と spymemcached
表4.1 Javaクライアントライブラリメソッドの概要
Method | Title |
client.add(key, expiry, value) | Add a value with the specified key that does not already exist |
client.add(key, expiry, value, persistto) | Add a value using the specified key and observe it being persisted on master and more node(s). |
client.add(key, expiry, value, persistto, replicateto) | Add a value using the specified key and observe it being persisted on master and more node(s) and being replicated to one or more node(s). |
client.add(key, expiry, value, replicateto) | Add a value using the specified key and observe it being replicated to one or more node(s). |
client.add(key, expiry, value, transcoder) | Add a value that does not already exist using custom transcoder |
client.append(casunique, key, value) | Append a value to an existing key |
client.append(casunique, key, value, transcoder) | Append a value to an existing key |
client.asyncCAS(key, casunique, value) | Asynchronously compare and set a value |
client.asyncCAS(key, casunique, expiry, value, transcoder) | Asynchronously compare and set a value with custom transcoder and expiry |
client.asyncCAS(key, casunique, value, transcoder) | Asynchronously compare and set a value with custom transcoder |
client.asyncDecr(key, offset) | Asynchronously decrement the value of an existing key |
client.asyncGetAndTouch(key, expiry) | Asynchronously get a value and update the expiration time for a given key |
client.asyncGetAndTouch(key, expiry, transcoder) | Asynchronously get a value and update the expiration time for a given key using a custom transcoder |
client.asyncGet(key) | Asynchronously get a single key |
client.asyncGetBulk(keycollection) | Asynchronously get multiple keys |
client.asyncGetBulk(keyn) | Asynchronously get multiple keys |
client.asyncGetBulk(transcoder, keyn) | Asynchronously get multiple keys using a custom transcoder |
client.asyncGetBulk(keycollection, transcoder) | Asynchronously get multiple keys using a custom transcoder |
client.asyncGet(key, transcoder) | Asynchronously get a single key using a custom transcoder |
client.asyncGetLock(key [, getl-expiry ]) | Asynchronously get a lock. |
client.asyncGetLock(key [, getl-expiry ], transcoder) | Asynchronously get a lock with transcoder. |
client.asyncGets(key) | Asynchronously get single key value with CAS value |
client.asyncGets(key, transcoder) | Asynchronously get single key value with CAS value using custom transcoder |
client.asyncIncr(key, offset) | Asynchronously increment the value of an existing key |
client.cas(key, casunique, value) | Compare and set |
client.cas(key, casunique, expiry, value, transcoder) | Compare and set with a custom transcoder and expiry |
client.cas(key, casunique, value, transcoder) | Compare and set with a custom transcoder |
client.decr(key, offset) | Decrement the value of an existing numeric key |
client.decr(key, offset, default) | Decrement the value of a key, setting the initial value if the key didn't already exist |
client.decr(key, offset, default, expiry) | Decrement the value of a key, setting the initial value if the key didn't already exist, with an expiry |
client.delete(key) | Delete the specified key |
client.getAndTouch(key, expiry) | Get a value and update the expiration time for a given key |
client.getAndTouch(key, expiry, transcoder) | Get a value and update the expiration time for a given key using a custom transcoder |
client.get(key) | Get a single key |
client.getAndLock(key [, getl-expiry ]) | Get and lock Asynchronously |
client.getAndLock(key [, getl-expiry ], transcoder) | Get and lock |
client.getBulk(keycollection) | Get multiple keys |
client.getBulk(keyn) | Get multiple keys |
client.getBulk(transcoder, keyn) | Get multiple keys using a custom transcoder |
client.getBulk(keycollection, transcoder) | Get multiple keys using a custom transcoder |
client.get(key, transcoder) | Get a single key using a custom transcoder |
client.gets(key) | Get single key value with CAS value |
client.gets(key, transcoder) | Get single key value with CAS value using custom transcoder |
client.getStats() | Get the statistics from all connections |
client.getStats(statname) | Get the statistics from all connections |
client.getView(ddocname, viewname) | Create a view object |
client.incr(key, offset) | Increment the value of an existing numeric key |
client.incr(key, offset, default) | Increment the value of an existing numeric key |
client.incr(key, offset, default, expiry) | Increment the value of an existing numeric key | CouchbaseClient([ url ] [, urls ] [, username ] [, password ]) | Create connection to Couchbase Server |
client.prepend(casunique, key, value) | Prepend a value to an existing key using the default transcoder |
client.prepend(casunique, key, value, transcoder) | Prepend a value to an existing key using a custom transcoder |
client.query(view, query) | Query a view | | Create a query object |
client.replace(key, expiry, value) | Update an existing key with a new value |
client.replace(key, expiry, value, persistto) | Replace a value using the specified key and observe it being persisted on master and more node(s). |
client.replace(key, expiry, value, persistto, replicateto) | Replace a value using the specified key and observe it being persisted on master and more node(s) and being replicated to one or more node(s). |
client.replace(key, expiry, value, replicateto) | Replace a value using the specified key and observe it being replicated to one or more node(s). |
client.replace(key, expiry, value, transcoder) | Update an existing key with a new value using a custom transcoder |
client.set(key, expiry, value) | Store a value using the specified key |
client.set(key, expiry, value, persistto) | Store a value using the specified key and observe it being persisted on master and more node(s). |
client.set(key, expiry, value, persistto, replicateto) | Store a value using the specified key and observe it being persisted on master and more node(s) and being replicated to one or more node(s). |
client.set(key, expiry, value, replicateto) | Store a value using the specified key and observe it being replicated to one or more node(s). |
client.set(key, expiry, value, transcoder) | Store a value using the specified key and a custom transcoder. |
client.touch(key, expiry) | Update the expiry time of an item |
client.unlock(key, casunique) | Unlock |