Class SecurityConfig


public class SecurityConfig extends Object
The SecurityConfig allows to enable transport encryption between the client and the servers.
  • Method Details

    • builder

      @Deprecated public static SecurityConfig.Builder builder()
      Instead of creating a new builder, please use CoreEnvironment.Builder.securityConfig(Consumer) and configure the builder passed to the consumer. Note: CoreEnvironment is a base class; you'll probably call that method via a subclass named ClusterEnvironment.
      Creates a builder to customize the SecurityConfig configuration.
      the builder to customize.
    • create

      @Deprecated public static SecurityConfig create()
      Instead, please use CoreEnvironment.Builder.securityConfig(Consumer) and configure the builder passed to the consumer. Note: CoreEnvironment is a base class; you'll probably call that method via a subclass named ClusterEnvironment.
      Creates a SecurityConfig with the default configuration.
      the default security config.
    • enableTls

      @Deprecated public static SecurityConfig.Builder enableTls(boolean tlsEnabled)
      This method creates a new builder. Please see the deprecation notice on builder().
      Enables TLS for all client/server communication (disabled by default).
      tlsEnabled - true if enabled, false otherwise.
      this SecurityConfig.Builder for chaining purposes.
    • enableHostnameVerification

      @Deprecated public static SecurityConfig.Builder enableHostnameVerification(boolean hostnameVerificationEnabled)
      This method creates a new builder. Please see the deprecation notice on builder().
      Allows enabling or disabling hostname verification (enabled by default).

      Note that disabling hostname verification will cause the TLS connection to not verify that the hostname/ip is actually part of the certificate and as a result not detect certain kinds of attacks. Only disable if you understand the impact and risks!

      hostnameVerificationEnabled - set to true if it should be enabled, false for disabled.
      this SecurityConfig.Builder for chaining purposes.
    • enableNativeTls

      @Deprecated public static SecurityConfig.Builder enableNativeTls(boolean nativeTlsEnabled)
      This method creates a new builder. Please see the deprecation notice on builder().
      Enables/disables native TLS (enabled by default).
      nativeTlsEnabled - true if it should be enabled, false otherwise.
      this SecurityConfig.Builder for chaining purposes.
    • trustCertificates

      @Deprecated public static SecurityConfig.Builder trustCertificates(List<X509Certificate> certificates)
      This method creates a new builder. Please see the deprecation notice on builder().
      Loads the given list of X.509 certificates into the trust store.
      certificates - the list of certificates to load.
      this SecurityConfig.Builder for chaining purposes.
    • trustCertificate

      @Deprecated public static SecurityConfig.Builder trustCertificate(Path certificatePath)
      This method creates a new builder. Please see the deprecation notice on builder().
      Loads X.509 certificates from the specified file into the trust store.
      certificatePath - the path to load the certificates from.
      this SecurityConfig.Builder for chaining purposes.
    • trustStore

      @Deprecated public static SecurityConfig.Builder trustStore(KeyStore trustStore)
      This method creates a new builder. Please see the deprecation notice on builder().
      Initializes the TrustManagerFactory with the given trust store.
      trustStore - the loaded trust store to use.
      this SecurityConfig.Builder for chaining purposes.
    • trustStore

      @Deprecated public static SecurityConfig.Builder trustStore(Path trustStorePath, String trustStorePassword, Optional<String> trustStoreType)
      This method creates a new builder. Please see the deprecation notice on builder().
      Loads a trust store from a file path and password and initializes the TrustManagerFactory.
      trustStorePath - the path to the truststore.
      trustStorePassword - the password (can be null if not password protected).
      trustStoreType - the type of the trust store. If empty, the KeyStore.getDefaultType() will be used.
      this SecurityConfig.Builder for chaining purposes.
    • trustManagerFactory

      @Deprecated public static SecurityConfig.Builder trustManagerFactory(TrustManagerFactory trustManagerFactory)
      This method creates a new builder. Please see the deprecation notice on builder().
      Allows to provide a trust manager factory directly for maximum flexibility.

      While providing the most flexibility, most users will find the other overloads more convenient, like passing in a trustStore(KeyStore) directly or via filepath trustStore(Path, String, Optional).

      trustManagerFactory - the trust manager factory to use.
      this SecurityConfig.Builder for chaining purposes.
    • ciphers

      @Deprecated public static SecurityConfig.Builder ciphers(List<String> ciphers)
      This method creates a new builder. Please see the deprecation notice on builder().
      Allows to customize the list of ciphers that is negotiated with the cluster.

      Note that this method is considered advanced API, please only customize the cipher list if you know what you are doing (for example if you want to shrink the cipher list down to a very specific subset for security or compliance reasons).

      If no custom ciphers are configured, the default set will be used.

      ciphers - the custom list of ciphers to use.
      this SecurityConfig.Builder for chaining purposes.
    • tlsEnabled

      public boolean tlsEnabled()
      True if TLS is enabled, false otherwise.
      a boolean if tls/transport encryption is enabled.
    • hostnameVerificationEnabled

      public boolean hostnameVerificationEnabled()
      True if TLS hostname verification is enabled, false otherwise.
    • trustCertificates

      public List<X509Certificate> trustCertificates()
      The list of trust certificates that should be used, if present.
      the list of certificates.
    • trustManagerFactory

      public TrustManagerFactory trustManagerFactory()
      The currently configured trust manager factory, if present.
      the trust manager factory.
    • nativeTlsEnabled

      public boolean nativeTlsEnabled()
      Returns whether native TLS is enabled.
      true if enabled, false otherwise.
    • ciphers

      public List<String> ciphers()
      Returns the custom list of ciphers.
      the custom list of ciphers.
    • decodeCertificates

      public static List<X509Certificate> decodeCertificates(List<String> certificates)
      Helper method to decode string-encoded certificates into their x.509 format.
      certificates - the string-encoded certificates.
      the decoded certs in x.509 format.
    • defaultCiphers

      public static List<String> defaultCiphers(boolean nativeTlsEnabled)
      Lists the default ciphers used for this platform.

      Note that the list of ciphers can differ whether native TLS is enabled or not, so the parameter should reflect the actual security configuration used. Native TLS is enabled by default on the configuration, so if it is not overridden it should be set to true here as well.

      nativeTlsEnabled - if native TLS is enabled on the security configuration (defaults to yes there).
      the list of default ciphers.
    • defaultCaCertificates

      @Volatile public static List<X509Certificate> defaultCaCertificates()
      Returns the Certificate Authority (CA) certificates that are trusted if no other certificate (or other trust source) is specified in the security config.

      Includes the CA certificate(s) required for connecting to hosted Couchbase Capella clusters, plus CA certificates trusted by the JVM's default trust manager.

    • capellaCaCertificates

      @Volatile public static List<X509Certificate> capellaCaCertificates()
      Returns the Certificate Authority (CA) certificates required for connecting to Couchbase Capella.
    • jvmCaCertificates

      @Volatile public static List<X509Certificate> jvmCaCertificates()
      Returns the Certificate Authority (CA) certificates trusted by the JVM's default trust manager. This is a subset of the certificates returned by defaultCaCertificates(); it does not include the Couchbase Capella CA certificate.