Class AsyncBucketManager


public class AsyncBucketManager extends Object
Performs (async) management operations on Buckets.

All mutating operations on this manager are eventually consistent, which means that as soon as the call returns the operation is accepted by the server, but it does not mean that the operation has been applied to all nodes in the cluster yet. In the future, APIs will be provided which allow to assert the propagation state.

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • createBucket

      public CompletableFuture<Void> createBucket(BucketSettings settings)
      Creates a new bucket on the server.

      The SDK will not perform any logical validation on correct combination of the settings - the server will return an error on invalid combinations. As an example, a magma bucket needs at least 1024 MiB of bucket quota - otherwise the server will reject it.

      settings - the BucketSettings describing the properties of the bucket.
      a CompletableFuture completing when the operation is applied or has failed with an error.
      BucketExistsException - (async) if the bucket already exists.
      CouchbaseException - (async) if any other generic unhandled/unexpected errors.
    • createBucket

      public CompletableFuture<Void> createBucket(BucketSettings settings, CreateBucketOptions options)
      Creates a new bucket on the server with custom options.

      The SDK will not perform any logical validation on correct combination of the settings - the server will return an error on invalid combinations. As an example, a magma bucket needs at least 1024 MiB of bucket quota - otherwise the server will reject it.

      settings - the BucketSettings describing the properties of the bucket.
      options - the custom options to apply.
      a CompletableFuture completing when the operation is applied or has failed with an error.
      BucketExistsException - (async) if the bucket already exists.
      CouchbaseException - (async) if any other generic unhandled/unexpected errors.
    • updateBucket

      public CompletableFuture<Void> updateBucket(BucketSettings settings)
      Updates the settings of a bucket which already exists.

      Not all properties of a bucket can be changed on an update. Notably, the following properties are ignored by the SDK on update and so will not produce an error but also not change anything on the server side:

      The SDK will not perform any logical validation on correct combination of the settings - the server will return an error on invalid combinations. As an example, a magma bucket needs at least 1024 MiB of bucket quota - otherwise the server will reject it.

      settings - the BucketSettings describing the properties of the bucket.
      a CompletableFuture completing when the operation is applied or has failed with an error.
      BucketNotFoundException - (async) if the specified bucket does not exist.
      CouchbaseException - (async) if any other generic unhandled/unexpected errors.
    • updateBucket

      public CompletableFuture<Void> updateBucket(BucketSettings settings, UpdateBucketOptions options)
      Updates the settings of a bucket which already exists with custom options.

      Not all properties of a bucket can be changed on an update. Notably, the following properties are ignored by the SDK on update and so will not produce an error but also not change anything on the server side:

      The SDK will not perform any logical validation on correct combination of the settings - the server will return an error on invalid combinations. As an example, a magma bucket needs at least 1024 MiB of bucket quota - otherwise the server will reject it.

      settings - the BucketSettings describing the properties of the bucket.
      options - the custom options to apply.
      a CompletableFuture completing when the operation is applied or has failed with an error.
      BucketNotFoundException - (async) if the specified bucket does not exist.
      CouchbaseException - (async) if any other generic unhandled/unexpected errors.
    • dropBucket

      public CompletableFuture<Void> dropBucket(String bucketName)
      Drops ("deletes") a bucket from the cluster.
      bucketName - the name of the bucket to drop.
      a CompletableFuture completing when the operation is applied or has failed with an error.
      BucketNotFoundException - (async) if the specified bucket does not exist.
      CouchbaseException - (async) if any other generic unhandled/unexpected errors.
    • dropBucket

      public CompletableFuture<Void> dropBucket(String bucketName, DropBucketOptions options)
      Drops ("deletes") a bucket from the cluster with custom options.
      bucketName - the name of the bucket to drop.
      options - the custom options to apply.
      a CompletableFuture completing when the operation is applied or has failed with an error.
      BucketNotFoundException - (async) if the specified bucket does not exist.
      CouchbaseException - (async) if any other generic unhandled/unexpected errors.
    • getBucket

      public CompletableFuture<BucketSettings> getBucket(String bucketName)
      Loads the properties of a bucket from the cluster.
      bucketName - the name of the bucket for which the settings should be loaded.
      a CompletableFuture completing with the bucket settings or if the operation has failed.
      BucketNotFoundException - (async) if the specified bucket does not exist.
      CouchbaseException - (async) if any other generic unhandled/unexpected errors.
    • getBucket

      public CompletableFuture<BucketSettings> getBucket(String bucketName, GetBucketOptions options)
      Loads the properties of a bucket from the cluster with custom options.
      bucketName - the name of the bucket for which the settings should be loaded.
      options - the custom options to apply.
      a CompletableFuture completing with the bucket settings or if the operation has failed.
      BucketNotFoundException - (async) if the specified bucket does not exist.
      CouchbaseException - (async) if any other generic unhandled/unexpected errors.
    • getAllBuckets

      public CompletableFuture<Map<String,BucketSettings>> getAllBuckets()
      Loads the properties of all buckets the current user has access to from the cluster.
      a CompletableFuture completing with all bucket settings or if the operation has failed.
      CouchbaseException - (async) if any other generic unhandled/unexpected errors.
    • getAllBuckets

      Loads the properties of all buckets the current user has access to from the cluster.
      options - the custom options to apply.
      a CompletableFuture completing with all bucket settings or if the operation has failed.
      CouchbaseException - (async) if any other generic unhandled/unexpected errors.
    • flushBucket

      public CompletableFuture<Void> flushBucket(String bucketName)
      Deletes all documents from ("flushes") a bucket.

      Flush needs to be enabled on the bucket in order to perform the operation. Enabling flush is not recommended in a production cluster and can lead to data loss!

      Keep in mind that flush is not an atomic operation, the server will need some time to clean the partitions out completely. If isolation is preferred in an integration-test scenario, creating individual buckets might provide a better user experience.

      bucketName - the name of the bucket to flush.
      a CompletableFuture completing when the operation is applied or has failed with an error.
      BucketNotFoundException - (async) if the specified bucket does not exist.
      BucketNotFlushableException - (async) if flush is not enabled on the bucket.
      CouchbaseException - (async) if any other generic unhandled/unexpected errors.
    • flushBucket

      public CompletableFuture<Void> flushBucket(String bucketName, FlushBucketOptions options)
      Deletes all documents from ("flushes") a bucket with custom options.

      Flush needs to be enabled on the bucket in order to perform the operation. Enabling flush is not recommended in a production cluster and can lead to data loss!

      Keep in mind that flush is not an atomic operation, the server will need some time to clean the partitions out completely. If isolation is preferred in an integration-test scenario, creating individual buckets might provide a better user experience.

      bucketName - the name of the bucket to flush.
      options - the custom options to apply.
      a CompletableFuture completing when the operation is applied or has failed with an error.
      BucketNotFoundException - (async) if the specified bucket does not exist.
      BucketNotFlushableException - (async) if flush is not enabled on the bucket.
      CouchbaseException - (async) if any other generic unhandled/unexpected errors.