Class MutableDocument

All Implemented Interfaces:
DictionaryInterface, MutableDictionaryInterface, Iterable<String>

public final class MutableDocument extends Document implements MutableDictionaryInterface
A Couchbase Lite Document. A document has key/value properties like a Map.
  • Constructor Details

    • MutableDocument

      public MutableDocument()
      Creates a new Document object with a new random UUID. The created document will be saved into a database when you call the Database's save(Document) method with the document object given.
    • MutableDocument

      public MutableDocument(@Nullable String id)
      Creates a new Document with the given ID. If the id is null, the document will be created with a new random UUID. The created document will be saved into a database when you call the Database's save(Document) method with the document object given.
      id - the document ID or null.
    • MutableDocument

      public MutableDocument(@NonNull Map<String,Object> data)
      Creates a new Document with a new random UUID and the map as the content. Allowed value types are List, Date, Map, Number, null, String, Array, Blob, and Dictionary. If present, Lists, Maps and Dictionaries may contain only the above types. The created document will be saved into a database when you call with this document object.
      data - the Map object
    • MutableDocument

      public MutableDocument(@Nullable String id, @NonNull Map<String,Object> data)
      Creates a new Document with a given ID and content from the passed Map. If the id is null, the document will be created with a new random UUID. Allowed value types are List, Date, Map, Number, null, String, Array, Blob, and Dictionary. The List and Map must contain only the above types. The created document will be saved into a database when you call the Database's save(Document) method with the document object given.
      id - the document ID.
      data - the Map object
    • MutableDocument

      public MutableDocument(@Nullable String id, @NonNull String json)
      Creates a new Document with the given ID and content from the passed JSON string. If the id is null, the document will be created with a new random UUID. The created document will be saved into a database when you call the Database's save(Document) method with the document object given.
      id - the document ID or null.
      json - the document content as a JSON string.
  • Method Details

    • toMutable

      @NonNull public MutableDocument toMutable()
      Returns the copy of this MutableDocument object.
      toMutable in class Document
      The MutableDocument object
    • setData

      @NonNull public MutableDocument setData(@NonNull Map<String,Object> data)
      Populate a document with content from a Map. Allowed value types are List, Date, Map, Number, null, String, Array, Blob, and Dictionary. If present, Lists, Maps and Dictionaries may contain only the above types. Setting the document content will replace the current data including the existing Array and Dictionary objects.
      Specified by:
      setData in interface MutableDictionaryInterface
      data - the dictionary object.
      this Document instance
    • setJSON

      @NonNull public MutableDocument setJSON(@NonNull String json)
      Populate a document with content from a JSON string. Allowed value types are List, Date, Map, Number, null, String, Array, Blob, and Dictionary. If present, Lists, Maps and Dictionaries may contain only the above types. Setting the document content will replace the current data including the existing Array and Dictionary objects.
      Specified by:
      setJSON in interface MutableDictionaryInterface
      json - the dictionary object.
      this Document instance
    • setValue

      @NonNull public MutableDocument setValue(@NonNull String key, @Nullable Object value)
      Set an object value by key. Allowed value types are List, Date, Map, Number, null, String, Array, Blob, and Dictionary. If present, Lists, Maps and Dictionaries may contain only the above types. An Date object will be converted to an ISO-8601 format string.
      Specified by:
      setValue in interface MutableDictionaryInterface
      key - the key.
      value - the Object value.
      this Document instance
    • setString

      @NonNull public MutableDocument setString(@NonNull String key, @Nullable String value)
      Set a String value for the given key
      Specified by:
      setString in interface MutableDictionaryInterface
      key - the key.
      value - the String value.
      this MutableDocument instance
    • setNumber

      @NonNull public MutableDocument setNumber(@NonNull String key, @Nullable Number value)
      Set a Number value for the given key
      Specified by:
      setNumber in interface MutableDictionaryInterface
      key - the key.
      value - the Number value.
      this MutableDocument instance
    • setInt

      @NonNull public MutableDocument setInt(@NonNull String key, int value)
      Set a integer value for the given key
      Specified by:
      setInt in interface MutableDictionaryInterface
      key - the key.
      value - the integer value.
      this MutableDocument instance
    • setLong

      @NonNull public MutableDocument setLong(@NonNull String key, long value)
      Set a long value for the given key
      Specified by:
      setLong in interface MutableDictionaryInterface
      key - the key.
      value - the long value.
      this MutableDocument instance
    • setFloat

      @NonNull public MutableDocument setFloat(@NonNull String key, float value)
      Set a float value for the given key
      Specified by:
      setFloat in interface MutableDictionaryInterface
      key - the key.
      value - the float value.
      this MutableDocument instance
    • setDouble

      @NonNull public MutableDocument setDouble(@NonNull String key, double value)
      Set a double value for the given key
      Specified by:
      setDouble in interface MutableDictionaryInterface
      key - the key.
      value - the double value.
      this MutableDocument instance
    • setBoolean

      @NonNull public MutableDocument setBoolean(@NonNull String key, boolean value)
      Set a boolean value for the given key
      Specified by:
      setBoolean in interface MutableDictionaryInterface
      key - the key.
      value - the boolean value.
      this MutableDocument instance
    • setBlob

      @NonNull public MutableDocument setBlob(@NonNull String key, @Nullable Blob value)
      Set a Blob value for the given key
      Specified by:
      setBlob in interface MutableDictionaryInterface
      key - the key.
      value - the Blob value.
      this MutableDocument instance
    • setDate

      @NonNull public MutableDocument setDate(@NonNull String key, @Nullable Date value)
      Set a Date value for the given key
      Specified by:
      setDate in interface MutableDictionaryInterface
      key - the key.
      value - the Date value.
      this MutableDocument instance
    • setArray

      @NonNull public MutableDocument setArray(@NonNull String key, @Nullable Array value)
      Set an Array value for the given key
      Specified by:
      setArray in interface MutableDictionaryInterface
      key - the key.
      value - the Array value.
      this MutableDocument instance
    • setDictionary

      @NonNull public MutableDocument setDictionary(@NonNull String key, @Nullable Dictionary value)
      Set a Dictionary value for the given key
      Specified by:
      setDictionary in interface MutableDictionaryInterface
      key - the key.
      value - the Dictionary value.
      this MutableDocument instance
    • remove

      @NonNull public MutableDocument remove(@NonNull String key)
      Removes the mapping for a key from this Dictionary
      Specified by:
      remove in interface MutableDictionaryInterface
      key - the key.
      this MutableDocument instance
    • getArray

      @Nullable public MutableArray getArray(@NonNull String key)
      Get a property's value as a Array. Returns null if the property doesn't exists, or its value is not an array.
      Specified by:
      getArray in interface DictionaryInterface
      Specified by:
      getArray in interface MutableDictionaryInterface
      getArray in class Document
      key - the key.
      the Array object.
    • getDictionary

      @Nullable public MutableDictionary getDictionary(@NonNull String key)
      Get a property's value as a Dictionary. Returns null if the property doesn't exists, or its value is not an dictionary.
      Specified by:
      getDictionary in interface DictionaryInterface
      Specified by:
      getDictionary in interface MutableDictionaryInterface
      getDictionary in class Document
      key - the key.
      the Dictionary object or null if the key doesn't exist.
    • toJSON

      @NonNull public String toJSON()
      Unimplemented: Mutable objects may not be encoded as JSON
      Specified by:
      toJSON in interface DictionaryInterface
      toJSON in class Document
      CouchbaseLiteError - always