Class JacksonJsonSerializer

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class JacksonJsonSerializer extends Object implements JsonSerializer
A serializer backed by a user-provided Jackson ObjectMapper.

In order to use this class you must add Jackson to your class path.

Make sure to register JsonValueModule with your ObjectMapper so it can handle Couchbase JsonObject instances.

Likewise, if you're using the Encrypted annotation for Couchbase Field-Level Encryption, make sure to register EncryptionModule.

Example usage without Couchbase Field-Level Encryption:

 ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
 mapper.registerModule(new JsonValueModule());

 ClusterEnvironment env = ClusterEnvironment.builder()
     .jsonSerializer(new JacksonJsonSerializer(mapper))

Example usage with Couchbase Field-Level Encryption:

 CryptoManager cryptoManager = ...

 ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
 mapper.registerModule(new JsonValueModule());
 mapper.registerModule(new EncryptionModule(cryptoManager));

 ClusterEnvironment env = ClusterEnvironment.builder()
     .jsonSerializer(new JacksonJsonSerializer(mapper))
See Also:
  • Method Details Link icon

    • create Link icon

      public static JacksonJsonSerializer create(com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper mapper)
      Returns a new instance backed by the given ObjectMapper.
      mapper - the custom ObjectMapper to use.
      the Jackson JSON serializer with a custom object mapper.
    • create Link icon

      public static JacksonJsonSerializer create()
      Returns a new instance backed by a default ObjectMapper without encryption support.
      the Jackson JSON serializer with the default object mapper.
    • create Link icon

      public static JacksonJsonSerializer create(CryptoManager cryptoManager)
      Returns a new instance backed by a default ObjectMapper with optional encryption support.
      cryptoManager - (nullable) The manager to use for activating the Encrypted annotation, or null to disable encryption support.
      the Jackson JSON serializer with a provided crypto manager.
    • serialize Link icon

      public byte[] serialize(Object input)
      Description copied from interface: JsonSerializer
      Serializes the given input into its encoded byte array form.
      Specified by:
      serialize in interface JsonSerializer
      input - the object as input.
      the serialized output.
    • deserialize Link icon

      public <T> T deserialize(Class<T> target, byte[] input)
      Description copied from interface: JsonSerializer
      Deserializes raw input into the target class.
      Specified by:
      deserialize in interface JsonSerializer
      Type Parameters:
      T - the generic type to deserialize into.
      target - the target class.
      input - the raw input.
      the deserialized output.
    • deserialize Link icon

      public <T> T deserialize(TypeRef<T> target, byte[] input)
      Description copied from interface: JsonSerializer
      Deserializes raw input into the target type.
      Specified by:
      deserialize in interface JsonSerializer
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type to deserialize into.
      target - the target type.
      input - the raw input.
      the deserialized output.
    • preflightCheck Link icon

      @Internal public static void preflightCheck() throws Throwable
      Throws something if the user-provided Jackson library is absent or broken.
      Throwable - if JacksonJsonSerializer should not be used.
      Implementation Note:
      Looking for ObjectMapper on the class path is not sufficient; we've seen at least one case where ObjectMapper was present but its dependencies were missing.