Interface BucketTopology

All Known Implementing Classes:
CouchbaseBucketTopology, MemcachedBucketTopology

@Internal public interface BucketTopology
  • Method Details

    • uuid

      String uuid()
      Returns the UUID of the bucket.

      The UUID is an opaque value assigned when the bucket is created. If the bucket is deleted and a new bucket is created with the same name, the new bucket will have a different UUID.

    • name

      String name()
      Returns the name of the bucket.
    • capabilities

      Set<BucketCapability> capabilities()
    • hasCapability

      default boolean hasCapability(BucketCapability capability)
    • nodes

      Returns the subset of cluster nodes that are ready to service requests for this bucket.

      This method is a candidate for eventual removal, since it's used only by unit tests and the code that converts a BucketTopology to a legacy BucketConfig.

    • parse

      @Internal @Nullable static BucketTopology parse( json, List<HostAndServicePorts> nodes, MemcachedHashingStrategy memcachedHashingStrategy)
      nodes - The info from "nodesExt" for nodes that are *also* in the top-level "nodes" array. The presence in both "nodes" and "nodesExt" indicates the node is ready to service requests for this bucket.