) -> ListenerToken
Add a change listener to listen to change events occurring to a document of the given document id. If a dispatch queue is given, the events will be posted on the dispatch queue. To remove the listener, call remove() function on the returned listener token.
If the collection is deleted or the database is closed, a warning message will be logged.
public func addDocumentChangeListener(id: String, queue: DispatchQueue?, listener: @escaping (DocumentChange) -> Void) -> ListenerToken
Add a change listener to listen to change events occurring to any documents in the collection. To remove the listener, call remove() function on the returned listener token . If the collection is deleted or the database is closed, a warning message will be logged.
public func addChangeListener(listener: @escaping (CollectionChange) -> Void) -> ListenerToken
Add a change listener to listen to change events occurring to any documents in the collection. If a dispatch queue is given, the events will be posted on the dispatch queue. To remove the listener, call remove() function on the returned listener token.
If the collection is deleted or the database is closed, a warning message will be logged.
public func addChangeListener(queue: DispatchQueue?, listener: @escaping (CollectionChange) -> Void) -> ListenerToken
Return all index names
public func indexes() throws -> [String]
Create an index with the index name and config.
public func createIndex(withName name: String, config: IndexConfiguration) throws
Create an index with the index name and index instance.
public func createIndex(_ index: Index, name: String) throws
Delete an index by name.
public func deleteIndex(forName name: String) throws
public static func == (lhs: Collection, rhs: Collection) -> Bool
public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher)