Class NameValuePairs


public class NameValuePairs extends Object
Represents a query string or form data.

Create an instance using one of the static factory methods.

  • Method Details

    • of

      public static NameValuePairs of(Map<String,?> map)
      Returns a new instance using the entries of the given map in the map's iteration order.
      map - Entries MUST NOT be URL-encoded; they will be URL-encoded automatically
    • of

      public static NameValuePairs of(NameValuePair... pairs)
      Returns a new instance that may have repeated names (for example, "number=1&number=2").
    • of

      public static NameValuePairs of(List<NameValuePair> pairs)
      Returns a new instance that may have repeated names (for example, "number=1&number=2").
    • ofPreEncoded

      public static NameValuePairs ofPreEncoded(String preEncoded)
      Returns an instance that uses the given string as-is.
      preEncoded - URL-encoded query string (without the "?" prefix).
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object